Archive for the Miscellaneous Category

Himawari-san Manga, Volume 6 (ひまわりさん)

January 21st, 2016

Himawarisan6If you, like I, enjoy the occasional manga in which nothing at all happens, and everyone’s drama is very small and very personal, and most of it is just plain nice, then you too will enjoy Himawari-san, Volume 6. In previous volumes, we met high schooler Matsuri who has become a little besotted with the introverted bookseller across the street from the school. Under the name “Himawari-san” taken from the bookshop’s name, that bookseller who kept to herself almost to the point of being  a shut-in, has changed with Matsuri’s influence. In Volume 6 we see that Himawari-san isn’t the only one who has changed over time.

The book begins with a look back at Himwari-san’s older brother, now a successful author. He tells us of how his life was positively affected with he was encouraged by the former Himaari-san.

We then segue into Matsuri’s final high school festival. Her friend Rikka is a talented fashion designer and she gets a chapter, in which it appears that Fuuko, Matsuri’s younger sister is also starting to find herself. But it is Matsuri who interests me most, as she’s almost relegated to a supporting role in this volume. Not because she’s not important…but because she is. We see how Matsuri has influenced the people around her, Fuuko, Rikka, her friend Ami and most of all Himawari-san herself.

Himawari-san, who began this series extremely introverted, has grown. She looks at Matsuri differently now, and the girl looks back at her differently. They don’t necessarily share the same feelings,  but their affection for one another is obvious. For the first time, one imagines that maybe they might, one day, be a good couple, and that they already make a good partnership.


Art – 9
Story – 7
Characters – 8
Yuri – 3
Service – 1

Overall  – 8

Matsuri’s graduation is just around the corner and I have to admit, I wonder what will happen.

Danshi Kinsei! Yuri no Hanazono Manual (男子禁制! 百合の花園マニュアル)

December 27th, 2015

manualIn years past, for no particular reason, it has become the habit here at Okazu to end the year with an amazingly good book and start the year with a truly terrible one. I am switching it up this year for a reason. This will be the last truly terrible book I review here on Okazu. ^_^

As we close the year, I’m making a change. I’ve almost completely stopped reviewing hentai anthologies because while they have female characters having sex, they rarely are anything other than emotionless porn. I’ve also stopped getting, reviewing or often even mentioning series I find revolting. Is this censorship? No. It’s curation. I’m not stopping anyone from reading about, buying or enjoying these things. In some cases I solicit guest reviews for them. It’s just that having to page through stuff that makes me unhappy makes me unhappy. I love Yuri and don’t want to be unhappy reading it. I obviously cannot change the fact that there will always be people who think it a fetish to fulfill their wanking needs. I don’t feel any compulsion to encourage that.

Which leads me to Danshi Kinsei! Yuri no Hanazono Manual (男子禁制! 百合の花園マニュアル ). On the assumption that anything labeled “Guys forbidden” would be a cesspool of fetishes created for those very guys who prefer to imagine they are seeing something forbidden, I threw this book in my last order from Amazon JP.

My assumption was correct.

This book is a “manual” in the sense that, if you are utterly bereft of imagination and cannot for the life of you come up with a single scenario in which two girls might have sex for your shitty porn fic, this book will give you ideas. ^_^ Cesspool of fetishes it is.

I didn’t even bother reading the text, the premise was so absurd and the scenarios so awful.


Overall – 0

This is the last 0 I will ever give here. There is so much good Yuri in the world. I will continue to celebrate it and promote it with pleasure and positivity.

With this promise, I wrap up all my reviews for 2015. Next up – Top 10 Lists and on to 2016 for some great Yuri!

Stretch Manga, Volume 3 (ストレッチ)

December 21st, 2015

stretch3Volume 3 of Akili’s manga, Stretch (ストレッチ) is masterful work, which is to say that he makes a very readable  and credible story out of his creepy fetish, which allows him to draw his characters in a variety of servicey poses, positions and clothing.

Christmas is approaching, which has absolutely nothing at all to do with anything but putting Ran in a sexy part-time Christmas costume. We skip quickly past New Year’s gags in order to have a semi-serious moment at Valentine’s Day, in which Ran admits that her chocolate is “serious.” And we plow through some flashbacks in order to establish that, while Keiko and Ran are not a couple, the could be, they might be. One day.

In the meantime, as with Volume 1 and Volume 2, we continue to be treated to a variety of stretches, all of which I try out, because I read this manga before bed, when I am stretching. Most of them are pretty basic. This isn’t developmental stretching, and pretty much anyone could do these, which I would presume is the point, except that we have to look at the women’s crotches, chests and butts an awful lot. This sort of service always makes me a little sad, as I can’t stop imagining some guy being all excited and happy for a panty shot in this manga. It’s so depressing, isn’t it?

Art – 9
Story – When it’s not just gags and service, it can be an 8
Characters – 7 You have to like them, or why read this manga?
Yuri – Really shoehorning it in this time, let’s say 4, but YMMV
Service – 7

Overall – 7

More importantly, my flexibility is increasing, although not specifically because of Stretch. ^_^

It’s Lucky Box Time on Okazu! – All Claimed –

December 18th, 2015

lb2015Every day on Okazu is fun, admittedly, but this is one of the funnest times of year – it’s Lucky Box time!

