Archive for the Comic Yuri Hime Category

Yuri Manga: Comic Yuri Hime, April 2018 (ミック百合姫2018年4月号)

April 4th, 2018

Comic Yuri Hime, April 2018 (ミック百合姫2018年4月号) was a little light on the continuing series, but spent most of its pages building on a bunch of newer ones that were pretty good. 

No surprise, I liked the AI-focused “Roid,” by Shirushi. I apparently like android x human relationships. ^_^

Tamasaki Tama’s military-ish school drama “Koushin Koinu KoibumI wo” continues to flail for a plot, but is fun to read anyway. 

As I suspected (because it was kind of obvious) the story in “Watashi no Yuri ha Oshigtoto desu” by Miman, is now fulling focused on Tachibana’s concern for and being disconcerted by Kanako’s obsessive feelings about Hime. I don’t want them to be a couple, but I think Tachibana could be good for Kanako, because right now, she is not a stable person. I would like to see them help each other out.

“Tsuretsure Hibi” by Omurais was a nicely drawn, pleasant slice of two women’s life together without drama. That was awfully nice.

Moke has a lovely little girl meets and falls for a cafe owner in “Yuuhi to, Aroma to, Koi Moyou,” while Nacht’s “Dandelion Tearoom” was a  straight-up paranomal fantasy and Nantsufuji’s “Kimi ha shoujo” took a bit of a darker turn, as Shinou comes to grips with the fact that she’s had sex with a virtual stranger.

Lots of other stories, including the series they choose to make anime of, (by which I have so far remained unmoved.)  Yuri Hime@Pixiv is also clearly allowing them to try out some new material and see how it plays before moving it to the magazine or to publication.


Overall – Holding steady at 8 

Monthly Comic Yuri Hime still is holding the line with something for everyone. The May issue is already on shelves!

Yuri Manga: Comic Yuri Hime March 2018 (コミック百合姫2018年3月号)

February 8th, 2018

The March 2018 issue of Comic Yuri Hime (コミック百合姫2018年3月号) was pretty darn good. Some of the longer serializations are settling in for the ride, others are flailing a bit and some are pivoting from a one-shot to a longer serial, which can be either good or bad, as you like. 

I’m quite enjoying the stories from the Yuri Hime@Pixiv that have been filling the back pages of the volumes. A few have been good enough to make me bookmark the page and start checking regularly. It’s a good idea for them to have a web comic page to gauge the popularity and potential of new artists and stories. They’ve never had a sample page of titles on their website like so many other companies have, but this page provides any number of first chapters for free. I recommend taking a look!

After a tiresome photoshoot, showing two women touching, zOMG and interview with the voice actresses for citrus, the first manga is one that I was both intrigued and appalled by, by Tamasaki Tama. A waif wanders in to a military school in some kind of fantasy Japan and ends up being accepted. She will now get three meals a day and a bed to sleep in, but who know what will happen to her if she’s sent to fight. Also one of the girls is already hitting on her. And stuff.

“Watashi no Yuri ha Oshigoto desu!” by miman is going exactly where I expected, but through an interesting pair of eyes. Sumika has accidentally learned of Kanoko’s unhealthy obsession with Hime, and finds herself concerned for the girl. She’s watching her with a new perspective and starting to reach out, surprisingly delicately, given that in her real life, she’s a brash Gal and not the gentle Tachibana-sempai she is at work. 

But the winner this month was Fujimatsu Mei’s “Miageta Kimi ha Kyou mo Hohoemu” which I finished up  with a quiet. “Well, that was adorable.” A small, strange and kind career woman falls for a woman at a shop. They go out, crisis occurs, they live happily (ever after, implied.) It was absolutely squee.

“One Night Friend” by Kayako was a sadly typical “drunken one night stand means one thing to you, but another to me” story. Until it wasn’t and they also are presumably in for some happily, if not ever after.

And now, we have to talk about Aoi in  Ohsawa Yayoi’s “2DK, GPen, Mezamashitokei.” She’s a jerk. I mean, we get it, sh’s not living her life honestly. When we thought she was, her teasing was just that but, knowing that she’s a hypocrite made this chapter very hard to take. Yes, it was predictable that she, too, had fallen for Kaede, but still. On the technical side, writing a harem manga in which both the leads are at the center of a Venn diagram of wannabee lovers has got to be an interesting challenge. 

And “Kimi ha Shoujo” which was kind of lovely went straight to WTF territory in this second chapter. I kind of hope she’s a vampire just so I can dislike it honestly. ^_^

“Shiori wo Sagasu Page-tachi” took yet another turn. I’m not sure if I keep just expecting it to be something other than it is, or it doesn’t know what it’s trying to be.

In contrast, “Watashi ni Karada Urutteminai?” started well over the shark and I’m just going along for the ride. Tsukasa’s father died leaving her mired in debt to a lot of unsavory characters, among them a tall, beautiful woman who offers Tsukasa a deal – let me buy you and I’ll pay off all the debts. Well, gosh human trafficking sure is a wholesome premise for a romance isn’t it? ^_^;

There were many other stories, most of which I read, and just a handful I didn’t (and most of those are the usual suspects…) so there’s a good bet that you’d find something to appeal to you in this volume.


Overall – 8

A good strong volume this month and I look forward to more. Conveniently, the April issue will be out shortly. 

