Health hiatus for Okazu

October 19th, 2024

Hey everyone, you may have noticed that reviews have slowed down a bit. I’ve been struggling with my health this month and don’t have the energy to read, much less write or edit. I hope to feel better soon, but in the meantime, please help yourself to 22+ years of reviews to fill up your Yuri needs. ^_^

3 Responses

  1. Michael Richmond says:

    Get well soon, Erica!

  2. Mariko says:

    Really hope you are able to find improvement and relief. My health has fallen apart this year and I understand exacty what you mean – even “fun” things are an insurmountable challenge some days. Best wishes for your recovery!

  3. Sheila Webber says:

    Do look after yourself, we have lots of reviews to keep us going til you feel better!

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