I Can’t Believe I Slept With You, Volume 2

July 22nd, 2022

In Volume 1, we met Koduka, unemployed and kind of a hopeless mess. Without a job or money, Koduka strikes a bargain with her landlady – her rent for “favors.” Due to alcohol and desperation, her first “favor” is sex. The landlady is upset with herself for going there, and resets their favors to holding hands or going shopping together. Unbeknownst to Koduka, the landlady is, actually, in love with her.

In I Can’t Believe I Slept With You, Volume 2, a new tenant moves in to the building and in on Koduka. Once Setouchi sees how the landlady reacts to this, she wisely backs off. But now Koduka has a new friend…one she may be able to confide in? Setouchi admits that she missed out on love with a woman due to her own doubts. We learn that one of the major problems here is that Koduka may be interested, but she’s definitely clueless. That said, everyone – Setouchi and Koduka’s best friend, are doing their level best to clue Koduka in. It works! But there’s another hurdle. As a gay woman, the landlady is unwilling to confess to someone she thinks is straight and digging herself further in on not believing Koduka can possibly like her that way.

Koduka’s favors are getting sweeter and more personalized, which has the landlady struggling. She is sure Koduka isn’t interested in her, but Koduka is not sure at all about that. A discussion with her friend Aoi makes her more convinced that she does have feelings for the landlady…but her attempts at honesty are now shrugged off as “favors.”

This series is very much at a turning point here in Volume 2. Either it resolves next volume…or it becomes the worst kind of romantic comedy, where two people who like each other and would be fine together…aren’t, because reasons. The good news is that in this volume Koduka makes a step away from hapless. Now we need the landlady to move away from hopeless. If Volume 3 sets them up for success, I’ll be very pleased. We’ll find out in November when volume 3 hits shelves in English!


Art – 8
Story – 7, but there is a shift here, at least on Koduka’s side
Characters – 7, same.
Service – 5 a breast or two
Yuri – 8 Not just the main couple, either.

Overall  – Still holding at 7

For what is, if we are being honest, a weak set-up, there’s enough humanity in the characters that I want to see that they will be happy.

3 Responses

  1. Mariko says:

    Hopefully less of a “spoiler” than an “appetite whetter,” but the final volume does, in fact, have a very sweet and satisfactory resolution. :) It even ties up some loose ends we didn’t know we had that help explain the situation a lot better. My only criticism is that I had higher hopes for the art in the final volume, which to me seemed to be lower quality than the first. But on a story front it was nice.

    • Scott says:

      Totally agree. I’ve read this series a few times already. I like Koduka’s reassessment of her life and the more deliberate (but clumsy) steps she begins taking.

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