Archive for 2023

New Beginnings – Yuricon 2023 Online

January 1st, 2023

Happy New Year! Like the rabbit it is associated with, I am leaping into 2023 with new ideas and projects. One of my projects for the year is celebrate the 20th anniversary of our all-Yuri convention in 2003 with Yuricon 2023 as a series of presentations and panels to be held online throughout the year on Yuri Studio.

I’ve chosen this format for three reasons – #1 accessibility. I want as many people as possible to be able to participate. #2 Tripledemic and inflation have made travel untenable again. #3 Convenience. It won’t matter if folks can’t make it one day or another, the entire event will be available to everyone for free anytime online.

For my part, I’m planning a series of interviews with folks who have been leaders in Yuri fandom, research and scholarship and the industry. As the year progresses, I hope you will offer your own panels and presentations as part of the schedule.

Have an idea for a panel or presentation for Yuricon 2023? Here’s how to apply!

1. Fill Out The Panel/Presentation Application Form

Treat this like any application to a convention: If your panel/presentation is accepted, you ought to consider yourself committed to doing a panel/presentation.

Topics are up to you. You can fan out about a series that has changed your life, or talk about a subgenre of Yuri you love. Whatever you’d like to talk about is perfectly fine! This is a Yuricon – go wild.

If you want panelists, it is on you to find panelists and get them on board. I’m working on my own. ^_^

2. Schedule a Date for Recording

I will provide a Zoom space for the panel and record it, then it will be posted as part of Yuricon 2023 on Yuri Studio on YouTube channel.

I’m making this that easy because I really want you all come up with ideas so we can enjoy a whole year of Yuricon 2023. ^_^


The application form is live and the final date of Yuricon 2023 online is December 31, 2023, so you have a whole year to make your Yuri panel dream come true! I look forward to hearing from you and I’ll see you at Yuricon 2023.