Hana ni Arashi, Volume 9 (はなにあらし)

April 4th, 2022

We have watched Nanoha and Chidori since they began dating. For a very long time, it was under the radar, but as they look towards a wider future together, they’ve been less concerned if their friends know.

Hana ni Arashi, Volume 9 (はなにあらし) is a festival of festivals. Christmas and New Year’s and Valentines Day and all the attendant joys of finding time together, giving each other gifts and spending time with friends.

There is no new ground here; this has been a slow, incredibly gentle first love story. But for all that it’s been fun. And, almost incredibly, it hadsprovided Chidori and Nanoha with people they don’t have to hide in front of. I would not have expected that. But, there they are making chocolate with Mai for Valentine’s Day so she can give it to her new crush….her basketball team sempai. She’s got a much better chance with sempai than she did with Nanoha.

In it’s attempt to not stress anyone out, this narrative is falling a little into the Yuritopia rut – every relationship is romantic, every friendship is pairing up. But you know what? Fine. Let all the kiddies have girlfriends. It won’t hurt them or me. ^_^ Chidori and Nanoha are feeling freer to show physical affection to one another, which also kind of nice.

This is still straight-up girl-meets-girl kind of “Story A.” It remains unlikely to contain a radical coming out scene, or anything other than sweet, cute scenes of first love, coupled with occasional ugh-making bath and locker room scenes. Chidori and Nanoha are adorable and it’s okay for us to just want them and their friends to be happy.


Art – 7
Story – 7
Characters – 8
Yuri – 7
Service – 3 Why? Fucking creepers.

Overall – 7

I am endlessly surprised that this has not been licensed yet.

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