Birdie Wing: Golf Girls’ Story on Nintendo Switch, Guest Review by Eleanor W.

September 13th, 2023

Hello again. Iā€™m back for another game review. You can find me lurking around the Internet @st_owly as usual. Today I’m looking at:

Birdie Wing: Golf Girlsā€™ Story. The Nintendo Switch Game

I LOVE Birdie Wing, itā€™s everything I ever wanted out of a sports anime, so I was very excited to discover this was being localised, butā€¦

When you first load the game, thereā€™s a quick tutorial to show you the controls, then on you go to ā€œstory mode,ā€ which loosely follows the storyline of the anime and sets up matches against various characters. And when I say ā€œlooselyā€ I mean it. Thereā€™s no meat to it, barely any of the anime story is actually there, itā€™s more like random characters appear, thereā€™s a bit of dialogue and challenge Eve to a match. When you finally beat the last stage it just kind of stops and puts you back to the main menu so quickly you donā€™t realise whatā€™s happened, and thereā€™s no resolution to the story or anything. My main thought was ā€œthatā€™s it??ā€

Thereā€™s also a free play mode which is just the Nafrece U15 course and Anriā€™s putting shop. 

The graphics are fine; nothing special, but not terrible either. One big omission is that thereā€™s no voice acting, even just yelling the names of the attacks when you/your opponent used them would be better than silence. The multi hole stages are also incredibly frustrating, as you canā€™t save after each hole, so if you fail the stage you have to go right back to the beginning. I lost count of how many times I failed the final 6 hole stage, but I do think the game learns when youā€™re bad at it and matches your opponent to your level. It’s very bizarre seeing Eve and co get double bogeys.  (I HATE PUTTING). 

The best way I can really describe this game is half finished and wasted potential. It seems like thereā€™s so much more that could be done with it, but for whatever reason it was rushed out in this incredibly incomplete state. 

Let the record show that I did *once* get an eagle. Iā€™ve never yet managed it again. 

The music is also just generic elevator music, the developers definitely missed a trick by not even having “Venus Line” as the menu music. The translation is also patchy at best, with lots of spelling errors and awkwardly constructed sentences. A Chinese translation is also available in the settings menu but I canā€™t comment on that.  

Example of the type of spelling/grammar mistake the dialogue is littered with. 



Art/music – 5/10. Thoroughly inoffensive and forgettable

Yuri/service – 0/10. Both non-existent. 

Story – 0/10. What story?

Characters – 1/10. Who are these people and why do they keep challenging me to play golf with them?

Gameplay – 3/10. A couple of little tweaks would make it so much less frustrating. I eventually developed a strategy which involved as little putting as possible and eventually finished the game, but it took *many* hours. 

Overall 3/10. Itā€™s just a golf sim which happens to be loosely inspired by Birdie Wing. Donā€™t bother with it, even if you like golf sims, because itā€™s not even that great at that. And for the love of all that is holy please get a native speaker to proofread the translated dialogue before you release something. 

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