Archive for 2023

Vampeerz – “My Peer Vampires,” Volume 1, Guest Review by Christian LeBlanc

March 22nd, 2023

So this girl wants a vampire lover.
But first, take a look at this cover!
Dappled texture and flaps
It in no way detracts
From the contents, it adds lots of lustre!

Chocolate and peanut butter. Coffee and donuts. Yuri and vampires. All famously great pairings, and Akili’s Vampeerz, Volume 1 (subtitled “My Peer Vampires” and translated by Molly Rabbitt) is yet another addition to the latter, joining the likes of Killing Me!, Hungry for You, Scarlet, Ms. Vampire Who Lives in my Neighborhood, Vlad Love, etc etc etc. (For more on why there are so many Yuri vampire stories, please see Erica’s video on the subject here:

So what does Vampeerz have that sets it apart from these other stories? I reached out to publisher Denpa to help me answer that, because I was curious about the cover binding, which I thought was quite thick and classy; it even has those nice flaps you see sometimes. I was told it was gloss, with no extra laminate, whereas most other covers have two layers of film instead of the one layer used on Vampeerz. To my eyes, this produces a cover with a bit of texture in the gloss, an almost dappled toothiness that sets it apart.

As for what the story has that other works don’t? The short answer to that after thumbing through those other works is “less chaos,” but let’s delve into that.

When we begin, Ichika (14 years old, long black hair, not a vampire) is mourning the passing of her grandmother Chiyo. This in turn brings about the arrival of Aria (??? years old, short blond hair, is a vampire), who claims to have been a friend of Chiyo’s.

From the start, it’s obvious to the reader that there was more to Aria’s relationship with Chiyo than she’s letting on, but Ichika is taking a little longer to suspect, maybe in part because she quickly finds that she’s fallen for Aria (I know this pun diminishes you and I both, but it was truly love at first bite for her). In turn, Aria ignores questions about how she can know certain archaic things, and blatantly brushes off any peculiarities with a hilariously patronizing wide-eyed “Wow, golly!” feigning of innocence. She’s a busy vampire with goals, after all. You almost get the sense that she relates to the humans around her the way most adults do to children: she can’t really be up front about what’s going on, because she assumes most people aren’t ready to have those conversations yet. And honestly, Ichika isn’t just a child compared to Aria; she *is* still a child, full stop.

And what are Aria’s goals? It turns out vampires (Aria prefers the older term ‘Lilu’) in real life don’t resemble the ones from movies very much, aside from drinking blood (which is inexplicably sexy, of course, in a similar vein to how women are shown enjoying chocolate in tv commercials), hypnotizing people, and living a long time. It’s this last bit that Aria wants Ichika to help her with: feeling that she’s lived long enough, Aria needs Ichika to be the one to end her, because…actually she was just getting into why it had to be her, when Ichika interrupts her to explain all the reasons she doesn’t want to just kill somebody.

And thus, we have the main story elements of Vampeerz: girl meets vampire, girl is asked to kill vampire, but girl likes vampire.

Getting back to my earlier question, what is there that recommends Vampeerz over the many other vampire Yuri works? Well, Ichika has a cool Emily King wall scroll hanging in her bedroom, for one. The rad cover, like I mentioned. The artwork carries a certain classiness and charm, and the calm, quiet pace invite the reader to take their time and enjoy how this story is being told. There are microscopic touches of slapstick (Aria has to clobber a manservant to throw off suspicion), mystery and the supernatural (there’s a really cool depiction of how a barrier is preventing Aria from entering a shrine), but Ichicka’s growing feelings for Aria are what take prominence.

Lastly, I understand that the use of modern slang and references to memes can take certain readers out of the story, but Aria channeling Steve Buscemi as she introduces herself to her new classmates is both appropriate and hilarious, and I applaud Molly Rabbitt for going there.


Art – 9 I really like the slightly quirky art style, as well as the detailed tones and excellent use of shading.

Story – 6 One girl likes another girl, that girl is a vampire, and with that comes some mystery.

Characters – 5 Jiro (Ichika’s manservant) is really cool and I genuinely wanted to see more of him. The fact that I can say that about a minor dude character in a Yuri romance, as well as the fact that I keep getting distracted by the cool cover, should tell you what I’m too polite to say out loud: I like our leads, I really do, but I also can’t help comparing them to potato water in terms of being able to hold my interest!

Service – 3 Fairly tame for the most part…but while I say that, this is also probably the first time I’ve been able to make out someone’s labia majora while they were wearing pyjamas.

Yuri – 7 Ichika is definitely into Aria. Ichika’s mom Sakuya is definitely into young women.

Overall – 7 It’s missing a certain je ne sais quois, however, the art carries it a lot, and as far as vampire Yuri romances go, it’s certainly the most coherent one I’ve enjoyed.

