Archive for the Comic Yuri Hime Category

Comic Yuri Hime, February 2022 (コミック百合姫2022年2月号)

February 2nd, 2022

Comic Yuri Hime, February 2022, was full of surprises, not the least of which there were no excruciating boob mechanics in semelparous. Not one. But there was a lot of new stuff and old stuff and good stuff!

It begins with another great faux-collage portrait by Isshiki, of two unnamed protagonists who tell us not to decide if it’s requited love or not on our own.

The book opens with a surprising chapter of inori’s “Watashi no Oshi ha Akuyaku Reijou.” The tone of the story shifts from love comedy to political intrigue as we meet the commoner movement against noble privilege and income inequality. Following this is the first chapter of the new edition of the original Watashi no Oshi ha Akuyaku Reijou. -Revolution- (私の推しは悪役令嬢。-Revolution-) now out from Ichijinsha!

Takashima Eku’s “Sasayakuyouni Koi wo Utau” is always a breath of fresh air, as Himari and Yori go one a date in between their various obligations and the members of Lorelei talk over their pasts…and their futures.

BIG question answered in this chapter of “Watashi no Yuri ha Oshigoto desu.” We get the beginning of the story when Nene and Youko met. Youko also likes women she says and offers to be a sounding board for Nene’s unrequited like for (an entirely clueless) Sumika. We know this will end in chaos. But at the end of the chapter, in the present day, we see Youko’s text to Nene that she misses her…and Nene’s response that she does too.

Toribami begins to understand that her job as lead in the dance is going to have to be outside the dance too, as Kiki continues to doubt herself – and their partnership – in “Odoriba ni Skirt ga Naru.”

Sempai closes the gap in Usui Shio’s “Onna Tomodachi to Kekkonshitemita,” bringing both Ruriko and Kurumi back on the same page about simply enjoying each oher’s company…and money and other big decisions.

In ” Lonely Girl ni Sakaraenai,” Sora celebrates quite probably her first happy Christmas party with Ayaka’s family and their friends…and is a little overwhelmed by it.

There are no weird boobs bouncing or painted on clothing in “semelparous” and more people are smiling in “Citrus+.”

And Kon-san remains magically sensitive to Inui-sensei’s needs in “Kyou no Htitotsu no Shita.”

Ohi-sensei draws her and Fuuka’s first meetup and their subsequent first time hanging out for a while together in “Pillow Talk ha Fuku o Kite.”

As always there are many stories I have not mentioned, some of which I enjoyed, others I didn’t. You may notice I almost never mention the 18+ content that is running in the magazine. I’ve kind of gone off porn, but that doesn’t mean its bad. So far it hasn’t been for me. But Comic Yuri Hime is holding steady at 500 pages, three out creators and a lot of great stuff for just about all tastes.


Overall – 9 An excellent volume. Here’s to a year of excellent Yuri!

The March issue is in stores now in print and digital. ^_^

Comic Yuri Hime, January 2022 (コミック百合姫2022年1月号)

December 21st, 2021

After the text-heavy cover story for 2021, Comic Yuri Hime, January 2022 (コミック百合姫2022年1月号) treats us to a new image-heavy, story, this one by, I believe the characters are pronounced Isshiki (一色). The cover has an underlying texture with image and lettering as a spot gloss over, which makes for a really interesting feel that aligns with the collage look of the layered art. The title lettering has returning to a a funky font. I’m mentioning all of this because I really like this. A lot. I love that they are coming up with wholly new design aesthetics every year and using the cover as art and story as well as basic information. Remind me to tell them this next time I fill out the monthly questionnaire.

Following this is information about the Comic Yuri Hime Pop-Up Shop that opened in Akihabara, and has now moved to Nagoya. You can absolutely buy goods on the online shop, if you have either a buying service or shipping service, like Buyee or Tenso. Of course I bought some stuff. ^_^

The manga gets off to a fantastic start with “Watashi no Yuri ha Oshigoto desu!” by Miman. We step right into Nene’s backstory and…wow. First of all, Nene is the first lesbian character in the story and she’s not shy about it. Secondly, we are quickly approaching a reckoning with the woman who broke her heart and I’ve got my popcorn ready. This issue was great – Nene’s long been my favorite character – but yeah, cannot *wait* for the February issue!

In  Takeshima Eku’s “Sasayakuyouni Koi wo Utau,” Yori is trying to understand her own feelings about Himari, including the jealousy she’s now experiencing. Part of what makes this story so good is Yori is very honest with herself and Himari.

“Kimi to Shiranai Natsu ni Naru” finally has caught up to itself. Bike returned, Megumi and Haru get dinner (at last!) and a new friend to help the celebrate their summer of freedom.

