From the gritty world of urban decay and underground mafia golf to the well-manicured lawns of elite golf clubs in the shadow of Mt. Fuji, Birdie Wing -Golf Girls Story-, Season 1, has exactly none of the things you might expect if I mentioned I was watching a “golf anime.”
Birdie Wing has given us a sports anime that is very similar to the isekai of I’m in Love With The Villainess. In sports anime, there will be sweat and tears and hard work and competition and characters striving to reach their goal – this is a genre with rules. Instead, in between Gundam references and throwbacks to Yuri anime of the 00s, we have a a sports anime that gleefully flaunts the rules of the genre. Where ILTV took isekai and squeezed it until it told a story about social justice, Birdie Wing is doing the opposite. Sure, there is sweat and training, but there are no tears here.
In most sports anime, the arrogant and competent athlete is our rival…someone to try and beat, and having beaten, befriend. Not here. In Birdie Wing only the strong survive. Everyone on the screen is confidently arrogant about their skill, and competent enough to back it up: With the most arrogant being Eve and Aoi, whose supreme confidence in their skills turn errors into comedic moments, instead of tragic ones. There is nowhere for them to go but up, like the symbolically rising arc of their shots off tee.
Our team is, in actuality, a comedy troupe composed of two odd couples, a hefty splash of eau de Yuri and a soupçon of old school shoujo series wrapped in the sponsored gear of a sports anime…and an audience of adult Japanese men who are being wooed to play in beautiful, exclusive, undoubtedly outrageously expensive links. Last night, while playing around, I found the Raiou Girls’ School golf team clubhouse in the real world, a clear indication that you and I are not the intended audience of this anime, but merely lucky bystanders.
Season 2 of this delightful romp was announced before Episode 13 premiered on Crunchyroll. Visit the BW official site for spoilers and implications.
Will Aoi, Eve, Ichina and Amane being able to, I dunno, take down the evil, sexy mafia lady and fulfill Coach Gundam-injoke’s dream before he coughs up blood and dies? Probably not, honestly. But I am here for it, no matter.
Which brings me to the Yuri. Is this Yuri? The series has not been at all shy about implying that Eve and Aoi are sisters. In fact, it’s gone out of it’s way to beat us over the head with the idea. Eve is using kisses to coerce Aoi, in an absurdly cute and screencappable way, and Ichina has kindly noticed the Yuri score rising, but whether our ball is headed into the rough or toward the fairway we don’t yet know. (Yes, here at the end, I finally allowed myself a stupid golf metaphor.)

Sceencap by Hyperart Marcus-san
When I initially reviewed Birdie Wing, I asked for a smidge of Yuri…and totally got that and more. I called it “overtly subtextual” in my first review. Now it’s a bit more complicated. Eve is using her natural charm to seduce a willing Aoi, and it’s right there in the open. But will it be passionate platonic sisters or passionate platonic partners in golf or… passionate platonic something else that they’ll shoehorn in? And will we even care?
The good news is that we will get the end of this story, which has me absolutely ecstatic. But…will we get the end we want? Probably not, but we’ve been talking about this series a lot on the Okazu Discord and we think the series has a twist or two up it’s sleeve for us yet.
Art – 8 Great scenery porn and animated drives
Story – 10
Characters – 10
Service – 4 There is some service, but they’re keeping the creep low-key and tolerable
Yuri – What the heck, I’m going for it ……10
Overall – 10
In my recent video on Yuri Studio, Sports in Yuri Anime & Manga, I said that this anime was very close to being the greatest Yuri sports anime of all time. Here at the end of Season 1, Birdie Wing is even closer to being the greatest Yuri sports anime of all time….and I’m not even sure it needs more Yuri to hit that mark. ^_^
What a great anime this is. I can’t wait to rewatch it!
I enjoyed how the second half basically threw a sukeban into Marimite.
The piled on more Gundam references. ^_^