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Ten to Chi no Moribito, Part 3, New Yogo Koukoku Hen (天と地の守り人〈第3部〉新ヨゴ皇国編)

November 27th, 2016

ttcnmnybAt last. 

We arrive at the final chapters of the long, dark travels of the female bodyguard Balsa and her ward, young Prince Chagum.

It’s been about 9 years or so, since I first encountered the anime Seirei no Moribito (released as Moribito in America by Media Blasters and recently re-released on DVD and Blu-Ray by Viz Media.) I still consider this to be one of the finest anime I have ever watched – superior even to the books it was based upon.

I’ve reviewed most, but not all, of the novels here on Okazu. 

When we left the narrative in Part 2 of the final arc, the Tarsh Empire is massed to attack Chagum’s home, New Yogo. As the story opens up in Ten to Chi no Moribito, Part 3, New Yogo Koukoku Hen (天と地の守り人〈第3部〉新ヨゴ皇国編)., Tarsh arrives at the plain where Tanda and the other men of his village have been impressed by the army to do manual labor. Unable to do anything at all, Tanda can only watch as the men and boys he’s grown up with are slaughtered around him. The tide is turned only by the timely arrival of troops from Rota and Kanbal.

Torogai, having confirmed that the waters of Nayug are about to overflow into Sagu and boiling and unfettered, will destroy New Yogo, has gathered as many of the Yaku shaman she can, in order to do a dangerous spell that, if successful will help to warn people, and if not, will destroy her. Another of their number had recently attempted it, but had died trying.

Chagum returns to the Palace in New Yogo, only to find that his father is not the man he (nor I) thought he was. He comes to court bloody from his first battle, scarred by knife and sword, and finds the man he thought was his father, viewing him as a hated rival. Chagum tries to warn him of the impending flood and the war, but he and his message are rejected. (And finally, I see that the Emperor was not really all the nice all along. The live-action got it right and I was wrong.)

Almost immediately, one of the Generals attempts to assassinate Chagum, but Shuga, who knew it was likely, is there to heal him. While healing, Chagum is pulled into Nayug, where the water spirits tell him about the flood. Still in Nayug, Chagum goes to his father’s court, but cannot be heard. He is able to cause a ruckus and get Shuga’s attention. Shuga, who has been warned by Torogai also tries to tell the court, but he too, is not fully successful. He tends Chagum’s body and awaits the end.

Torogai completes the spell and is able to save many people, by getting them away from the river before the flood.

But the hero of the story is down in Tarsh. The pirate Hyuugo, whom we had thought was dead, is brought home, barely alive. There, after the old king dies, with the two sons vying for the position of King, Hyuugo tells Prince Raul that he cannot win against the alliance of New Yogo, Rota, Kanbal and Sangal and the only thing he should do is immediately withdraw. The day after Raul is made King, the war is over.

And I stared. Um, huh? That’s it? Boom? No more war? Yup. End of war. 

Chagum’s father and most of his court died in the flood of boiling water out of Nayug. Tanda lost his arm and his will to live in the war and is suffering from PTSD. Balsa is tending to him, knowing there’s nothing she can do. Slowly, New Yogo is rebuilding, but a lot of people will never return home. As summer dawns, Tanda finally turns towards healing and he and Balsa finally kiss.

Chagum is walking through the palace and find his younger sister and brother. Tortured by the idea that he is about to become “the voice of god” and knowing perfectly well that he is merely a human, he decides he’ll rule in such a way to make his siblings’ lives peaceful. Two days later, Chagum becomes the Emperor of New Yogo.

Summer passes, then fall, then winter and spring and once again it is summer. Balsa returns home, paying one last visit to the old lady Masa who took in Asura and Chikisa (from Kami no Miribito, Part 1 and Part 2,) who have decided that they are ready to think about returning to Rota. Finally, Balsa returns to her home, where Tanda is cooking her dinner and Torogai is hanging out drinking. 

The End.


Overall – 8

Other than the abrupt end of the war, nothing was really surprising in this novel. Nonetheless, I’m kind of glad that we got to see Balsa and Tanda end up together. The plotting in the novel series has always been a lot of set-up for a handwave ending (which is one of the several things that the anime did better than the novel), but the characters have always been worth it.

Turns out there is one last book in the series (other than the cookbook, Balsa’s Table.) Nagareikusha: Moribito Short Story Collection, (流れ行く者: 守り人短編集) follows Balsa as a young girl, traveling with her foster father Jiguro. Undoubtedly, I’ll end up reading it eventually. 

But this is the last of the Balsa and Chagum books and, for a series that took me about 5 years to read, it was pretty damn good. Now I can kick back and watch the live action and complain about all the changes, just like a real fan should. ^_^

Otomodachi Kara Hajimemashou Manga, Volume 2 (お友達からはじめましょう。)

November 22nd, 2016

otghjms2Back in 2013, I took a look at the first volume of Otsu Hiyori’s new manga series because the obi has read “Girl Meets Girl” + “Boy Meets Boy.”. What I found was a group of likeable characters and a low-stress slice-of-life story. Pretty much exactly what one might expect from Otsu-sensei. ^_^

In Volume 2 of Otomodachi Kara Hajimemashou (お友達からはじめましょう。) we begin with the boys, Haru, Kou and Hayato in their quest to prove worthy of a cooking club at school. They put their time, effort, practice, heart and souls into cooking a really amazing meal for the teacher they want as an adviser. His response is to slap them down hard with a “It was good, but not amazing.” Disheartened, but determined, they turn away planning a second  try, when the teacher tells them that he was impressed by their devotion and he’ll do it – he’ll be their adviser. Success for the boys!

