Archive for 2023

Koi To Yobu Ni Wa Ao Sugiru, Volume 1 (恋と呼ぶには青すぎる)

October 9th, 2023

Right now on Yuri lists across the Internets, there are a number of Yuri + Food stories. If you are a regular reader here you know two things – 1) I love food more than I love Yuri and 2) Yuri Lists lie.

Which is to say, quite often what one person feels as “Yuri,” others might not. I have read a bunch of stories that either did not feel Yuri, or just weren’t speaking to me; over the years I’ve made an effort to not become cynical about yet another suggestion.  Well, friends, after a couple of series where the Yuri and food did not gel into a coherent narrative, I have found one that was cute…if you like manga in which people shout a lot. ^_^ 

Koi To Yobu Ni Wa Ao Sugiru (恋と呼ぶには青すぎる) by Makotokun is kinda fun, kinda annoying and actually kinda fun. ^_^ Subtitled “Too blue to call love” (In English we’d probably say too green, rather than blue, i.e., too new and fresh) this story was shared on Twitter and has garnered the creator more than 15K followers.

Kyouko runs an izakaya with her brother. She’s cute in a very boyish, immature way. The regulars at the bar tease her pretty gently and she responds by overreacting, cutely.  Her eyes are on Midori, a regular who has a cheating boyfriend. Kyouko can say and do nothing but watch over the beautiful Midori, until one day, the boyfriend walks in the door with another girl and Kyouko loses it. After she rakes Baba up one side and down the other, who should walk in but Midori, who does likewise. Midori ask Kyouko out to get tea one day and leaves her steaming with anticipation and embarrassment.

Kyoko’s brother finds ex-boyfriend Baba alone and sad and ends up taking him out for a drink. The situation between him and Midori is more complicated than it appears. The brother ends up taking Baba home to dry him out.

Kyouko’s brother is thrilled to see Kyouko and Midori get together, he just also thinks Baba’s kind of pathetic and needs a friend. He’s not wrong. In the meantime, Midori and Kyouko go out to a movie and a snack and get to know one another and Midori is very clear that she like-likes Kyouko, who explodes visibly. The next time Midori and Kyouko are out, they comes across Baba and her brother, who invites them all to sit and talk…and weird friendship is born. When Kyouko goes out to buy some nice clothes for her date with Midori she runs into Baba, who picks out a very fashionable outfit for her. Midori admits later that the outfit that she’s wearing was also chosen by him. Midori is comfortable taking the lead in this relationship which is good, because she’d grow old waiting for Kyouko.

This could be the most annoying story ever, but oddly, it’s not. ^_^ 

The art is fun if not clean, and the characters are all likable – even, annoyingly, Baba. The brother (I think his name is Miyabi) watches over everything with a beatific smile and you just cannot dislike him. Kyouko’s charm is her overreactions and showing everything on her face. And Midori seems like a nice person, once she decides to move on. It’s all just kinda cute.

The food and drink is a backdrop, rather than scenery. We get occasional dishes announced but this is not She Loves To Cook, She Loves To Eat. There are no lingering looks at beautifully prepared meals here, just another order and another beer.


Art – 7
Characters – 7
Story – 7
Service – 0
Yuri – 6 to start

Overall –  7

The real question is, would I read the second volume, which came out this past summer. Probably, with the thought that, like the above-mentioned She Loves To Cook, She Loves To Eat, the publisher is “it comics,” which has been promising. Let’s say it’s very likely that I’ll read V2, eventually. It was fun enough, if a little shouty.

Josei ga Otoko Kimono o Kiru Shashin-shuu (女性が男着物を着る写真集)

October 8th, 2023

9 Panels, 7 of which include portions of the "genderless kimono" photoshoots from the interior, the remaining two have the book titles and creator names.This world is a fascinating and wonderful place.

