Archive for 2023

Thai Yuri Dramas Show Me Love and Be Mine, Guest Review by Frank H

August 9th, 2023

After creating hundreds of live-action BL series, TV producers in Thailand have turned their attention to live-action yuri, spurred by the breakout success of GAP: The Series, which racked up millions of views on YouTube due to the chemistry between its two leads, Sarocha Chankimha (“Freen”) and Rebecca Patricia Armstrong (“Becky”).

Two new series, one already released and the other still in production, illustrate different approaches to satisfying this newfound demand.

Show Me Love: The Series was one of the first out of the gate, but was hobbled by being originally released on a for-pay streaming service. After complaints from fans, its production company, GrandTV, is now re-editing and re-releasing it for YouTube, beginning with “Part 1 of episode 1” at the time of writing the first six episodes (out of nine) are available for viewing. (At time of pot, the first 7 episodes are available!)

Show Me Love was created by a company that puts on beauty pageants, stars two former beauty pageant contestants (with a host of other contestants in supporting roles) and has a plot about competing in a beauty pageant. It even includes scenes that feature fans shipping the contestants and criticizing ships that appear fake.

This last is an inadvertent self-own, as Show Me Love’s fatal flaw is the weakness of the relationship between the two leads: Engfa Waraha as Meena, a country girl come to the big city, gives a much more expressive and appealing performance than Charlotte Austin as Cherine, a former contestant returning to try for a first victory. As a result, their interactions often come across as flat and even forced, especially in the earlier episodes. The show’s relative paucity of views compared to GAP reflects that weakness.

Yet to be filmed is Be Mine: The Series from IS Entertainment, a new production company, although an Official Prologue was released to YouTube a few months ago. (It has over 1.5 million views thus far.) Be Mine is based on four linked novels, Be My Baby, More & More, Be My Sugar, and Be My Boo by Khun Phuying (คุณผู้หญิง) and is planned to be adapted into a 16-episode series, four episodes per couple.

IS Entertainment is attempting to replicate the winning playbook followed by IdolFactory, the producers of GAP: release a pilot to get feedback and adjust accordingly, keep fans interested and involved by releasing a flood of show-related content (including behind-the-scenes YouTube videos, Instagram photos, and TikTok snippets showing interactions between the young women portraying the couples), and monetize through product sponsorships and fan meets.

IS Entertainment is going even further than IdolFactory in explicitly seeking to promote LGBTQ-related issues via the show and its fandom. As part of their celebration of Pride Month they even brought in a professor to hold a “gender seminar” to present “Queer 101“ facts and concepts to the cast and selected fans.

The company has also cast Montana Chuthatus (“Gene”), a trans woman, in a supporting role in the show; she’ll appear in flashbacks as the former partner of Peak (played by IS Entertainment CEO Namhom Atchareeya), the proprietor of a café that the four couples frequent. Thai TV shows have a reputation for having trans actors give exaggerated performances, often for comic relief. (GAP is guilty of this, as is Show Me Love to a certain extent.) Given IS Entertainment’s track record thus far, I’m confident that this won’t be the case with Be Mine.

But in the end the success of Be Mine, like that of GAP and Show Me Love, will be determined primarily by the on-screen romantic chemistry of its leads. Such chemistry can be discovered, as it was when Freen and Becky appeared in small roles in an earlier IdolFactory production; it remains to be seen whether it can be workshopped.

Ratings for Show Me Love:

Production quality – 7
Story – 2  Do you enjoy watching reality shows about beauty pageants? Me neither
Characters – 4  Heidi Amanda Jensen plays a delightfully bitchy contestant
Service – 3  Revealing but SFW pageant gowns
Yuri – 4  Through episode 6, longing gazes, two almost kisses, and a wedding dress dream sequence

Overall – 3  If I hadn’t been reviewing this I would have stopped after the second episode

It’s premature to rate Be Mine: the Series, especially since one of the roles has been recast since the pilot.


Watashi no Yuri ha Oshigoto Desu!, Volume 12 (私の百合はお仕事です!)