You know I don’t usually talk about Citrus, but this issue someone actually smiled!

“Kaketa Tsuki to Donuts” is heading for a climax, and so, inevitably, both Asahi and Hinako doubt themselves. Which makes  a perfect double header with Usui Shio’s other series, “Onna Tomodachi Kekkonshitemita.” Hopefully that one only has a 2-chapter funk to deal with.

I also don’t usually bother to talk about “semelparous,” but this page had me howling with laughter. I know some folks like this, but I just cannot take it at all seriously. This is comedy, surely?

And finally (for me), Inui Ayu continues her tale of how amazing her girlfriend is in “Kyou mo Hitotsu Yane no Shita.” ^_^

CW reminds me (thank you!) that this issue also has the beginning of an essay by Pikachi-sensei about life with her girlfriend.  ^_^ It really feels like a tipping point has been passed. 

As always this is merely a selection I particularly enjoy. There are other stories I like and others I don’t, but I am confident you’ll find something you like.


Overall – 8

Lesbians in two issues in a row. Smiling faces in Citrus. It’s already a great new year for Comic Yuri Hime!

Comic Yuri Hime December 2021 (コミック百合姫2021年12月号)

December 12th, 2021

Comic Yuri Hime, December 2021 (コミック百合姫2021年12月号) was a terrific end to a year of pretty darn good Yuri manga!

To begin with “One Hundred Years Distance,” Hanna Ren’s science-fiction time-travel plague-focused cover novel wraps up with a message for all of us to get vaccinated, wear masks, wash our hands and care for one another. Japan gains a new Youtuber, as Shizuka send her message across time from 1921. Kesshin’s art was wonderful,I really enjoyed this story, but oh my goodness did I dislike the teeny-weeny font size.  Still, it was the best of the shousetsu this time around.

Takeshima Eku’s “Sasayakuyouni Koi o Utua” has moved into a new arc that I will not spoil, but the stakes are completely different than “does Himari love Yori?” now and it’s way more interesting. We’re seeing more of Yori’s real self and watching her learn to ask for help.

“Kimi to Shiranai Natsu ni Naru” by Keyyang had a pretty weak start, in my opinion, but seems to have found itself and is now ready to fly! Having been stranded, our two protagonists head to a relative’s home. In a call to her aunt, Hi-chan and Haru take the leap from lovers to engaged and their lives instantly become brighter. NOW I’m ready to see what happens.

I…loved…”Suszume-chan to Mahou no kiss,” a zombie story by Nimu. Just a fantastic short story.

“Lonely Girl ni Sakarenai” is now, finally, addressing Ayaka’s problem, the source of the entire story – that she is terrible at taking tests.

“Onna Tomodachi to Kekkon Shitemita,” by Usui Shio was kind of frustrating, in part because it was realistic. Kurumi and Ruriko are starting to see the cracks in what is an unbalanced relationship.

Low-key one of my fave stories this year has been “Odoriba ni Skirt ga Naru” by Watane Yuu. Kiki has an honest and loving talk with her former partner – and forever best friend, Shion. Now, Kiki and Michiru can move forward together as dance partners.

As always, there were many more stories in this issue I read and either enjoyed or didn’t. This was a strong and varied volume that topped of a year full of a lot of stuff I loved and a lot I would be happy if you scoured out of my brain. In other words, something for everyone. ^_^


Overall – 9

One of the most solid years I can remember since 2011 or so.The January 2022 issue is already out, I have already read it and cannot *wait* to review it!

Comic Yuri Hime November 2021 (コミック百合姫2021年11月号)

October 28th, 2021

Well wow. Comic Yuri Hime November 2021 (コミック百合姫2021年11月号) was a great read, for a couple of reasons.

The cover story has found a way to resolve itself, so humans don’t die off. I wasn’t worried, but…kinda wondered if the story would take any time to work at it. Nope! Just, “humans are fine, thanks.” That said, look at this gorgeous cover by Kesshin. Really nice. Next volume will go back to a white background and provide a happy ending.

The last few years have given us interesting and aesthetically pleasing stories. I’m pretty much sold on the cover novel model.

inori, hanagata and Aonoshimo’s “Watashi no Oshi ha Akuyaku Reijou” arrives on the doorstep of the crossdressing cafe. You my have seen spoilers for this online. The next volume is waiting for me to get it. I am a-quiver with anticipation. ^_^ This story is genuinely made even better with the manga art. What a pleasure it is!

“Watashi no Yuri ha Oshigoto desu!” went somewhere I did not expect and I found myself on the edge of my seat. What will happen with the reappearance of a former employee who threw the cafe into turmoil once before?

