Archive for the Comic Yuri Hime Category

Yuri Manga: Comic Yuri Hime (コミック百合姫) September 2012

September 11th, 2012

September’s Comic Yuri Hime (コミック百合姫) starts off with a shock! moment for the characters of Namori’s cover story. This is followed by color page after color page singing the praises of the new Yuru Yuri anime, goods, manga, goods, CDs and goods.

Ohsawa Yayoi’s “Double Bind” was a pretty awesome throwback to the old days of doujinshi by lesbians for a strictly lesbian audience. It has the angst level of of a story by Ang (who, I one day hope to see suddenly pop up out of the woodwork again.) A relationship ends, re-starts and ends once more only to start again, fresh.

“Rock It Girl” comes to a climax, but not the last one. Happily this story will get at least one more, and perhaps a few more chapters after that. I’m so pleased that it hasn’t been cut off just as it’s beginning to get on a roll.

“Love Gene XX” also comes to a climax, as well. Momiji confesses her feelings to Aoi who is suddenly thunderstruck with the obvious about her feelings for Sakura. Aoi runs off to the mountain woods and, as a real thunderstorm starts, Sakura runs off after her. Will Erika-sama be wiling to sacrifice her own fiance’ in order to get revenge against Aoi? Who knows….

Kazuma Kowo’s “Namae ha mada nai” is her very typical play of facial expressions, body language and simple words as a backdrop to a play of emotions that belies the simplicity with which it is presented. Neither we nor the main character understands, yet, what the unnamed honor student has in mind.

Kanana and Shiroyuki are wracked with doubts, but poignant and sweet advice from Sumi and Kinana saves the day in Miyamoto Hisanori’s “Fu~Fu.”

As Fueko and Asuna’s relationship falls apart, we learn about how it began in Amano Syuninta’s “Watashi no Sekhai o Kousei Suru Gomi no You na Nanika”.

Kiss marks are the topic of the day in “Leave Hickey” by Takemiya Jin.

And it looks like Kimiko’s story is coming to a close in Morishima Akiko’s “Renai Joshi Tantei File.”

There are many, many other stories in this volume, tear-jerkers, 4-panel gags and Story A galore, for readers of many interests.


Overall – 8

Yuri Invades JManga (Again!) With Yuru Yuri

August 23rd, 2012

In the 1960s the British Invasion was led by the Beatles, in the 2000s, the Manga Invasion was led by Tokyopop and in the 2010s, the Yuri Invasion is led by JManga and ALC Publishing!

Today on JManga, namori-sensei’s hit manga series from the pages of Comic Yuri HimeYuru Yuri lands with the kind of splash that only 4 girls sitting around doing absolutely nothing could provide! (Judges’ score: 10 out of 10 for having fun)

For fans of Yuru Yuri, there is a contest quiz – answer questions that show your knowledge of the series and be entered to win prizes and great fame. ^_^

And last, (but not least, because I wrote it,, so don’t forget to tell JManga how awesome it is, ^_^) JManga’s Poi Poi features an essay I wrote about the Yuri publishing landscape in Japan from 2003-2012, called The Yuri Scene in Japan 2003 – 2012. Enjoy!

More Yuri manga will be coming in the days ahead and more promotional fun from JManga, Ichijinsha and ALC Publishing!

Yuri Manga: Comic Yuri Hime, July 2012 (コミック百合姫)

July 30th, 2012

Comic Yuri Hime,(コミック百合姫) July 2012 starts off with a new story by Kazuma Kowo (yaaaayyy!!!) “Namae ha Mada Nai”, about a transfer student who, I hope, will turn another student’s life upside down. ^_^ 

Shin Yui bridges the gap between two languages in “Niñas”.

 “Mashoujo” takes a manipulative and evil-eyebrowed look at a teacher/student relationship.” Sakamoto Mano’s ending is a handwave, but I can’t trust eyebrows like that…ever.

Ohsawa Yayoi’s “Chemical Romance” is the second Yuri story I’ve read this year that deals with allergies. I love the fact that everyday things like this are creeping into our Yuri fantasies. ^_^;;

Takemiya Jin’s “Step Forward” brings Ryouko’s relationship with Ah-chan to a bit of a climax, as Ryouko waits for the older woman to say “I love you” back…to complicate matters their relationship is discovered by one of Ryouko’s classmates – who has no intention of blabbing, she says, she’s got a girlfriend too.

“Renai Joshiko Tantei File” by Mizoguchi Akiko, digs a little into the backstory behind Saki’s ex, Kimiko, how she finds Saki again and how her assistant helps her (well, forces her, yelling the whole while…!) to move on.

“Inugami-san and Nekoyama-san” adds a mouse, Nezu Mikine, (nezumi means mouse) and a cow, Ushiwaka Yukiji, (ushi means cow) to the menagerie.

Amano Syuninta’s “Watashi no Sekhai o Kousei Suru Gomi no You na Nanika” as expected, brings the issue of Sa-chan’s emotionally abusive boyfriend to a head and amazingly, sets it aside with way less damage than I expected. Phew. 

