Sometimes you just need an adorable coffee shop story and, in Honey Latte Girl, an English translation of Inui Ayu and Inu Ha Sakana’s doujinshi from YURI HUB on Bookwalker JP, that’s exactly what you get.
Our protagonist is a barista who watches over her customers with care. One customer, in particular – a woman who seems stressed and very tight in her routine. This customer orders the exact same thing every day. One day, the customer comes in, looking very out of sorts, so the barista suggest something new and soothing.
Of course, this story goes exactly where one might expect – they begin talking, the customer starts to open up and try new things, they fall in love, the end. ^_^ It’s short and perfect, no bitterness left on the palate. And some days, that’s all you really want – something slight too sweet. ^_^
YURI HUB imprint is run by a bunch of folks associated with the ANCHOR rainbow port tokyo cafe and Yuri Times. The translation is fine and it’s nice to see them bringing Yuri doujinshi to the English-speaking audience!
Art – 7 Inui Ayu’s style is cute, a bit soppy and YMMV
Story – 8 Perfect for jangly days as a sweet treat
Characters – We barely meet them, but nice
Yuri – 9
Service – 0
Overall – 8
Everything was perfect, except…while the *words* honey latte sound very nice, the idea of the drink sounds not so good. ^_^