“Kimi to Tsuzuru Utakata” comes to a surprising climax in which Kaori creates an opportunity for Shizuku to say what she needs to say in order to forgive herself. A new crisis has arrived – one that has been foreshadowed for chapters, so I wasn’t nearly as surprised as Shizuku.

Kiiyan’s “Kimi to Shiranai Natsu ni Naru” started very gonzo last chapter, but this time took a turn in a bizarre direction. Two women running away from life find themselves on an even more unexpected journey.

Usui Shio’s “Kaketa Tsuki to Donuts” is coming up quickly towards its end, and this chapter was worth the price of admission. Fuuka and Hinako have a talk, again, about Asahi. Hinako is still convinced that a physical relationship is not something she can understand. Asahi likewise does not really know what she’s feeling. I hope, honest, that Hinako is allowed to remain asexual, as she is potentially presented here. She and Asahi have a lot to work through, and I’m here for all of it.

In Shio-sensei’s “Onna Tomodachi to Kekkonshitmita,” for once Kurumi spoils Ruriko a little. I’m glad, too, because Ruriko deserves to feel appreciated.

“Makoto to Momoka” by Agu felt like an old-school doujinshi. A bartender is using the bar’s name, Makoto and all her customers think it’s a cool name for her. But her name is not Makoto. The bar owner has appropriated her name, which has caused a bit of identity crisis.

“Mukeikaku Yuukuu Saihate Tour” was a nice scenic one-shot. I kind of like the travel spots in this magazine, as I’m not going anywhere these days, but is this Yuri? Is “Futari Escape”? I don’t really know.

Inui Ayu’s “Kyou mo Hitotsu Yane no Shita” is once again a paean to how much Kon-san understands Inui-sensei. This series is getting it’s first collected volume next month, yay!

Which brings me to the final excellent thing in this volume. Inui-sensei is the featured artist in the Hime Cafe section and for the first time since I’ve been reading this magazine, a contributing artist discusses issues like coming out,  being a lesbian and living with a girlfriend. I don’t think we’ve had an out artist in the magazine proper before and I am absolutely thrilled that Inui-sensei is the one to break that barrier.  I was so happy, in fact, I made *sure* I filled out the survey in the back to let them know how happy I was.

Note: Reader CW comments that Takemiya Jin has previously discussed coming out in an early issue of Hime Cafe and I thought I recalled that, as well, but I was unable to confirm it from my archives.

A great penultimate issue for the year. One more to go and then everything is in the wind again.


Overall  8

The December issue is already out in Japan, and I hope will be in my hands this week. ^_^

Comic Yuri Hime October 2021 (コミック百合姫2021年10月号)

September 30th, 2021

Comic Yuri Hime October 2021 (コミック百合姫2021年10月号) brings us to the arc of I’m in Love With the Villainess that I was looking forward to most , but first…the crisis of  Hanna Ren’s cover story. And what a crisis it is! History has been changed. What will happen?

In “I’m in Love With the Villainess”- we are on the cusp of the school festival and the Academy Knights’ gender switch cafe and I’m really looking forward to seeing how everyone is drawn. In the meantime, Relaire gets to play the part of a scary monster. ^_^ His lisstle smiley face is ridiculously cute.

“Watashi no Yuri ha Oshigoto Desu!” finally digs into Sumika’s story and starts lobbing fastballs at her. Again, I look forward to where that leads us!

A kind of conflict has settled into “Sasayakuyouni Koi wo Utau” that Himari can’t cute her way out of.

“Odoriba ni Skirt ga Naru” also finds our leads in a bit of crisis as they face their first competition, but they pull it together and perform, which was the point. I’m still rooting for them.

Kabocha’s got a short story, which was really nice to see.

Comic Yuri Hime is now back over 650 pages a few months in a row and looking healthier than ever, with returning series that have some longevity, new and proven creators, a bunch of series I like, some I don’t and serialized novels (I just really wish the type was larger. It is so exhausting to try and read them.)

Speaking of prose, the magazine has announced the 4th short story contest in conjunction with Pixiv and Hayakawa Publishing, so that’s pretty awesome, even if I haven’t had a free moment to read  the winners of the last two years. You can still find them all on Pixiv if you want to read them. They are – of course – in Japanese. The 2rd and 3rd contest winners are all full-text, if you want to give them a try. They are also collected into a print volume that can be purchased through for the 2nd and 3rd collections.


Overall – 8

The November issue of Comic Yuri Hime is currently available on Japanese shelves. I can’t wait! For one thing, I want to know what happens when history changes on the cover story.