Erica here: I didn’t want to detract from the joy of reading the limerick right away, so instead I’m jumping in as a final word. Those of you have been following Akili’s work from back in Tsubomi days under another name, will remember that this artist started with porn and this manga has all those hallmarks, without the actual porn part. Sexualizing Yuri vampires? No one has ever done that before! ^_^ Seriously, though, we could do worse than having Akili turn his hand to it. Maybe, also better, but definitely worse. ^_^ Thanks so much to Christian who will be back next week with Volume 2!

Yuri Bungei Shousetsu Contest Selection 3 (百合文芸小説 コンテスト セレクション)

March 21st, 2023

Once again, today’s review requires a bit of context. In 2019, Pixiv and Comic Yuri Hime ran a Literary Yuri Short Story contest. I finally managed to read and review the first collection in 2021, Yuri Bungei Shousetsu Contest Selection 2019 (百合文芸小説 コンテスト セレクション). I found the first collection to be a delightful mix of stories.  Of course I ran out and got the second volume, the 2020 collection which I did my very best to read, but I have to tell you….I hated it. I hated that second volume so much from the first story to the last. So many of the stories were traumatizing and awful, others were just not readable by my standards. It was such an unpleasant reading experience that I waffled over getting Volume 3. But I did get it. And then I spent more than a year avoiding reading it. ^_^;

Yuri Bungei Shousetsu Contest Selection 3 (百合文芸小説 コンテスト セレクション) was quite wonderful. Quirky, energetic, weird, with great writing and once again, things I haven’t seen before. The sponsors this time have expanded, with Comic Yuri Hime, Pixiv, Hayakawa Publishing’s SF Magazine and GAGAGA (Shogakukan’s light novel imprint.) It is still available from the Animate Online Shop, which you can purchase from using a buying or shipping service, like Buyee/Tenso.) Or you can read all the stories on Pixiv.

Right off the bat, this collection captured my attention with a story so off-kilter and so beautifully written that I was hooked. “Denshibashira Yori” (電信柱より) by Sakazaki Kaoru is a completely unironic and indescribably beautiful story about a woman who cuts down telegraph poles for a job, who falls for a telegraph pole.

The collection has been a great mix of sci-fi, historical, real life and that specific kind of quirky/ magical realism that seems to gain my attention. A fantasy set in Iron Age Japan, a story about a woman who meets someone she’d only ever made up in her imagination. “Stainless Sanagi” (ステンレスのサナ) by Kazuga is a poignant story about vampire  and a robot maid in a post-apocalyptic landscape. Entries also include a speculative story about a girl who grows and mutates physically  because of love for her classmate, and a nice little story about a tradeswoman who meets a fashionable hair stylist. I particularly liked that this collection had  two stories about tradeswomen. It’s not something we see that often. We also had several salon-based stories, which makes sense as beauty salon are an established “women’s world.”

The final stories were a sobering discussion of war and memory and another robot story that had a pleasant ending. Overall, this was the best collection of the first three. I think I only stopped reading one story. This collection was not only full of good reads, it was inspiring! I have an idea for a short story now. ^_^


Overall – 8

The 4th Yuri Bungei Competition ended in 2022, and again, you can read some of the winners for free on Pixiv, It will take me another year to get to those stories. But I have read several so far in Comic Yuri Hime magazine and the prevailing wind seemed to be historical fiction, a nice change of pace for me, so I will probably pick this collection up, as well. A 5th contest just wrapped up applications, so we should see a 5th collection in the works soon: Notable applications have been linked to on the Pixiv page for the contest.

Yuri Network News – (百合ネットワークニュース) – March 18, 2023

March 18th, 2023

In blue silhouette, two women face each other. One wears a fedora and male-styled attire, one is in a dress and heels. Their body language is obscure - they may be dancing, or laughing or fighting. Next to them, blue block letters read YNN Yuri Network News. Logo by Mari Kurisato ( for Okazu.

Okazu Needs Your Help!

2023 is a year that is especially full of new creative content for all of us – tons of Yuri manga, light novelsvisual novels, and brand new Yuri anime – which means new “Erica reacts” videos, our Yuricon 2023 panels and presentations and more as the year goes on. It’s only March and we already have 7 videos up for Season 4 of  Yuri Studio! We have a bunch of new guest reviews here on Okazu and, of course, there are the usual news reports, reviews and some features lined up for the near future.

All of this takes time and money. If you enjoy any or all of the content you read hereon Okazu or watch on Yuri Studio, or the conveniences of the Yuricon store and the Yuricon Essays page…

Please consider supporting Okazu on Patreon or Ko-fi. Your financial support goes straight to paying the writers, artists and editors we employ to keep all of this going.


