Home from a really lovely time in Montreal with the folks at Yurithon. I give the event two thumbs up. Because Yurithon and Yaoithon are programming tracks under the auspices of the larger general Otakuthon, you get all the intimacy and camaraderie of a smaller event, while enjoying all the perqs of a large event!
This meant I got to really speak with a lot of the Yuri fans AND got to talk to vendors I had never met before. It was a genuine pleasure to meet Marc who has written guest reviews for us in the past and Shannon C. and a bunch of folks who were kind enough to let me know Okazu was and is an important resource to them.
I wanted to also tell you about the stupid idea I had that totally worked. ^_^
One night while not sleeping I came up with an idea for a con game. I called it “Yuri Court”. A person would come up in front of a panel of judges and “present a case” for a series being a Good Yuri (innocent) or a Bad Yuri (guilty) series. We’d give prizes for participation and have some fun. I literally had no idea how it would go, but we had so much fun! My wife came up with the inspired idea of calling witnesses to testify for the the claim the plaintiff was making…or against. It was hysterical and we laughed ourselves silly for an hour, and gave away a pile of prizes and candy and wtf stuff I had. The participants were fantastically entertaining. I would be happy to play that again anytime. And if you were one of the participants, thank you! You were wonderful! You really made our day.
And with that, our time at Yurithon came to an end. We threw a little more money at the DR, then at Montreal proper…then it was time to go home.
I want to thank Serge, Donna and my wife, let Bruce and Kelli know that they were there in spirit and once again thank Meggie and Kim and the folks at Yurithon for such a great time.
They always need volunteers, so next year, step up and help them out and be part of a terrific Yuri-focused event.
Next up for me, Flamecon!