Tsukiatte Agetemo Iikana, Volume 12 (付き合ってあげてもいいかな)

June 14th, 2024

A young woman with collar length black hair stands on a street of food stands, wearing a long red coat and white boots, holding a plastic bag. The frame is at an angle, as she looks back over her shoulder at us.Yesterday I said that I was reviewing two series this week that focused on complicated relationships. The first was Volume 9 of  Otona ni Nattemo, by Shimura Takako (available in English as Even Though We’re Adults from Seven Seas.) Today we are looking at the second of these, Tsukiatte Agetemo Iikana, by Tamifull, available as How Do We Relationship from Viz Media.

These two series have nothing in common on the surface, but they both have one similar feature – there are no “bad guys” here. None of the relationships we’re seeing are harmful or toxic. In both series, we’re simply seeing people learning that sometimes even love isn’t enough to make things work.

In slight contrast to Ayano and Akari’s story, the folks we’ve met in this series are college age, not expected to be settled or be “adult” quite yet. Both Miwa and Saeko are just facing down an upcoming graduation and entry into adult society. Interviews with prospective employers and a third of their lifetime wearing a black suit in an office is a daunting barrier for anyone, but they are persevering.

In Tsukiatte Agetemo Iikana, Volume 12 (付き合ってあげてもいいかな), both Saeko and Miwa are also facing the ends of their current relationships. They have great affection – even love – for their partners, but it’s just not working out. To break the tension, they go on a overnight together and face the question of whether their relationship is something that can be renewed or not – a subject of constant conversation on the Okazu Discord. ^_^ I have always been ambivalent about them getting back together, but while I think I might not be as opposed as I previously was, I’d still rather them move on.

Also, several years into any of this, these queer girls have somehow kind of avoided talking about being queer, or becoming queer adults and while I want to think it’s because they feel the world they are entering will accept them as they are, it’s more likely that these conversations are just not being made part of an otherwise honest and realistic story.

I am glad that current chapters of How Do We Relationship are available on Viz.com and the Viz app, so I can stay current with the translated volumes, but I find myself letting go of these characters. In fact, I am kind of hoping the series ends at graduation.  What will Volume 13 bring us? I…don’t know and am honestly not sure I care, which is a devastating thing to say about a series I have been following for 5 years and 12 volumes. We’ve seen the characters change and grow a lot over the years., but I’m no longer invested in their personal growth – the story has become the manga equivalent of coworker who only ever talks about their love life.


Art – 8
Story – 6
Characters – 7 They are trying so hard
Yuri – 8
Service – 7 CW on the end of the book for sexual assault survivors, again, but it does get addressed.

Overall – 6

There are no bad guys here, just complicated and sometimes messy relationships. That’s not enough to keep me coming back much longer.

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