“Lucky Bags” are a feature of  New Year’s Day in Japan, where stores sell blind grab bags with you-do-not-know-what in them. ^_^ You have to trust that the store is putting a $200 handbag in a $100 lucky bag.

In the nature of lucky bags, I am doing my annual Lucky Boxes here on Okazu!

For those of you unclear on the idea of a Lucky Box or Grab bag – these are blind bags. You don’t know what you’re getting. There are no refunds, so if you’re not comfortable buying a box of you-have-no-idea-what, then I suggest not participating. I really can’t tell you what is in each box anyway, because I just crammed stuff in as tightly as possible, without regard for what specifically is in each box. ^_^ (Really please don’t buy one if you don’t like getting utterly random things randomly.)

As in previous years, these are medium USPS flat rate boxes crammed full of things like magazines, comics, books, postcards, and manga, media, papercraft, toys, goods, candy and random wtfness I have gotten over the year! This time I will have four boxes, all with *varying degrees* of appropriateness and all with some Yuri and other weird stuff.

Grab boxes are limited to the contiguous 48 states of the USA, because of the shipping, and people who are 21+ only, on principle, so I don’t have to worry about parental approval. Paypal only. Boxes will be first-comes, first served, as they are all jam packed with wtf this year. ^_^

Here is how to claim a Lucky Box. Please read this carefully.

Step 1:

Email me at anilesbocon01 at hotmail dot com with the Subject Line: Lucky Box. Please email me from an email you check frequently.

The body of the email should include your name, shipping address and age. Remember you must be 21+.

Step 2:

I will email you back with my Paypal info. When I receive your payment, I will let you know and we’ll mark the box “Claimed”. If I don’t receive a response or payment in a day or two, I move on to the next person on the waiting list.

Grab Box A – $50 Claimed!

Grab Box B  – $50 Claimed

Grab Box C – $50 Claimed!

Grab Box D – $50 Claimed!


And there we go, all of the boxes have been claimed. You folks are crazy. ^_^ They’ll be shipped in the next coupla days. Enjoy!

Event Report: Derpycon

December 6th, 2015

DPConDerpycon is a general pop culture entertainment event that was so hyperlocal to me that I walked over from my house. ^_^ And I have to tell you, I’m really glad I did! Derpycon was delightful and if I can, I will definitely be returning next year.

It’s been a long time since I went to so many really small events as I have this year. It’s a little like waiting for Great Pumpkin, everyone is so sincere, but you just never know how it will turn out.

My visit started with a delightful cosplay mashup: Attack on Titan Christmas Corps, with gift-wrapped vertical maneuvering equipment.


There were a number of other area cons, groups and communities with tables along the hallways and in various rooms. Of these, I spoke with T-Mode, a Washington DC metro area con and community that does get-togethers and events and Fan Focus Con which had interesting spin on guests – every guest has to add some unique value to the event. For instance, one guest would be leading morning yoga sessions, another hosting the Karaoke contest.

The Panels were very focused on fannish things, ranging from anime-world building to cosplayers against harassment and and other “how to be a human among humans” type panels, but Derpycon wins for the best panel title ever: The Equestrian Candidate: MLP Conspiracy Theories.  ^_^

One of the most fascinating groups tabling at Derpycon was Operation Hammond, a volunteer First Aid organization that specializes in attending geeky events. Along with first responders and EMTs, Operation Hammond also provides support for people who have social anxiety, panic attacks and other “too many people” problems.


The Artist alley was mostly folks selling fan art of popular series, but I found two wonderful things! First the delightful ladies of Un-Re Designs, with their unique color palette and delightfully creepy-cute  accessories.




And I came across the folks from Gay Breakfast, Nillia and Judith, who along with fun Yuri/lesbian fanart, had an *amazing* and wonderful original story of two goddesses who had been separated, reunited by a young boy. The story, told here on Azami Comic, in whole, and in parts with narration, is presented as a series of postcards. It’s a lovely tale, beautifully rendered and presented in a unique way.  For this alone, Derpycon was worth my time!  I do hope you’ll take a look at the story, it is truly lovely.


 The Dealer’s Room was much bigger than I anticipated, with hallways leading to it filled with other area events, including Otakon (which is moving to Washinton, DC in 2016), promoting Otakon Vegas, and Katsucon.


Spent some time visiting with Su from Sci-Fi Continuum and and Erin S of AnimeNEXT (which is moving to Atlantic City in 2016,) who was there with the Manga Library.


Got to spend some time there chatting with old friends, which was such a pleasant surprise.

They had a pretty extensive gaming room, including folks promoting their own original games.



I spoke with the designer of Cupcakes and Critters, in which you protect these cute little cupcakes from being eaten.


Deuce  was very enthusiastic about this version of a castle-defense game, and the table area smelled like sugar. ^_^


There was also a Tabletop gaming room, and video, music, LARPing and other features of cons these days.

As I made my way out, I nabbed a few cosplay pictures of folks that might interest us. ^_^ A *lot* of the cosplay was anime/manga specific.



And then my time at Derpycon had come to an end, but I will definitely be back!