Archive for the Miscellaneous Category

Ise-san and Shima-san Volume 1 (伊勢さんと志摩さん)

March 22nd, 2019

Something about Tokuwotsumu’s art really appeals to me. I have no idea what it is. Something about the way Tokuwotsumu creates characters also appeals to me, but this time I know exactly what it is. 

Ise-san and Shima-san, Volume 1 (伊勢さんと志摩さん) is not a Yuri manga. It is, however a delightful manga about two close friends and roommates who are very comfortable together and who challenge each other to live their best lives. It’s honestly a delightful manga about absolutely nothing.

We meet Ise-san and Shima-san, coworkers and roommates as they are contemplating their “Challenge” sheet, on which they decide upon things with which to challenge themselves. These include things like giving each other a surprise, or staying up all night. It’s a fun life and one without too much emotional strain. Ise-san and Shima-san actually quite like each other, and have a lot of fun together.

We learn how they didn’t quite have a chance to become friends in school, because they ran in completely different circles but, when Ise-san was assigned to break in the newbie at work and it turned out to be Shima-san, they’d been friends ever since.

What appeals to me about the characters is the lack of drama and the open friendship they have for one another. They support one another, confide in each other and just generally are very good friends without complication. It’s really nice and very rare to see friendships between women portrayed without drama in manga. As a result, this manga about two best friends is a perfect palate cleanser after yesterday’s review. ^_^;


Warui Onna no Ko Manga (わるいおんなのこ)

March 21st, 2019

When Kisaragi Mayu joins the Art Club in Warui Onna no Ko (わるいおんなのこ), everything goes to hell.

Mayu is, as the title says, an evil girl. Through manipulation, both sexual and emotional, physical torture and blackmail the entire club becomes her slaves or is injured and even killed for resisting. The pages of the volume close on the teacher for the art club showing obeisance to Mayu and being tattooed by Mayu’s slaves.

It’s a cheerful little manga, as you can imagine. ^_^

Crazy eyes and shock eyes inhabit most of the panels. The art is all the more disturbing because it is good. The story is disturbing because it is disturbing.

When I heard that Complex Age creator Sakuma Yui was drawing a Yuri manga, I had no idea what to expect. I expected a Yuri manga, at the very least. This story isn’t Yuri, so much as uses the frisson of Yuri as one of the various forms of predatory grooming and psychological manipulation. So…that was fun. (-_-);


Art – 8
Story – 4
Characters – 3 One has hope at the beginning. Not so at the end.
Service – 5 It could be worse, but there is a lot of blood
Yuri – 1

Overall – 4

Depending on what you like, but I found it dire. If you like trainwreck stories starring creepy assholes successfully being creepy, you’ll love it.

Oshi ga Budokan Ittekuretara Shinu Manga, Volume 5 ( 推しが武道館いってくれたら死ぬ )

March 7th, 2019

Since this week has sort of naturally slipped into “manga that vaguely annoy/disappoint/vex me” week, I think this is a perfect time to review Oshi ga Budokan Ittekuretara Shinu, Volume 5 ( 推しが武道館いってくれたら死ぬ ). ^_^;

Being an otaku takes a lot of work and a lot of money, as we’ve learned in the previous 4 volumes, but it also takes a kind of compulsion, a need to be there for the singers you’ve all but adopted as yours. In Volume 5, the Cham Jam otaku follow their idols to an overnight camp, where they get to do camping chores and sit at the campfire with them and get commemorative pictures and to Tokyo for their first show in the big city.  It’s not at the Budokan, but the group does get to take a picture outside the Budokan, so that’s something.

I was going to be really snarky and say “and then a thing happened,” but as I think about it, a number of things happened, it’s just that the scale of “happen” is so small for this series. There’s always a side story within the group itself,  this time, it mostly focuses on the group in Tokyo and them trying to keep their energy up after a 10-hour van ride into the city. I’m more and more convinced that two of the group are a couple, but just not telling anyone (Yumeri and Yuuka, maybe, I have a hard time keeping them all straight. I only recognize Maki and Maina of the 7 Cham Jam members at a glance. I am a terrible otaku and Hirao’s art leans slightly more realistic than fantastic. The Cham Jam members all have hair that looks normal and is varying shades of black and gray. Maina wear twin tails, when she takes them out, I have no idea who she is.)

In the meantime, we’re still watching Eri and she’s definitely changing, albiet very slowly. We get to see her at her bakery job, which she genuinely enjoys and which gives her time later in the day to do the otakuing she needs. We also get a glorious moment when Motoi brings along his younger sister Rena, who used to be a Cham Jam otaku, too and we can see Eri in the company of another woman her age outside the otaku world. It felt very refreshing, even as, of course, Eri, Motoi and Kumasa mostly talk about the group.

Most importantly, during handshake time, Maina and Eri *finally* have a short conversation with no mishaps. It’s banal and keeps to the established territory of fan/idol interaction, but they manage a whole few minutes together.

The more I read this story, the more I desperately hope it’s meant to be a cutting commentary on the utterly brutal idol industry, and the equally brutal hobby of being an idol group otaku. Otherwise, it fills me with despair. (Yeah, I know, I know, I keep bringing it on myself.) The idea that this manga is getting an anime is already annoying, but it will probably be meant to be a comedy and I will just want the world to burn. 


Art – 8
Story – I don’t even know anymore~~~~
Character – 8
Service – 1
Yuri – 2 Their eyes meet, they have a conversation, no plants fall and Eri doesn’t end up injured. They are practically married.

Overall – 7 

If the crushing awfulness of idol/otaku relations is an intentional target, I would like it so much more, but I think crushingly awful is just what the artist does.