A few months ago, a Japanese crowdfund project wandered over my feed and I immediately backed it. Kimono artist Remake-ya Candy and photographer Sato Hiroko were collaborating on a photo album of women wearing men’s kimono. Candy’s goal is to bring kimono back as daily wear, and Sato is a photographer who combines whimsical and classical beautifully. They seemed like a great collaboration for this “genderless kimono” project.

This week I received my copy of the Josei ga Otoko Kimono o Kiru Shashin-shuu (女性が男着物を着る写真集) and it gets a two-thumbs up from me. Because the pictures from the album itself have not been shared publicly, I’m only sharing here an image from the Campfire campaign page and the cover, but I strongly recommend following both Sato and Candy on Twitter for fun kimono photos.

First of all, I loved the premise. No surprise. But surprisingly, I actually loved most of the photoshoots. Each model is wearing a custom kimono that really suits them, then they are photographed multiple times in settings around a city, cafe or photoshoot set for maximum mood. Really lovely photos. As a testament to both kimono maker and photographer, this book is excellent.

The final pages include some backers who chose to participate in a photoshoot in genderless kimono. In many ways these are even better, as they are just everyday people who are wearing such incredible clothing and looking so damn good doing it, that it makes one want to run out and hire both Candy and Sato.

The campaign was a raging success, bring in nearly 3x the initial goal, with 132 backers. That indicates to me, that most of the backers threw a lot of money at this project. I know I would sure have participated at a higher level if I was in Japan. ^_^

I don’t often review crowdfunding rewards on Okazu for several reasons. One, if the book is not available for sale, that usually makes it awkward. And, quite often the reward is…okay. It wasn’t why I backed the project. In this case, the photo album is lovely and will definitely find a place on my shelves next to Tokyo Bois! and a few other queer-friendly photo books I have. ^_^


Overall – 9

Really fun to flip through and appreciate fashion and location…and models. ^_^

Via YNN Correspondent Amy M, take a look at this NHK video on kimono artist Candy for some fun looks.

Yuri Network News – (百合ネットワークニュース) – October 7, 2023

October 7th, 2023

In blue silhouette, two women face each other. One wears a fedora and male-styled attire, one is in a dress and heels. Their body language is obscure - they may be dancing, or laughing or fighting. Art by Mari Kurisato for OkazuYuri VN News

Studio Élan held their Élan Festival last week, so we have a number of news items! From their press release: “Please Be Happy has passed over 5k copies sold! PBH will be celebrating its 1st birthday-anniversary next month and to celebrate we have brand new anniversary merch available for pre-order and a reprint of the PBH art book hic et nunc.”

Our Home, My Keeper is a new collaboration with Ebi-hime. This follows an author whose new home comes with a friendly fairy. ^_^

They are overhauling the art for Lock & Key: A Magical Girl Mystery, and they are planning a Kickstarter next year for this VN, but a demo is available now on Steam.

They’ve also announced Love in a Bottle, “a point-and-click yuri romance game about a love demon trying to make it on her own in the world- but there’s too many hot women for her to meet! We’re happy to share that jaxcheese will be composing the game’s OST with hazel contributing to the character themes.” This is slated for a February 14, 2024 release. They ask you to Wishlist it on Steam.

The demo for Bellhouse’s Twofold, a tale of campus club rivalry, is now live on Steam & The release for this should be the end of this month. This takes place about a month after their VN First Snow.

Coming up next is Summer at the Edge of the Universe, a sci-fi road trip, the demo for which is available now to Patrons of Élan. ^_^


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Yuri Manga

Adrian Hazra on ANN has the news on Isaki Uta’s newest manga, Leaper. Irodori comics is running a Kickstarter for a collection of Isaki-sensei’s work, Isaki Uta – The Lost & Found Collection. This collection will include four manga centered around queer life.

Kita no Onna ni Tamesaretai(北の女に試されたい)is getting a sequel manga. Read my review of the series on Okazu in 2021 dnd check out the first chapter of the sequel, Kita no Onna ni Tamesaretai – 2nd Trip –(北の女に試されたい – 2nd Trip -) on Yuri Navi!

