Yuri Network News – (百合ネットワークニュース) – March 8, 2025

March 8th, 2025

A blue silhouette of a girl with a white flower in her hair, embracing the earth. Blue block letters read YNN Yuri Network News. Art by Lissa P. For Okazu.It’s going to be short today, as I have a lot on my schedule! I’m participating in my local International Women’s Day March among other things.

Okazu News

Because this world is the way it is, we at Okazu and Yuricon are working harder than ever centering queer joy in our days. Our 2025 goal is to bring you more Yuri from more perspectives than ever. We also know that the economy is not particularly good. To that end, I have created a new $3 Patreon tier – Okazu Fan. There are no tiers on Ko-Fi, but of course, you are welcome to support us there, as well.

If you are a current patron, we hope that you’ll increase your donation by $3.00/month, to help us raise our writers and editors wages, and to increase the number of writers we can host. It’s our goal to not only raise our wages, but industry standards. I’m very much hoping that this new tier will convince some of the folks who love our content to join the Okazu family. Your support makes everything possible – reviews, news, event coverage, opinion pieces, videos (which I hope to restart this year) and more.

Thank you very much for your support of Okazu and Yuricon – we really could not do this without you.


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Yuri Manga

Seven Seas reminds you that 12 Dirty Deeds to Unite the Princess and Her Heroine is up for pre-order and that pre-orders matter!

Yuri Anime

Guro dark scifi/fantasy I Want To Love You Until Your Dying Day is getting an anime. Egan Loo has details on ANN. Our own Eleanor Walker reviewed Volume 1 of the manga here on Okazu. Watch the trailer on Kadokawa Anime’s Youtube channel. If they take the same route as The Executioner and Her Way of Life anime, minimizing the body horror/violence, it could be interesting.

YNN Correspondent Burkely Hermann points us to Joana Cayanan’s article on ANN,  BAND-MAID and Little Glee Monster are performing the themes for the Rock Is a Lady’s Modesty anime, premiering on April 3. This Class S and girls band mix looks so in our wheelhouse that whether it is Yuri or not seems irrelevant. ^_^


Yuri Event

Important news – The Gift of Love Event in Brooklyn has been canceled again due to one of the authors not being able to make it…BUT I still intend to see James Welker’s talk at NYU and get over to The Ripped Bodice on Friday March 21 to sign some books. I’m going to work my schedule out this week and figure out where I will be, when. Then you are all welcome to meet up with me in Brooklyn for a book-signing and hopefully, dinner at Japan Village. No RSVP needed, I’m going to do these things anyway! ^_^ It’ll be an impromptu Okazu meetup!


Support Yuri News and Reviews on Ko-fi!

Games and VNs

Studio Élan has announced a “dark yuri visual novel A Tithe in Blood will launch with Japanese language support and full Japanese voice acting!” Grab it over at Steam. Thanks to Sr. YNN Correspondent Cryssoberyl for the heads up!

Other News

Some of you may be participating in this week’s Amazon Boycott. This is your reminder that By Your Side: The First 100 Years of Yuri Anime and Manga is available directly from my publisher as an e-book or on Bookshop.org, through which you can save a few cents and support a local independent bookstore!


If you’d like to support Yuri journalism and research, Patreon and Ko-Fi are where we currently accept subscriptions and tips.  Our goal now, into 2025, is to raise our guest writers’ wages to above industry standard, which are too low!

Your support goes straight to paying for Guest Reviews, folks helping with videos, site maintenance, managing the Yuricon Store and directly supporting other Yuri creators. Just $5/month makes a huge impact! Become part of the Okazu family!

Become a part of the Yuri Network, by being a YNN Correspondent: Contact Us with any Yuri-related news you want to share with us.

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