SF Magazine, February 2019, Featuring Yuri (SFマガジン2019年2月号 百合特集)

February 3rd, 2019

Last December the Yuri world thrilled at the announcement that for the first time SF Magazine was going to be publishing an issue featuring Yuri stories. SF Magazine, Featuring Yuri (SFマガジン2019年2月号 百合特集) sold out pretty quickly and had to be reprinted, which is very gratifying.

Before I get into the review, I have to tell you something about myself. When I was very young, I read a lot of science fiction. I mean, massive, metric tons, because I read whatever my Dad read and he was a member of the Science Fiction Book Club (remember that?). So my reading was 98% stuff I absolutely positively should not be reading at that age. ^_^

When I was like 9 or 10 my father told me a version of the story Knock by Frederic Brown. I have a standing bet with myself that all scifi collections I read will begin with some iteration of this story. I have never lost that bet. ^_^

When I hit 13 or 14, I remember my enthusiasm for scifi being ground down by, specifically, short story collections. The Best Science Fiction of /year/ collections were full of so much UGH, that after a couple of years of clones killing their originals and lots of rape and dystopia, all by men and mostly white men, I just got bored. I remember vividly the two stories that were the last straws for me. Of them, the one I blame most was an excruciating story by Stanislaw Lem, the punchline of which was “What do you take me for, a Phool?” at which point I walked away from science fiction for approximately a decade, until I found cyberpunk. Last time I read a scifi short story collection, it was likewise full of ugh, although this time by women. ^_^; My experiences with science fiction short stories have not be overwhelmingly positive. ( SF Novels, otoh, have been better than ever in the last few years!)

I am telling you this so you understand some of my ambivalence about this issue of SF Magazine. The rest of my ambivalence is because imagining stories by science fiction fans that were specifically written to be Yuri, caused me to imagine all sorts of new ugh to be experienced. As you may imagine. 

Well, I won the standing bet, but otherwise, the Yuri in this issue of SF Magazine has been interesting and not ugh at all. Your mileage may, of course, vary, but I found the stories mostly to be sweet and a little sad, rather than creepy or gross.

Following  the first few stories and a manga, is an interview with Comic Yuri Hime Editors in Chief Nakamura and Umezawa. I’m very pleased at their discussion of the heterogeneity of the Yuri genre and was delighted that Umezawa also begins the history of Yuri with Yoshiya Nobuko.

This interview is followed by an interview with Tsukimura Ryoue, with whose work I am wholly unfamiliar, so I look forward to learning something about him when I read the interview. (Edit: It turns out he is the screenplay writer for the anime Noir, among others, so it turns out that I am familiar with some of his work, just not his novels.) I was kind of surprised they didn’t do an interview with Fukami Makoto, since his science fiction often includes lesbians. ^_^

Following this is a series of suggested titles for fans of science fiction and Yuri and, whether we consider a series in this list “Yuri” or not fills many of the posts here on Okazu. 

The magazine continues from there with what seems to be more general non-Yuri science fiction. What I have read so far has been quite decent.


Overall – 8

Overall a surprisingly pleasant experience with little that I would call exploitative,. and a lot that I would consider explorative. The February issue of SF magazine has been a fine experience with science fiction short stories featuring Yuri.  ^_^

2019 New Year’s Okazu Lucky Boxes – Claimed

January 18th, 2019

All the 2019 Okazu New Year Lucky Boxes have been claimed. Thank you everyone for helping me clean my house, erm, share the Yuri fun! ^_^

It’s that time again! Time for some Okazu Lucky Boxes!

We know what the holidays are like – you get a few cool things and a bunch of whatever from well-meaning coworkers, but what you *really* want is utter crap that I’m cleaning out of my house! ^_^

This time we have 4 Lucky Boxes to start the New Year: 2 Medium size boxes and 2 large Premium Boxes with extra cool stuff.

The two Premium boxes, contan major items like DVD or book box sets and random Japanese goods and maybe even a lingering Yuriten item or two.

One of the medium boxes is an Erotica box with BL, Yuri and general erotica. All of them have the good Japanese candy because, well, its the good candy, and of course manga, doujinshi/comics, some random cards and paper goods and who the heck knowns what, because I shove the boxes full until I can barely close them. We’re still cleaning out Bruce’s stuff and he had a lot of *stuff*!

When you email me, please refer to the box you want by the title. First come, first served and these always go fast!

Premium Box 1 – Claimed

Premium Box 2 – Claimed

Medium Box 1 Erotica box – Claimed

Medium Box 2 – Claimed

These are listed out so I can cross them off as they go.

I can 100% guarantee these boxes are filled with absolute pure stuff, with no guarantees of any other kind. No returns, because look – either you like the fact that you’re spending money on someone else’s stuff, or you don’t.


How to be eligible to buy a Lucky Box: Follow these instructions carefully. Please. Thank you. Failure to follow all of these instructions will disqualify you. It’s not personal, they go fast and I don’t have time to track you down for a piece of information.

1- You must live in the Continental USA (contiguous 48) only, no APO/FPOs – sorry about that, really. It’s vexing, I know.

2 – You must be over 18, I am not policing which books you get and since these boxes have doujinshi and other items, I really don’t know what you’re getting.

3 -Email me at anilesbocon01 at hotmail dot com with the subject “Lucky Box”. Use an email you check regularly.

4. *****Please include your name, age, mailing address. ***** Tell me which box you want. Even if you’ve given me your address previously, please include it. 

5- I will contact you at that point and give you details about payment by Paypal. Please be prepared to check your email and get payment out so this post doesn’t linger. Thanks in advance.

This whole process will be handled with utmost capriciousness. ^_^ 

Ready? Get your Lucky Boxes!