“Fu~Fu” proves that the author really does understand lesbians, when Kina and Su-chan foster a cat. But in the end, they decide to stick with their two-human relationship.

“Ame-iro Kochakan Kandan ~ Golden tips and Silver tips~” proves to us once and for all that people who refer to themselves in the third person are odd. Oh, and we follow Hinoka and her girlfriend. ^_^ 

Erika-sama is up to no good in “Love Gene Double X” but we knew that. Aoi is starting to clue in to her feelings, and Momoji gets a lesson in lovemaking. (So much for that no Adam couples, no Eve couples thing, huh?)

“Kimono Nadesico” are 4-koma, so you know, the same kind of bwa~wah~waahh.

And in “Cirque Arachne,” Layla starts to notice Sora, I erm, mean Charlotte starts to notice Tetei.

As always there are many more stories, these are just the one I wanted to call your attention to. ^_^ 


Overall – 8

Yuri Manga: Comic Yuri Hime, May 2012 (コミック百合姫)

June 11th, 2012

The May 2012 issue of Comic Yuri Hime (コミック百合姫), has a decent amount of good. For once it doesn’t begin with Yuru Yuri, it drops directly in to some one-shots.

“Sotsugyou Kinshi” by Ohsawa Yayoi reminded me of the good old days of doujinshi Yuri where the threat of graduation is tempered by handing over an apartment key, so separation need not be experienced.

“Inukami-san and Nekoyama-san” continue with that same kind of goofy 4-panel nothing really we’ve become used to from Kuzushiro-sensei.

“Fu~Fu” was sweet and really hard to swallow. Komugi is supposed to be seen as tsundere, but as usually with that type, she’s rarely, if ever dere and is mostly just physically abusive. It’s really not that cute. But Hayase loves her anyway and manages to get the point across.

“Rock it Girl” brings the band right up to their debut night. Despite Kaname’s self-esteem issues, they do indeed rock it.

Morishima Akiko-sensei’s “Futari no Milky Way” was an exposition of de Saint-Exupéry’s The Little Prince and why life with people doesn’t suck all that much, really. ^_^

The story with the incredibly long title that I can never be bothered actually reading by Amano Syuninta actually seems to be settling into a plot. Lost, Sa-chan and Ruki get very close to talking about Sa-chan’s awful boyfriend, and I’m betting next chapter brings a climax to that bit.

“Step Up” by Takemiya Jin has introduced the phrase “Oppai-o gozaimasu” to my house and I may never forgive her. ^_^;

“Kimono Nadesico” is more fun to read than to write about.

And…we’re gearing up for something big in “Love DNA XX” as Erika gets confirmation that Sakura and Aoi like each other…a lot. Too much. I really, really hope this story gets brave and confronts the horrible glaring problem with itself before it wraps up. If this goes all tidy wrap-up on me, I’ll scream.

As always, there are other stories, some of which I read. For a full variety of the styles and stories, get a copy of the magazine and enjoy it for yourself!


Overall – 8

Yuri Manga: Comic Yuri Hime , March 2012 (コミック百合姫)

March 19th, 2012

I am absolutely overwhelmed with work this week (a week I desperately hoped not to be overwhelmed during) so reviews will be thin. My apologies in advance.

To start thinner-than-average review week off right, here is a not particularly chunky review of the March 2012 issue of Comic Yuri Hime (コミック百合姫). ^_^;

The new “cover story” is being told in pantomime, with few words. As it is a schoolgirl story with moe designs by Namori, I have already checked out of it and simply do not care what happens.

The first story of some note is an absolutely bizarre pastiche by Ohsawa Yayoi, that involves a computer website, two girls and a goat head. I will say no more.

Morishama-sensei’s “Koibana Valentine” remains adorable. The balance of older couple (Haha. Older. Like 26) and younger is delightful and never fails to make me smile. Plus, candy and sex. Win.”Love Preparation” by Takemiya Jin has left my household with a new phrase “Oppai-o gozaimasu.” I wish she hadn’t done that. ^_^

In “Fu~Fu,” we learn the reason for a random woman suddenly confessing her love to Kinana on the street…she had mistaken her for Kanana! Bwah~ bwah~ bwahhhh~~ Especially as Kana has a girlfriend now and one who is rather possessive. Oh, but don’t worry, Arata has no intention of backing off. Of course.

Sai Nica’s “Cirque Arachne” is clearly the story we really wanted from Kaleido Star and is making no bones about it.

There were, as always, a lot of other stories and your mileage will vary on all of them. I’m feeling the wind swinging back towards stuff I don’t like much at Comic Yuri Hime and it is not making me all that happy. OTOH, we usually get one meh volume and then one great one, so I’ll keep my fingers crossed that the next one is better. At this rate Yuru Yuri and Yuri Danshi will take over the whole magazine, though.


What I liked, I liked 8, but the magazine as a whole was 6