August 8th, 2023

Two girls in green, old-fashioned Japanese school uniforms embrace. A girl with blond hair and glasses tenderly holds a girl with blue hair, who holds on tentatively.Quite recently, we had a wonderful review on Okazu by Christian LeBlanc on Yuri is My Job!, Volume 11. That review motivated me to reach right into the middle of my to-read pile and pull out the Japanese edition of the next volume, Watashi no Yuri ha Oshigoto Desu!, Volume 12 (私の百合はお仕事です!). Volume 11 leaves us in a tense spot, and I knew from reading chapters in Comic Yuri Hime, that Volume 12 was gonna be explosive. Re-reading it all together was…phew. I want to say Content Warning, but explaining why is a spoiler, so please check at the bottom of this post.*

At the end of Volume 11, we are left with Kanoko in a very tight spot – “in a pinch” as they say in the manga/anime world rather more often than we do in English. She has, for better or for worse, been invited to Youko’s hotel room. Of course that leaves us, the readership over 30 or so, screaming our lungs out at the page. \(‘O’)/

What follows is two delusions colliding, like a truck into a overpass pile. Kanoko, obsessed with Hime, unwilling to see past her, is a unmovable object wholly unprepared for Youko’s delusion. Youko, used to using her body and using other women, doesn’t take Kanoko’s personality into account at all…in fact she barely sees her as she slams her use of sex into Kanoko at 100kpm. The whole situation is messy and appalling, and hurtful, even if no one gets hurt. Kanoko takes a couple of emotional hits. That they were deserved does not take away from the fact that it didn’t have to be – should not have been – like this. Youko is wholly loathsome throughout.

So, the finale, when it comes, is a less of a balm to raw emotions (that will come later) than another vehicle slamming into that same accident under the overpass.**

Finally, Sumika and Kanoko actually talk.

And here, at last, is where I disagree with my esteemed colleague Christian. I completely see his interpretation of Miman’s story calling out “S” culture, but I believe that this whole story has been validating it. Yes, what ‘S’ has become – a pastiche, a trope – can be harmful when people who don’t understand their own feelings find solace in a fantasy that has been handed to them that they don’t really understand. (This is exactly what happened to Sumika and Nene.) But at it’s core, being sisters, being bosom friends, having someone to just talk to, is a powerful thing for girls in a world that invalidates and mocks girls’ feelings and interests.

Although I am looking into an uncertain future, it is my belief that Kanoko and Sumika will actually become a very strong Schwester pairing. And in making that prediction, I think I see the end game of this whole series. Hime, Mitsuki, Sumika and Kanoko will have all been thrown into this ridiculous set-up, with personalities that do not mix or match…but out of all of this, they will become fine sisterly pairs that perfectly match the setting and feel of Liebe Academy and confirm the timelessness of the iconic pair of “sisters” in Yuri manga. Where Mayu, Matou‘s message was “We can leave all this behind now,” this manga might well be saying ‘There will always be a place for you in our book.”

Or, I’m wrong and we’ll see what happens! ^_^


Art – 7 As a study in horrified faces, this is a great reference
Story – 9 Explosive and powerful, also horrifying
Characters – 8 Phew
Service – Yes. Youko’s large breasts. Yes
Yuri – 0 Whether there any Yuri in this volume is very much open to debate. I say no.

Overall – 9

* Spoilery Content Warning for sexual assault…although that doesn’t happen, it is very much a thing and must be dealt with by those of us who must deal with it. The story does address it.

** It’s a closed fist.

New Yuricon Discussion – The Past, Present and Future of Yuri with Nicki “Yurimother” Bauman! on Yuri Studio

August 6th, 2023

We’ve been extremely busy this month at Yuricon 2023! Here is a terrific new discussion for you. I was joined by Nicki “Yurimother” Bauman and we talked about all the changes we’ve seen in Yuri fandom and content over the years.

Once I again, I ask that you give the video a “like” over on Youtube, subscribe to Yuri Studio and feel free to share it around. All of the Yuricon 2023 video can be found on the Yuricon 2023 Playlist. Kind comments are always welcome!

Please enjoy The Past, Present and Future of Yuri with Nicki “Yurimother” Bauman!