Yuri Manga: Comic Yuri Hime February 2018 /コミック百合姫2018年2月号)

January 17th, 2018

In the February 2018 issue of Comic Yuri Hime (コミック百合姫2018年2月号) “NTR: Netzuzou Trap” comes to an end. I want to talk about this for a second, because in ending, it iremains a horrible series.  It ends with “happily ever after,”  which is to say that the two female leads end up together. At no point did the story establish a good reason why we would want them together. Nor did it convince me that the guys were particularly bad boyfriends, as they were lied to and made fools of the entire run of the story. In fact, I basically feel that anyone reading the story was being made a fool of, since it was never a Yuri story in the first place

Now that Kodama Naoko-sensei is free of it, I hope we’ll see a much less unpleasant series from her. I really like her art and her characters, generally, so this  story about unlikable people being unlikable was not all that enjoyable for me. 

Honestly, I’m just glad that’s over. 

In the meantime, Ohsawa Yayoi’s “2DK, GPen Mezamashitokei” continues (thank the gods!) and has veered into once-again uncomfortable territory. Both Kaede and Nanami have been invited to Aoi’s wedding, but Kaede has a deadline, so Nanami is shoved into the role of Aoi’s confessor. And confess she does. I can’t be the only one wondering why Aoi is marrying this guy at this point.

A lot of the established stories are taking strange turns in this volume, “Shiori wo Sagasu Page-tachi” and ” Watashi no Yuri ha Shigoto Desu” both shift towards more serious confrontations. Natsu-fuji’s “Kima ha Shoujo” seems pretty well-worn and comfortable by comparison.


Overall – 8

It was a pretty chunky issue and I think I read more than I didn’t for a change, even if “Yuri Yuri” is still limping along making old-man puns. The March issue goes on sale this week in Japan.

Yuri Manga: Comic Yuri Hime January 2018 (コミック百合姫2018年1月号)

January 5th, 2018

Comic Yuri Hime, January 2018 (コミック百合姫2018年1月号) is off to a strong start with series new and continuing, from folks we know we like, folks we know we don’t like and folks we don’t know at all.

We have Miman’s “Watashi no Shigoto ha Yuri Desu” in which our eyes are in fact turned toward Nanako and Tachibana and I find the idea that they will have a storyline unto themselves far, far more interesting than anything involving Hime.

And Ohsawa Yayoi’s “2DK, GPen Mezamshitokei” turns towards a new and exciting digression…one that makes me all kinds of uncomfortable, as Nanami heads to Kyoto to attend Aoi’s wedding, while Kaede remains home to hit a tight deadline. This is a recipe for all kinds of disaster. I can’t wait. ^_^

Taneko’s “Model-san and Ichimi Mane-san” isn’t “Liberty, but I like it anyway.  Katakura Ako’s art and storytelling remain messy in ”Hirusagari ni, mata”.

And of course, all the series I don’t follow that the editors love. ^_^;


Overall – 8

Exactly where I like this magazine to be – a nice bell curve of Yuri. Comic Yuri Hime is also available digitally on Japanese-region Kindle and globally on Bookwalker. The February issue is also on shelves now.

Yuri Manga: Comic Yuri Hime December 2017 (コミック百合姫2017年12月号)

November 22nd, 2017

With the publication of Comic Yuri Hime, December 2017 (コミック百合姫2017年12月号), the very first year of having a monthly Yuri manga magazine comes to an end. And what a year it has been. In the same way that I felt trepidation for the debut monthly issue, worried that it might be skewed toawrds interests away from my own, I felt similarly for this issue, which highlights some new artists. (While meanwhile, most of our best-loved artists have joined the team at Galette Works.) Unfortunately for me, the Comic Yuri Hime series they are putting the most money into are the ones I like least, so, how would I feel after reading this issue?

I’m pleased to say that Comic Yuri Hime is ending the year about as strongly as it began. Which is to say that it begins with an energetic young woman entering high school and befriending the morose rumor-laden classic Japanese beauty girl. Yep. Still trope-y as heck. ^_^

The cover couple seem to have made up and are cute and wintery. (I wonder, a bit, about people still motivated to draw the same one tropey couple as always. Really? REALLY?!?)

I’m reading two completely separate “girl falls for her sister-in-law” series at the same time, so I find it hard to remember in which the brother is alive and which not. In tMnR’s “Tatoeto Dokanu Kedatoshitemo” Uta’s crush is not as secret, I think, as she’d like us to believe. This chapter focuses more on Kaoru’s relationship with her husband. I’m more uncomfortable with this series since Reichi is alive but in any case, this story has become so depressing, I’m considering dropping it. No one seems happy ever.

After it’s dark opening chapter, “Shiori wo Sagasu Page-tachi” takes a turn sideways, to Chitose’s childhood friendship with Rikako.

“2DK, GPen, Mezamashitokei” gives us a glimpse of what Nanami’s coworkers think of her, and then we watch her spin in the cycle she’s created for herself.

Tsuitsui’s art is a mess, but despite myself I keep liking the story. In “Astrology ha Mawaru” a cool girl is torturing herself about a lost (opportunity for) love, until a young woman ends up taking up her attention.

And no surprise I adore Taneko’s “Model-chan to Jimi Mane-san” about a beautiful model and her new manager. The whole thing felt so Mist magazine, it made me grin. Even the cover piece was like, “throwback!”


Overall – 8

As always, there were many other stories I didn’t review, or even read, but others I did read, but didn’t mention. There’s a host of moe-type stories for folks interested in that, at least a few stories for those of us who prefer not. A reasonable mix. But forgive me, please, if I cannot *wait* until Yuru Yuri, Citrus and NTR are gone and free the space up for something else.

The January 2018 issue is on sale now. I know I look forward to another year of Comic Yuri Hime!