We then look at the girls. Akira is struggling to understand if she’s interested in the boy Chizu likes, or what? She watches him, but is it that she likes him or watches him on Chizu’s behalf? She doesn’t know. Meanwhile, Chizu drags Akira along to photography club, which Akira has no particular interest in. But, as she starts to take photos of people and things, and especially outgoing Chizu, something in her changes. All of a sudden, Akira finds that the world looks different and she really likes taking pictures! She decides to get a job to be able to buy herself a camera and throws herself into the idea of her being a cameraman.

Yuri is close to nonexistent, unless you really read into Akira and Chizu (which you totally can, but it’s all on you) and there’s no BL at all.

I’m fairly certain that any romance in this book will be straight, but it’s also kind of aside from the point. As the title says clearly, “Let’s start here as friends”. It distinctly feels more like the story is about both Akira and Haru building close friendships, than a school-life romance. 


Art – 8
Story – 7, holding steady
Characters – 8
Yuri – 0
Service – 0

Overall – 8

The story is comfortable and fun with Otsu’s typical low-key characterization and relaxed drama. If you’re already a fan, you’ll probably slip this series on like a comfortable slipper.

Himawari-san Manga, Volume 7 (ひまわりさん)

November 10th, 2016

hws7To all my readers here at Okazu, and especially to all of you who have been with me for years, my sincere thanks and love. We’re going to need each other in days to come. I will do my best to provide entertainment and thoughtful commentary and a welcoming community. Please feel free to vent in the comments today.Hate speech and insults will be immediately and harshly dealt with. Expressions of mutual support are welcome. Stay respectful of each other and I’ll just consider it an open forum. 

In the meantime, as thin excuse to escape reality, I would like to briefly discuss Himawari-san, Volume 7.  One might be surprised to see this story, which was never about anything in particular, to be still in progress. Unusually, as it reaches Volume 7, it appears to be about something after all. This story is about the humanizing of Himawari-san, “An introverted young girl and her older brother have their lives radically altered by a bookshop owner and a professional writer, respectively.” 

In this volume we see both Matsuri and Himawari-san from the outside and we can see that they, almost despite themselves, have been really good for one another. And we can see that they are coming to that same conclusion. 


Art – 9
Story – 7
Characters – 8
Yuri – 2 (I’m starting to think Himawari-san and Yuu might be a good couple, too)
Service – 1

Overall  – 8

These past two days have reminded me starkly  of the importance – the lifeline – books were to me as a young person. As an adult, they’ve become more of a pleasure, but as a child and a teen, they were the single thing that kept me sane and out of trouble. I’m going to start working on my Gift List shortly, and hope that we can offer some solace and lifelines through manga in the days to come. Feel free to make suggestions in the comments as well.

Torikaebaya Manga, Volume 9 (とりかえ・ばや)

October 13th, 2016

51xwd9km9el-_sx318_bo1204203200_The train wreck that is the plot of Saito Chiyo-sensei’s Torikaebaya, Volume 9 (とりかえ・ばや) just keeps getting wreckier and wreckier.

Sarasojuu who was born as a woman, but should have been a man, has been masquerading now for a while as a woman…as her sibling Suiren, in fact.  Suiren, who was born a man, but should have been a woman, has been playing the part of a male courtier as Sarasojuu.

Complicating things, Sara has fallen in love with the Emperor and Suiren with Toguu-sama, his female heir. In a botched attempt to meet Toguu-sama once more, Suiren and Sara protect Toguu-sama from being assassinated, but must be punished for violating protocols and endangering her in the first place.

I desperately want the Emperor to clue in on what’s going on, but as decent a person as he is, he’s showing no signs of that. And he’s being pressured to choose a male heir over Toguu-sama by enemy factions in the government.

This volume almost exclusively follows Sara as Suiren. And I’m feeling uneasy about it, because she’s starting to assimilate into her “switched role” as a woman. It doesn’t feel right to me at all.

BUT, in Volume 9 one really super important thing happens for which I am extremely grateful. Poor Shi-no-hime, Sara’s wife in name only, with two children by Tsuwabuki, lost, almost utterly alone, is redeemed. Her family petitions Sara’s family to dissolve the marriage, when they receive an offer from a much older man. The dissolution is approved, with genuine regrets on Sara’s part, but Shi-no-hime is not moving for love, but a sense of duty to her children. As she sets off on her trip to her new husband’s house, Tsuwabuki sweeps up and rides off with her. At his summer home, he promises to take care of his children if she’ll have him. They – finally – are allowed to be together.  Thank the gods. At least Shi-no-hime gets a happy ending. Of all the characters in the book, I felt worst for her.

As I read, it dawned on me that if either Suiren and Sarasojuu were gay – or, to be more precise, if they were allowed to be gay as the sex they best suited, this story would be very different. But instead, Sara is finding her life as Suiren less uncomfortable, while Suiren is still managing as Sarasojuu. If they are to find happiness in love, I fear it will have to be as their birth sex. There doesn’t seem a way through this in which they can both, be the sex they wish to be and have the love they wish to have. Even having the tenguu switch them now would only make things worse, as Suiren loves Toguu-sama as a man  and Sara loves the Emperor as a woman. Aughs. So many aughs.


Art – 9
Story – 8
Characters – 9
Service – 1

Overall – 9

Volume 10 is already out. Get the antacids ready.

YNN is Off This Week

September 17th, 2016

It’s been a light news week and I’m out of the office today to have some fun. Be back tomorrow with my last catch-up post for Steven Universe.

Go enjoy yourself, have some fun. See you back here on Sunday.^_^