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Yuri Anime

Whisper Me A Love Song anime, based on the manga by Takeshima Eku now has a premier date of January 2024! New cast and key visual can be found on Crystalyn Hodgkins item on ANN.

Yuri is My Job and the second seasons of  Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury and Birdie Wing all have April premier dates.

Fresh Precure 5, Maho Girls Precure both are being given sequel anime series with the characters as adults. Rafael Antonio Pineda has the details over at ANN. I am intrigued at the idea of these series taking a look at the characters years later, but how I wish it had been HeartcatchFresh was one of the seasons I just could not make it through. Ah well. ^_^


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and support Yuri journalism and research!

Yuri Light Novels

The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady, Volume 4 is poised for an April release in English – perfect timing as the anime will have just wrapped up and we’ll all be hungry for more!

The Executioner And Her Way Of Life: A Casket of Salt, Volume 6 will hit shelves this week and the battle between Menou and her mentor will come to a climax.


Yuri Manga

This week on Bookwalker, there are a number of coin back/coin up promotions including free volume 1s and up to 50% coin back on selected volumes of Kodansha Manga. Drop in to Bookwalker here to see what you can nab!

Speaking of Kodansha, something to eagerly await is The Moon On A Rainy Night, Volume 1, which will reach us in September. This story about a hard of hearing girl and a hearing girl who become friends with her is absolutely not disability inspiration porn. It is a solid tale of otherness and accommodation, friendship and love. I have reviewed Volume 1, Volume 2 and Volume 3 here in Japanese and Volume 4 is coming out shortly in Japan. Don’t miss this series when it his shelves in autumn.

Seven Seas has licensed Sheep Princess in Wolf’s Clothing, about a wolf butler to a sheep princess.

Also hitting shelves this week is She Loves To Cook, She Loves To Eat, Volume 2! Nomoto and Kasuga think about food and each other and make new friends.

Amongst Us, Book 1: Soulmates is a fun AU comic by Shilin Huang of the leas characters from her epic fantasy Carciphona. Blackbird and Veloce live in our world, but they are still themselves. This is a lighthearted slice-of-life about a Very Odd Couple.

Chidori and Nanoha have finally decided what to do about their futures in Hana ni Arashi, Volume 12 (はなにあらし).

Manga Mogura’s Twitter account highlighted a new Yuri manga called Ironna Onnanoko to Kiss o Shite Itara, Yuri Kiss ni Mezamete Shimaimashita vol 1 (色んな女の子とキスをしていたら、百合キスに目覚めてしまいました…。) by Betock. According to MM, this is a “comedy about a high school girl who finds a unconscious angel girl in the woods. The only way to save her is to kiss her!”

Yuama’s The Summer You Were There is slated to wrap up with a 6th volume. Rafael Antonia Pineda has the details on ANN.

Ikuta Hana’s Kage to Hana (影と花) is a Web Action Yuri comic about a girl’s school for ninjas! I’ll have to give it a try at least. ^_^



Kickstarter News

Studio Élan is running a kickstarter for physical copies of their top Yuri Visual Novels which has blown past it’s initial goal and is already funded through the second stretch goal. Next up would be a LN based on one of their games. It’s always a good bet to back an already-successful kickstarter. ^_^

Also already fully funded through new stretch goals, with 12 days to go is My Date Is A Total Ike Women [sic], a butch x butch manga by Natsuo Mutsumi – an original song added to a now-illustrated voice drama is the only remaining goal! I bet we get there.


Thanks to our Okazu Patrons who make the YNN weekly report possible! Support us on Patreon or Ko-fi to help us give Guest Reviewers a raise and to help us support Yuri creators!

Become a YNN Correspondent: Contact Us with any Yuri-related news you want to share and be part of the Yuri Network.

New Yuricon 2023 Video – Making Space: Diversity in Anime and Manga Journalism

March 13th, 2023

Yuricon 2023 presents Making Space:  Diversity in Anime and Manga Journalism in which  I am joined by several folks who have made significant changes in anime/manga journalism, as talk about changes we’ve seen, changes we’ve made and how much more there is to do!
This is the first in our “Making Space” track. Please pitch your panels  and presentations on Yuri – we want this track to be as inclusive as possible.   




Samantha Ferreira, Editor in Chief at Anime Herald

Vrai Kaiser,  Managing Editor of Anime Feminist

Lynzee Loveridge, Executive Editor at Anime News Network

Moderated by Erica Friedman, Editor in Chief at Okazu

I know I flog the “please give us a like on Youtube” pretty heavily, but I cannot overstress how influential getting likes and subscribes is to the Youtube algorithm – so please give this a like and kind comment on Youtube. Also please feel free to share any of the Yuricon 2023 video to your social profiles, groups, discords and the like. ^_^

Yuri Network News – (百合ネットワークニュース) – March 11, 2023

March 11th, 2023

A blue silhouette of a girl with a white flower in her hair, embracing the earth. Blue block letters read YNN Yuri Network News. Art by Lissa P. For Okazu.