Yuri Network News – (百合ネットワークニュース) – August 5, 2023

August 5th, 2023

In blue silhouette, two women face each other. One wears a fedora and male-styled attire, one is in a dress and heels. Their body language is obscure - they may be dancing, or laughing or fighting. Art by Mari Kurisato @wordglass, for Okazu.

Yuri Manga

Yen Press has announced that I Don’t Know Which Is Love, by Tamamushi Oku, Volume 1 will be hitting bookstores this month! This comedy about a girl looking for a girlfriend seems like perfect beach reading. ^_^

Monogatari Novels has announced the license for an English edition of Chinese manhua Soulmate written by Keranbing and illustrated by Wenzhilizi. We’ve had reviews of all three French-language volumes here and I’m sure plenty of folks are looking forward to getting more baihe in English. Monogatari Novels also has a Spanish-language edition, so don’t miss out!

ROLL OVER AND DIE: I Will Fight for an Ordinary Life with My Love and Cursed Sword! Manga Volume 4 is headed our way in September.

The second print volume of Ari North’s Always Human webcomic series, Love and Gravity: A Graphic Novel (link is only to Amazon, right now. I’ll get it up on the Store later today with more options) has been released! I just want to show you this cover, because it is gorgeous:

I’ve been a fan of Ari’s story since it was a webcomic. The first volume of the book was adapted from the vertical scroll to a readable format, for a stunning book, which I reviewed in 2020. I’m so happy for Ari and you can be sure that I’m getting a copy as soon as I can!


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We’ve added a few things to the Yuricon Store:

Kohaku no Kijo (琥珀の貴女) is a collection of stories about relationships between senior women and younger adult women. I’ve got this on my Bookwalker waiting to be read.

In Vampeerz, Volume  6 (ヴァンピアーズ) Aria’s servant joins the menagerie.

The Battle of the Bands is here and there’s one last confrontation needed — between Shiho and Aki. Sasayakuyou no Koi wo Utau, Volume  8 (ささやくように恋を唄う) hit JP shelves last month and it is full of drama.

Via Comic Natalie, we have news of Volume 1 of Naisho no Ofutariasma, (ないしょのおふたりさま。) a food and Yuri manga about a  delinquent girl  and  a rich girl who is only interested in food.


Yuri Visual Novel

Via Yuri Daily on FB, Lachesis or Atropos is a new Yuri VN that debuted on Steam. This VN by Quill Games is described:  “This world is woven of strings, of fate and of hate. What do you see, detective? A horror-mystery yuri visual novel peering into the maddening darkness of love and death. “


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Other News

Yuri has had more than our fair share of controversies in the past couple of weeks!  Bandai Namco and Kadokawa made no new friends when a reference to G-Witch‘s Suletta and Miorine being married that appeared in Gundam Ace magazine was removed from the online version – and an apology was issued, saying that it was “open to interpretation.” My question is this: To whom were they apologizing? Nanananshi on Twitter* encourages us all to contact Bandai and ask explain politely that we do not accept them denying what was made visible in their own series. I will ask for an apology to *us* for erasing the relationship.

*Yes, I am deadnaming Twitter. Abusive step-daddy can’t make me use his stupid name.

Also in the news, we have a much more serious issue. Last week, one of the stars of Thai GL series GAP The Series, Freen, was stalked. Photos of her and her boyfriend were taken and there was an attempt at blackmail. Management company Idol Factory has said they are pursuing charges against the stalker. But the harassment picked up speed when it hit the Internet, with some folks claiming that she “betrayed” them. Largely her fans have been very supportive, as am I. She owes us nothing. There was no “betrayal.” She is an actress, she acted – and did it very well. This is exactly why I am ambivalent about real person shipping, honestly.

As an aside, we have a terrific discussion of Thai GL coming up for Yuricon 2023, in which we discuss this story among other things. It will be posted in a few weeks. ^_^ We also have a guest review on some other Thai GL series for next week. Stay on the lookout for those!


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GunburedXSisters Volume 3 & Volume 4, Guest Review by Eric P

August 2nd, 2023

Two women with Catholic church-themed clothing glare at us, holding weapons.Where last we left off in Volume 2, Shannon had been clued into Maria’s non-human nature, Dorothy came across colder than ever in her intentions with Maria, and the insane Doctor J vowed to take Maria’s power while leaving the latter a clue of her sister’s well-being—then the volume left us with an image foreshadowing that Maria may well not like the official answer.

