Archive for the Miscellaneous Category

Otaku in Paris, Pilgrimage to Versailles

August 22nd, 2016

20160816_161131I am back from the third of my three vacations this summer and once again, I come with pictures and thoughts and things, this time from Paris, France.

You may remember that in 2015, I was in Japan and had the chance to see a Takarazuka show, Hakushaku no Reijou. During the post-show postmortem, we all decided that the show was set in “Paris of the Imagination” rather than a real time or place. I now understand why. ^_^ Paris is a city that has a great deal of historicity, much of which is still functioning as business places and homes. While the 21st century has made it’s mark, it’s been kept at bay, both literally and figuratively, with construction of skyscrapers kept mostly out to the edges of the city. So, when sitting in a cafe, one can be forgiven for allowing one’s self to believe that one is, for a moment, feeling the “true” pulse of Paris. Of course, one is fully delusional at that moment, but it’s forgivable.

20160816_173142To begin with, we ended up staying in the geek central part of Paris, so one afternoon we spent a few hours digging around the various Album and Pulp stores for bande dessinée, (French-language comics. I picked up a few and will review them someday,) manga in French, figurines, artbooks, American comics and the like. Among these was the lovely complete set of Lady Oscar pictured at the top of the post, with character designs, character backstories and commentary. Despite the fact that it was in French I almost bought it. ^_^

fryuriI knew there are any number of Yuri titles available – I was particularly looking for Fleurs Bleues, the French-language edition of Aoi Hana, but did not find it. I imagine it’s too old to be in the shops. But I did see some Yuri on shelves. Saburouta’s Citrus was clearly marked “Yuri.”

froutAnd I managed to snag a free preview booklet of Tagame Gengoroh’s Outoto no Otto, which is getting a release in France. An English release is in the works, as well.

We are also waiting on the official release of Rose of Versailles in English from Udon Press, so my wife and I took one day to visit Versailles. Of course, we brought with us the mythos of Oscar and Marie, Fersen and the rest of the cast of this great epic manga. I tried, as we walked around, to picture them walking these paths and hallways. Not always easy, as the only people in Versailles now are tourists.  I joked about the horror with which Marie would view her Chateau now, crawling with plebs as it is.

Versailles is…big. Not space big, but really big.


I kept thinking of scenes from Rose of Versailles, in which Oscar rode up to the palace, leapt off her horse and stormed through the halls to whomever’s apartments. That would have been a 40 minute trip and let me tell you, she’d be tired when she got there.

It’s almost impossible to grasp the scale of Versailles from the inside, as all the rooms are relatively small, but so cluttered with multicolored marble and paintings and gilded features that there’s nowhere for one’s eyes to rest. It would be almost impossible to capture the muchness of the place, but I see that the anime did a decent enough job, considering. A background like this:

Image result for "rose of versailles" ballroom

actually looks more like this:


We both thought that the place would do well to have either cosplayers in the distant rooms, or an augmented reality app that would show the place full of people who were actually living and working there, rather than as the dead museum of the past that it is now.



We didn’t have a chance to see Marie’s Petit Trianon or her little fake village, because it was just too much to do, but I imagine I will come back once again and once more imagine Oscar and Andre and Marie walking these halls.

Let me remind you that if you’re looking for a good excuse to visit Versailles, Paris’ own Yuri and Yaoi event, Y/Con 5 will be held on November 12 & 13!

Au revoir for now, France, but I have no doubt that I’ll be back to once again to enjoy the Paris of my imagination. ^_^

No Yuri Network News Report This Week

August 13th, 2016

I’m out of the office this week. I’ll be back asap with roundups of Otakon news, Flamecon news and bunch of catching up to do!

Comic Cune, January 2016 (コミックキューン2016年1月号)

July 12th, 2016

cune1601Okay, Okay. I know that this review is 7 months late. I’ve been busy. ^_^

The important thing to know is that Comic Cune is 1)  getting Yurier and 2) the girls are still eating a lot of sweets and 3) Comic Cune is getting weirder by the issue.

So this issue has more Yuri, more supernatural creatures (now, with moe Elder Gods!) and more baked goods than ever before.

I keep saying I won’t read any more of this, then I see the Yuri mixed in with the vampires, aliens, Elder Gods, zombies and the like and I think…okay. One more. It’s like the Lay’s potato chips of moe manga magazines.


Overall – 8

Fine, fine, I’m just getting a subscription to this stupid magazine. Sheesh

Sailor Moon Crystal Season 3 CD/DVD

June 14th, 2016

61kDtm02hIL._SX425_It’s not business as usual around here on Okazu for me to review a soundtrack CD, so you have to know something’s special if I do. ^_^

The Sailor Moon Crystal Season 3 CD/DVD is special. ^_^

In USA terms, this CD would be an enhanced single, with 4 tracks: “New Moon ni Koi Shite,” the Sailor Moon Crystal opening, with vocals and karaoke version (without vocals) and the Sailor Moon Crystal ending, “eternal eternity” with vocals and without.

The DVD includes TV sized version of both tracks with the opening and closing visuals, without credits.

And, then, comes the thing that makes the CD/DVD worth getting. Included are “digest movies” for the full opening and ending songs. These end up being extremely satisfying music videos of the series. And ,as “eternal eternity” is a duet sung by Minagawa Junko as Sailor Uranus/Tenoh Haruka and Ohara Sayaka as Sailor Neptune/Kaioh Michiru, the video ends up being an extended Haruka x Michiru lovefest.

This CD/DVD is just the kind of thing that makes a perfect stocking stuffer come holiday time and a welcome break from all those Haruka and Michiru-less days we have to put up with.

Snapshot-2016-06-14 at 06_36_17 PM-8661



So Glad I Bought It – 10

Takarazuka City to Issue Same-sex Partnership Certificates

June 3rd, 2016

583px-lgbt_flag_map_of_japan-svg1From RocketNews24 we get some long-awaited news! Takarazuka City has become the 4th Japanese municipal authority in Japan to issue same-sex partnership certificate. Takarazuka follows the footsteps of Shibuya and Setagaya Wards in Tokyo, and Iga in Mie Prefecture. Takarazuka is the first town in Kansai to recognize same-sex couples.

Takarazuka is the home of the famous all-female musical revue troupe of the same name and the home of “God of Manga” Tezuka Osamu. It’s make a perfect destination wedding for female couples wanting  a “fantasy costume”-themed wedding. ;-)

A fifth municipality is set to follow as Naha in Okinawa will be recognizing same-sex partnerships in July.

Still baby steps, but….one step at a time, things are changing. ^_^