Yuri Manga

ROLL OVER AND DIE: I Will Fight for an Ordinary Life with My Love and Cursed Sword!, Volume 3 manga is out from Seven Seas, after more than a year since the previous volume.

Natsuo Mutsumi-sensei was one of the creators behind Boyish²Butch x Butch Yuri anthology. They have a new project and it’s going to be amazing. They had released art from My Date is a Total Ike Woman, in Japanese and English on Twitter where we all went ballistic for it. ^_^ Now is has launched as a bilingual Kickstarter and in one week blew past all the initial goals and stretch goals. The book is a only a few thousand yen away from a illustrated voice drama on Youtube with original music! I backed it for both a JP and EN edition, because of course I did.  ^_^ There’s just under 3 weeks to go. I hope you’re all as excited about this as I am. ^_^

ANN’s Rafael Antonio Pineda has the news that Kyou Kara Mirai Yuri manga by Yoshitomi Akihito (probably best known here for Blue Drop) is ending. I was kind of surprised it was still ongoing, only because recent Yuri work by Yoshitomi-sensei had been mostly shorts. I’ll have to take a look at this again, I think! I bring this up because Volume 1 and Volume 2 are available in English on Bookwalker Global, brought out by publisher MediBang, a company that mostly seems to do 18+ works. This was news to me, I had seen no announcements at all about it.


Yuri Events

We have a new video for  Yuricon 2023, one that I was exceptionally moved by: S04 E06 – Finding Inspiration in Yuri, Featuring Rev. Sandy Ferguson.  Sandy is very open and honest about his approach to faith, and how Yuri helped him find healing and a way to relate to others. This video now is captioned in English.

We’ll have a new video up tomorrow, as well on an important topic! Aand then we are talking a short hiatus while I attend to other business. We’ll be back in April with more great content and hopefully you’ll apply to run your own Yuricon 2023 panel or do a presentation today! We want to know all about your love of Yuri. ^_^

One of the items I will be attending to is that I am a guest panelist at Anime Boston 2023! I will be on 6 panels, I believe, including  a brand new Best of Yuri – 2023 Edition with Yurimother and Rocky, Anime Boston’s home team Yuri speakers. I’ll have a table in the Artist Alley, where I’ll be selling and signing By Your Side: The First 100 Years of Yuri Anime And Manga as well as selling some other Yuri manga.  Definitely drop in and say hello!


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Yuri Anime

Mobile Suit Gundam – The Witch from Mercury is gearing up for a release in April, ANN has a lot of coverage of it. Joanna Cayana has the release date. Rafael Antonio Pineda hands us the S2 trailer and OP,  Kim Morrisey notes that the website briefly had a spoilery synopsis listed. (Eh, not *that* spoilery.)

Rafael Antonio Pineda has also cast announcements for the upcoming Hoshikuzu Telepath anime.

Last week Twitter was abuzz with this charmingly personal announcement from online streaming and on-demand platform PlutoTV

And so they did! You can watch Sailor Moon 24/7 now on Pluto TV free and legally, or watch the movie or series of your choice on demand. A bunch of us asked for them to see if they can add the live action series, too. ^_^


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Yuri VNs & Games

Noodletub Games is pleased to announce the launch of GOOD LUCK BABY! on Steam and “An out of this world yuri visual novel about falling in love, defeating an evil Empress, and finding a magic baby on your crush’s doorstep….a heartwarming, comedic and emotionally-driven yuri visual novel about love, found family, and saving the world.” Sounds fun!


Yuri Live Action

One more from Rafael Antonio Pineda on ANN, who brings us a trailer and details about the live-action movie for Oshi ga Budokan Ittekuretara Shinu, based on the manga of the same name by Hirao Auri. The manga is currently being released in English by Tokyopop – I reviewed  Volume 1 on English here on Okazu!


Other News

YNN Correspondent Patricia Baxter write in to let us know about”a great indie comic that, while not explicitly GL, still strongly focuses on the relationship between two women characters. It’s called See You Again, Maybe by Vivian Nguyen (aka LaweyD). Pre-orders for it are available until March 16th.”


Thanks to our Okazu Patrons who make the YNN weekly report possible! Support us on Patreon or Ko-fi to help us give Guest Reviewers a raise and to help us support Yuri creators!

Become a YNN Correspondent: Contact Us with any Yuri-related news you want to share and be part of the Yuri Network. ^_^