After the typical monster-of-the-week formula of the first two volumes, things are finally ramping up to something serious—against the church, the town, and even other members of the grotesque. Standing front and center of the building apocalyptic chaos is none other than Noelle, the beloved sister Maria had devoted all her time and being into searching for. All personal relationships are put to the test, for it is no longer a simple battle between good and evil which, in retrospect, it certainly never has been. Shannon’s loyalty to Dorothy—and cartoonishly obsessive infatuation (they made Dorothy dolls as a hobby)— has amounted to no payoff as they recognize the bond between her and Maria, and their desperate resorts afterwards only puts them at odds with Dorothy and make them question whether they can continue as a Holy Knight. And Dorothy, the same deviant nun who we came to know as confident and cleverly manipulative of the people around her, has discovered she herself had been manipulated her whole life. Conspiracy gets unearthed of the Church’s true relationship with the vampires, and their actual objective in maintaining balance/power with the town, shaking her world and putting her at a loss for once in her life. The ultimate question becomes whether our protagonists can pull together, individually as well as a team, in time to fight for what matters most, and especially figure out just what that is.

Reading Mariko S.’s review of the first volume intrigued me enough to check it out, while at the same time remain cautious in whether or not this was the kind of series I would continue reading. I was left curious enough to check out the next volume—before I knew it I consumed all four and found it to be a strangely pleasant surprise. The best way to describe GunburedXSisters to give newbie readers an accurate idea of what they are in for is like a cross between Chrono Crusade and Murcielago. It has the religious-themed fantasy action entertainment of the former, while spiced with the borderline deviant humor/morality of the latter—not to mention the hardcore ugly lesbian sex.

A girl with animal ears, holds a nun in red in her arms.This series had just the right amount of crass humor and profane language that fit the characters as well as the story’s tone, making it feel it could work as hard R-rated entertainment if it were ever adapted. For that much I give kudos to the translator for bringing a natural-sounding art to the voices. Where I would knock one point back in the translation is Shannon’s pronoun reference. Shannon is made out to be non-binary as I came to understand, but especially in Vol. 3 the same characters seem to bounce between referring to Shannon as a “she” and “they” in the same few pages, which at least I found confusing.

If you were starting to think the whole Yuri focus of this series would center on Dorothy and Maria with Shannon on the side, you are in for a treat as the story’s second half broadens its scope to Shannon and a love-at-first-scent werewolf girl named Kiki, who knowingly places herself as Shannon’s rebound girl without shame/apology. And with the escalating crisis, two veteran Crimson Sister nuns named Helen and Miranda are called into action, a duo that the author himself admitted was inspired by a certain Sailor Moon couple. It can be enough to make readers think back on Helen and Miranda and realize, “Ah yes, I see it now.” Even with all the additions it is of course the star couple of this series that shine more than ever. Dorothy, who right out of the gate came across like a sadistic sociopath, we find out that she—still technically is, but does have a heart in her own way regardless. And Dorothy and Maria’s relationship is able to evolve from the slave dynamic to that of true partners on every level, in a way that made sense for both them and their story, while contributing to the evolution of Maria’s powers.

Everything culminates to a fitting climax, if not so much a definitive conclusion. While the story does finish on a closed loop, the open end still leaves room for a continuation if the author ever feels like returning to this title—an idea he entertains in the afterword, and something I certainly wouldn’t mind happening when all is said and done.


Art—10 It’s as good as it should be for a series like this, with facial expressions especially top notch

Story—8½ This was pretty much a story about how only outcasts and people of otherness are able to bring needed change to a set system—a prevalent theme without going deep and deterring from the mindless action/sexual romp that the series was still meant to be

Characters—9 Everyone comes into their own before the end, and all new characters like Kiki were able to easily jump in without throwing anything out of place

Yuri—9 Chloe is the only odd girl out in a series that ended up otherwise packed out in Yuri-friendliness

Service—10 Yep, enough said

Overall—9 For everything it was supposed to be and set out to do, I believe it did it well enough—the only problem being that there could’ve been more to it, which there may or may not be in the future.