Yuri Network News – (百合ネットワークニュース) – March 1, 2025

March 1st, 2025

In blue silhouette, two women face each other. One wears a fedora and male-styled attire, one is in a dress and heels. Their body language is obscure - they may be dancing, or laughing or fighting. Art by Mari Kurisato for Okazu Yuri Anime

“Coming Soon”…the website for a Jellyfish Can’t Swim In the Night x Girls Band Cry collaboration says, but what, exactly, is coming, is unknown. Fans of these two band anime can look forward to something, coming soon! In the meantime, enjoy the key visual on the site, which shows both groups passing on the street.

Via SugoiLITE on X, ROLL OVER AND DIE: I Will Fight for an Ordinary Life with My Love and Cursed Sword is getting an anime adaption.

On ANN’s This Week In Anime, Coop and Steve delve into their perspective on Utena’s Revolution. On the same topic, there will be a Utena pop-up in the Shinjuku Marui Annex at the end of March, if you find yourself in Tokyo.



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Yuri Manga

Kase-san and Yamada, Volume 4, the ninth in the Kase-san series, hits EN shelves in April.

Yen has licensed two new titles, Common  Sense Monster, and the Lycoris Recoil Official Comic Anthology: Reload.

Azuki has licensed a huge batch of Square Enix titles, including, Flower Princess of Sylph and LILIES.

Via Comic Natalie, we have a couple of Yuri romantic comedies:

7-Kakan Gentei Kanojo,Volume 1 (7日間限定彼女) is a rom-com story of two opposite-personality schoolgirls, who pretend to be dating for a week.

Chou Fuka Uchuu Yori Ai o Komete” (超深宇宙より愛をこめて) has begun in Comic Yuri Hime after the one-shot did well in a contest. Cool, but very loner, student Teradate finds herself proposed to by an alien princess who says that she saw Teradate from deep space and feel in love when their gazes met. I’m reading it right now and the story is kinda cute, honestly.


Yuri Light Novels

Via GA Bunko’s official X account, the final volumes of Shokei Shoujo no Ikiru Michi (Virgin Road), Volume 10 ― Isekai Hito-shi Subeshi ― (処刑少女の生きる道(バージンロード)10 ―異世界人死すべし―) and Shokei Shoujo no Ikiru Michi (Virgin Road), Volume 10 ― Curtain Call ― (処刑少女の生きる道(バージンロード)11 ―カーテン・コール―) published in English as The Executioner and Her Way of Life will be published simultaneously in Japan this month.
ANN’s Joana Cayanan has the news that Mikami Teren’s Onna Doushi toka Arienai Desho to Iiharu Onna no Ko o, 100-kakan de Tetteiteki ni Otosu Yuri no Ohanashi  (女同士とかありえないでしょと言い張る女の子を、百日間で徹底的に落とす百合のお話) novels are slated to end with Volume 9 with a link to the manga on Square Enix’s Manga-Up in Japanese.


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Games and VNs

Via YNN Correspondent KatGrrrl, Yuri adventure game, Black Lily’s Tale is planning a kickstarter for an EN localization.

This week I met game dev Rosario, who creates Parfum Nostalgique, “A fantastique, dramatique, romantique, traumatique” story in beta. Check out Priro.pro’s work for more gendery gothic fantanstry!

Aikasa Collective is excited to announce that Mizuchi 白蛇心傳 is now available on Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4 & 5 in the US, Europe, and Australia regions. The game is also scheduled for physical console release in Japan on May 5th in major game stores and Rakuten. Congrats to everyone at Aikasa!



Via Senior YNN Correspondent Frank Hecker, the British Film Institute’s LGBTQIA+ film festival, BFI Flare, has a nice variety of films for us to enjoy!

Also via Frank, the trailer for gritty Thai GL prison drama CLAIREBELL The Series is on Youtube.


Other News

New, on X is Baiheverse, a publisher dedicated to bring Baihe out in English. If you chat with them, suggest they move to Bluesky where there are fewer fascists in charge.

Hayakawa publishing held an Ogawa Kazumizu and Miyazawa Iori talk and autograph session celebrating the end of  Twinstar Cyclone Runaway and the release of Otherside Picnic, Volume 10 in Japan.

Also in a paired event, directors for the Asagao to Kase-san and Flagtime movies, Sato Takuya and Takahashi Minami will be sharing the stage at a March event in Tokyo. Comic Natalie has details.

Once again, Burkely Hermann offers up an excellent read, this time with “The King is the crime!”: Commoners, royalty, and animated depictions of monarchy on Pop Culture Maniacs.


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