Archive for the Events Category

Event Report: Flamecon 2

August 24th, 2016

FlameCon_logo-1Flamecon 2 was a fantastic event and I’m absolutely gutted that I couldn’t get to it for both days.

Flamecon bills itself as New York’s Queer Comic Con. This year, it was queerer and more diverse than ever. And, as a result, was even more fun than last year. Where last year, their mascot was a cheerfully “flaming” young man, this year there was a companion Flamey for those of us who admire women.


The new location has several things to recommend it – it was easier to get to than last year. It was also around the corner from Rocco’s Tacos, which offered happy wait staff who were dancing in the foyer, and The Three Amigos  playing on TVs in the bathroom stalls. The food was good, too.


TOSThe Dealer’s room was huge, well-laid out and packed wall to wall full of amazing talent, small queer presses and people you need to know about. I picked up a bunch of comics, obviously, but the main event for me was a copy of The Other Side, an anthology of queer paranormal romance.  Several contributors were at the event, so they made a little map of the room pointing out who would be where and making a defacto signature rally.  I wasn’t able to get everyone’s signature, as some folks weren’t at their table, or were mobbed (coughKateLethcough) but I was able to get a bunch, including squee! cover artist and creator of webcomic Agents of the Realm, Mildred Louis!

Last year, while I enjoyed the event, I found it lacking in lesbian comics presence. this year, I had no such complaint. There were a ton of lesbian comics and comic artists.

coverfront_1024x1024In addition to The Other Side, I picked up a delightful lesbian three-way relationship set in the Wild West, called Among the Willows, from Elizabeth Willis and Ann Uland, the same folks that created the queer adventure set in ancient Rome, Cassius, of which I picked up the first issue, as well.

I also was ecstatic to get Wool and Water, a Namesake doujinshi, by creators Megan Lavey-Heaton and Isabelle Melançon, who I’d met some years ago at TCAF.

The folks that put out the Dates! anthology of historical LGBTQ fiction and comics,  are doing a second volume(!) and want you to please submit your works and spread the word.

6d21fd_c61b8d5701354e4794dfe4a86702ad53And not at all least, I want to once more sing the praises of Jennifer Camper, comic creator and event organizer for the Queer & Comics conference, which is gearing up for a second event on Friday and Saturday, April 14-15, 2017 at the California College of the Arts in San Francisco, California.  The first Queer & Comics event was absolutely amazing and this one is already shaping up to be great. I have a panel in the 2017 event and will be beating the drum loudl, so you’d better just mark it on your calendar now and plan to go. ^_^

I ran the “Secret” History of Yaoi and Yuri panel and was exceedingly gratified at the audience’s attentiveness and great questions. This was probably one of the very best groups to which I’ve ever presented this panel. For one thing, they got all of my jokes. ^_^

Super big shout out to Zan Christensen from Northwest Press who I’m working with on a secret project that will soon be not-so-secret. Keep your antenna up for fabulousness very soon!

Overall, it was absolutely worth making the trek into Brooklyn the day after coming home from Paris. And while I can’t promise I’ll make it both days next year, I’ll do whatever I can to make it there for at least a little while, because Flamecon is here, it’s queer and it’s one of the best cons I’ve ever been to. ^_^


See you at Flamecon 2!

August 20th, 2016

FlameCon_logo-1 I am returned from my pilgrimage, about which I will write tomorrow, but first, Flamecon 2!

Please join me for The Secret History of Yaoi and Yuri, today, Saturday August 20, Room C at 4PM.

I will be bringing random items to give away for good questions, as usual. So bring your best questions!

“The Secret History of Yaoi and Yuri” at Flamecon!

August 11th, 2016

FlameCon_logo-1Well yee-ha! I’ll be bringing my guerilla “history of Japanese literature” panel to Flamecon 2,  New York’s queerest comic event, which will be held in Brooklyn, New York on August 20-21.

The Secret History of Yaoi and Yuri 
Saturday August 20, Room C

This’ll give me a chance to talk to an LGBTQ crowd about Japanese queer media, and give folks a chance to see the evolution of Yuri and BL through their literary and artistic roots.

It will also give me a chance to do a lecture suffering from jet lag once again. ^_^; Boy I really time these panels well.

I’m going to have a few books to give away as good question prizes and I hope to see you all there!

A [Very] Brief History of Yuri

May 22nd, 2016

Here are the full text and graphics I used in my presentation at the Tokyo Comics Showcase, Vol. 1, on May 3, 2016 as part of Tokyo Rainbow Pride. If you have 8 minutes, you can understand where Yuri came from and the why of what you’re looking at.

May 24 update: The video now has a choice of Japanese or English subtitles.  ^_^

If you’d like to use the text and/or graphics for a Yuri Panel of your own, please feel free to contact me!

Event: Informal Okazu Meetup at Girls Love Festival on June 5

May 18th, 2016

Girls Love Festival, the largest Yuri-only doujinshi show in Japan is coming up in the Tokyo Metrpolitan area on June 5.  You can check out the attending circles, the series they plan on having doujinshi of, and what their websites are on the GLF website.

Because at least a couple of our loyal readers and Okazu friends plan on attending, I had a fun idea. Here is an Okazu badge for you to print out and wear:

okazu-banner02 (2)

(It should print out at about 2.5″ x 4″, but I know it might not, because printers….)

If you are a member of our Okazu family and want to connect with other readers and fans, feel free to print this out and pin it on your person. This way you’ll be able to recognize each other.  I’m sorry I won’t be there, but that gives you all the chance to bond over those times you disagreed with me. ^_^ Okazu reader Michiru has already offered an event report, but if you’re there, do please send us your report – and I hope you’ll tell me how nice it was to meet each other!

This is the very first Okazu meetup where I’m not myself involved, so if you’re wearing the badge, please abide by Okazu community rules – you can say mean stuff about me, but not about each other and please be friendly and polite to the artists. I want them to have a good impression of those of us on Okazu!

Above all, have loads of fun and tell us all about it! And I want a picture of all of you. ^_^