Yuri Network News – (百合ネットワークニュース) – March 22, 2025

March 22nd, 2025

In blue silhouette, two women face each other. One wears a fedora and male-styled attire, one is in a dress and heels. Their body language is obscure - they may be dancing, or laughing or fighting. Art by Mari Kurisato for OkazuYuri Events

Girls Love Fest is happening in mere hours in at the Tokyo Metropolitan Industrial and Trade Center Hamamatsucho Building,  Minato-ku, Tokyo. This is GLFes 43, so congrats to the GLFes organizing committee for that, Wow.

The Queer and Feminist Perspectives on Japanese Popular Cultures symposium is accepting submission for presentations! This was a wonderful experience, so definitely send in your proposals – don’t worry if you’re not “academic.” The audience was super welcoming and supportive.

Not an event, but I wanted to share a few pictures from my trip to NYC yesterday, where I was able to visit the Midtown Kinkonukiya. It is *so* Yuri! The Guy She Was Interested In Wasn’t A Guy At All / Kininatteru Hito Ga Otoko Janakatta was featured on every floor. I had literally finished Volume 3 in Japanese the night before, but picked up another copy so I could get the standee. Yes, I am that otaku. ^_^

I saw this shelf tag and said, “We won.” ^_^ It says in Japanese Yuri Manga, and in English Girl’s Love/ Yuri Manga. I can’t ask for better.

Additionally, they now have signed copies of my book at The Ripped Bodice in Brooklyn, NYC, so if you are in the area, pick one up! The folks there were absolutely lovely.


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Yuri Anime

Via Sr. YNN Correspondent Sean G, There’s No Freaking Way I’ll Be You Lover, Unless… anime has a trailer up on Youtube and I am angry about it. ^_^ This is the full animation that Whisper Me A Love Song should have gotten. growl

Christopher Farris reviews the Bubblegum Crisis Perfect Collection over at ANN.

ANN’s Egan Loo has the news about the Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha EXCEEDS Gun Blaze Vengeance 25th anniversary series.

Once again, Rfael Antonio Pineda has something for us, this time news about the Lycoris Recoil short film.

I’m torn, but am probably going to end up watching Turkey! the new bowling anime about a team of girls. “They fight, they fall, but they rise again, chasing victory. This is the tale of a summer’s final chapter.” Adriana Hazra has details on ANN.


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Other News


Seven Seas has announced an audiobook for Adachi and Shimamura. That’s a lot of work for the narrator, how cool.

The live-action  adaptation of Takako Shimura’s manga Even Though We’re Adults has announced more cast, writes Rafael Antonio Pineda on ANN. Check out the trailer on Youtube.


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