Nagata Kabi-sensei has announced a new My Lesbian Experience With Loneliness Special Edition in hardcover, with metalic highlights on the cover.


Yuri Anime

Crunchyroll is streaming Power of Hope ~ Precure Full Bloom starting today.  We’ll get to see what happens to PreCure when they grow up a bit. Crystalyn Hodgkins has the details on ANN. I have been assured many times that Gogo Precure has a Yuri couple and the trailer for this seems to at least imply feelings may still exist there. I’ll remain hopeful.


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Yuri Events

The Yuriten Event has put together a nice little promotional video for Twitter. Right now they have locations in Tokyo and Osaka. Their store is online and with a shipping service, you can already place pre-orders for goods! There are drop-downs to browse by series, creator or kinds of goods, which I think is fantastic.

The Shortbox Comics Fair is up and has categories for Sapphic, LGBTQ and Queer comics. This is a terrific way to celebrate and support independent comics creators. Go pick a few new comics!


Other News

The official Wataoshi Twitter account has been sharing illustrations by other manga artists celebrating the I’m In Love With The Villainess anime. Check them out for some lovely art by artists you know and new ones to follow!


If you’d like to support Yuri journalism and research, Patreon and Ko-Fi are where we currently accept subscriptions and tips.  Our goal now, into 2024, is to raise our guest writers’ wages to above industry standard, which are too low!

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Fall Cleanup Lucky Box Bonanza! – All Claimed

October 4th, 2023

My office is once again in desperate need of a cleanup, so it’s time for some Lucky Boxes!

This time we have 5 Lucky boxes – all are premium boxes with media, manga, candy and toys. They also include other flat fun things like stickers, bookmarks or postcards which are equally random and frequently bizarre (and often not at all Yuri.) As always, there are candy and toys. The larger boxes have a few other surprises, as well!

My promise to you is that you’ll get random things, sometimes in other in random things. ^_^ I assure you that this is all 100%, unadulterated stuff.

This time we have 1  Very Large USPS box (which is listed on the box as Large Mailing box, but it’s about twice the size of the Large Flat Rate box, go figure, so I’m calling it the Very Large box,) 2 Large USPS Flat Rate and 2 Medium USPS flat rate boxes.


We have one Box remaining!
Medium Box 2 – $30

1 Very Large Box – $75Claimed
Large Box 1
– $50 – Claimed
Large Box 2 – $50
– Claimed
Medium Box 1  $30 –  Claimed
Medium Box 2  $30 –  Claimed


To be eligible to buy a Lucky Box, follow these instructions carefully. Please. Thank you. Failure to follow all of these instructions will disqualify you. It’s not personal, they are all claimed pretty quickly and I don’t have time to track you down for a piece of information.

1. You must live in the Continental USA (contiguous 48) only, no APO/FPOs. This is disappointing for me too, so I apologize.

2. You must be over 18, I am not policing books or recipients.

3. Email me with the Yuricon Contact Form with the subject “Lucky Box.” Use an email you check regularly, because I will reply asap. The first person who responds to my email gets the box.

4. *****Please include your name, age, mailing address. ***** Tell me which box you want. Even if you’ve given me your address previously, please include it, I am very lazy.

5. I will contact you at that point and give you details about payment by Paypal. Please be prepared to check your email and get payment out so this post doesn’t linger. Thanks in advance. These will be shipped out asap, as well; the whole point of this is to get these out of my house. ^_^

This whole process will be handled with utmost capriciousness, as usual. ^_^

Get your Lucky Boxes and get this stuff out of my house!

First Look at I’m In Love With The Villainess Anime

October 2nd, 2023

Today was the day we’ve been waiting for! I’m In Love With The Villainess anime has premiered on Crunchyroll. With an English dub, as well as the Japanese audio track.

As I said in a comment on the first episode, this is the Yuriest anime that has ever been made, since it is literally centered around the romantic relationship of two women right from the first moments. As those of us  who have read the novels know, it also becomes progressively queerer as it unfolds. We should find out next episode how much of that is retained. For these things alone, I would love this anime.

