Black Rose Revue: Act 1, Guest Review by Ashley

January 17th, 2024

In classic 1970' shoujo manga black and white art style, we see a woman with short hair in a men's tuxedo, a woman with long black hair in a stylish "villainess"-esque dress and a woman with pale hair in a white dress between them on the sofa. The words "You Are Cordially Invited To The Black Rose Revue" are prominent in the middle of the image.Chihiro Sato is the rising star of The Black Rose Review. She has proven herself so skilled in her recent major role alongside top otokoyaku Rika Ikeda that she has now been picked for the staring role in the next production. But this rapid assent brings with it the problems of antagonistic seniors and a mysterious E.M. who keeps sending Chihiro bouquets of roses.

So far only act one of Phantom of the Black Rose Revue is available on and it does everything a good opening should do.

The game wastes no time introducing us to the cast. Everyone has at least one scene that gives us their deal or mystery. It truly is the very start of this story so we really only have the very first threads of characterization to chew on, with the exception of Chihiro, who is already a rising star, not a student. This is a choice that elevates her instantly compared to other similar characters like Kageki Shoujo‘s Sarasa Watanabe, Revue Starlight‘s Karen Aijou or the characters from Awajima Hyakkei.

Chihiro already has a role in the Black Rose Revue and so the focus is on how she can further her career; rather than if she is suited for it at all. A refreshing change from the usual when it comes to stories about performers. The adult world of working in the theatre is not a distant haze that Chihiro is striving for, but a world that she is trying to live in.

With that, what a world indeed for Phantom of the Black Rose Revue to take place in! What this preview does best in the short time it takes to play it is provide us with a monochromatic optical feast. The character designs homages to Riyoko Ikeda right down to the powerful reaction sprites lovingly spelled with sharp highlights. But the stark black and white look of manga goes far beyond the characters and into the backgrounds. The backgrounds are drawn in the same style as the character designs allowing both to mesh together into a single image far better than games with a team more than triple the six people credited for the team here. Combined with lively sprite direction it makes the visual elements of this visual novel far more important than many others. I often found myself taking the time to just look at an animation or transition over and over because of the incredible synergy Phantom of the Black Rose Revue is capable of.

It is this effort to keep the different visual elements of the game congruent with each other that stands out the most in this brief demo. When the finished game is available to buy we can be certain that it will have a unique and complete sense of style, something that very few games manage to achieve.

No ratings yet, as this is only the beginning of the story.

Phantom of the Black Rose Revue can be downloaded on Windows, MacOS and Linux at name your own price on Yamino’s page.

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