The narrative  – especially in these early scenes – are wholly character-driven, so it’s a pleasure to know that the voice cast really made it all work. I actually laughed out loud twice watching this first episode, even though I anticipated the gags. inori-sensei commented on her Pixiv Fanbox that at the live premier event in Japan, she was worried that people might not react to the jokes, but there was plenty of laughter. The funny bits were, genuinely, funny. I’m going to rewatch the episode later this week as a dub and see how the jokes land.

Serizawa Yuu as Rae and Nanami Karen as Claire have really dug deep on these characters and made them come to life. Of course the supporting cast is also terrific and it felt very comfortable to hear the three Princes, Pipi, Loretta and Misha all sound, well, like they sounded in my head, honestly.  Kenn’s Rod Bauer was so full of bonhomie, I kinda sympathized with Rae’s dislike of him. ^_^

The one real weak spot of this anime is the animation. I have a number of thoughts about that. First, let’s just acknowledge that there’s a good chance that it simply was given a limited budget. That happens and I would not hold it against them any more than usual. I’d rather the animators get more time and money every time, but no one asks me. That said, we can do some justification …and projection…without too many mental calisthenics.

To begin with, this story begins in the world of an otome game, so the animation might be reflective of that. Otome games are, like other sims, usually pretty flatly animated in a puppet show kind of way. The backgrounds here are often ignored for sound effects and other gimmicks, which are, yes, money savers, but also give this early phase a gag manga feel. It would be kind of cool if, as the story developed, so did the animation. I don’t think that’s going to happen, but I’d love to see it.

We can see a little bit of the initial arc of the story from the opening credits. At the very least we can see that the Commoner Movement arc will be included and, with the addition of Mizuki Nana to the cast as Manaria, it’s a good bet that it will go through the Scales of Love arc. That means we’re definitely getting into more serious territory before the season ends. And here, I am going to digress, but I will be back to conjecture further.

Today on Twitter, the official wataoshi account announced that Blu-Ray Box pre-orders are available at various Japanese anime outlets. (That link will take you direct to King Records to pre-order.) Different stores have different extras, as usual, and folks who pre-order will get a special copy of “Rae’s doujinshi” story that she wrote for Revolution, of course, written by inori.-sensei herself. The BD box is slated for a February 2024 release, so that’s an extremely early pre-order period. inori.-sensei commented on Twitter that expectations for success were very high so the BD Box was arranged even though the anime had not yet aired.

So, back to conjecture. I think that pre-orders for the box set may well be used to determine if a second season will bring it to the end of the Revolution arc. Sales for that could determine whether we ever see a Nur or DQ arc – highly unlikely, but not wholly impossible. Sure, the anime also may exist in part to bump up sales of the ongoing manga and the print volumes of the novel and I hope they do! There’s nothing wrong with that. Ichijinsha’s done a decent job extending the life of several series that way.

Definitely give the series a watch. It’s fun and goofy and deep and serious and very queer and we’ve never seen an anime like this before, really. As we discussed on the Okazu Discord as I typed, if you want to get someone into Yuri, this would be a good place to start! Like isekai? We have series for you! How about high fantasy?  We got you covered. Looking for LGBTQ+ anime – it’s here. Oh…you like Sci-fi….well, sit down and let me tell you….  Looking for something with social consciousness? This is what you’re looking for !

So grab your friends and get them aboard the Yuri train with I’m in Love With the Villainess, streaming now on Crunchyroll.


Art – 6
Story – 9
Characters – 100
Yuri – 8
Service  – This is a complicated question… Let’s take a look at it again later

Overall – 9

A fun start to what I hope will be a story that takes audiences to very gay places they have never been before. ^_^

Next up for us, would be to pressure Crunchyroll to provide us with premium BD box sets so we can get that doujinshi, too!  I mean, I can see myself pre-ordering the JP set just for that….please don’t make me do that, Crunchyroll.