Archive for the Novel Category

An Error Occurred ( 오류가 발생했습니다), by Lee Sanhwa

July 7th, 2024

A girl in a white blouse, with a prosthetic left arm and right eye, long messily flowing brown hair, stares over a parfait made of fruit, ice cream and an eyeball. She is surrounded by a landscape of desserts.A few months ago, I was contacted by Lee Sanhwa, a Korean author, to do a review of a Yuri board game, Yuri Ranbou (百合乱慕), which was followed by another fun review of the Yuri-themed board game Sisters of Dangerous Yuri Council (ヤバ百合会の妹たち). As we corresponded, Lee-nim described his most recent book as being about cyborgs, Yuri and dessert, which…okay, I’m in. ^_^

An Error Occurred ( 오류가 발생했습니다) is available only in Korean at this time, I purchased it through, which was a pretty painless process and the book was shipped very quickly. Right from the first pages, I was gripped by a smart, fun, ever-so-slightly-gross, and engaging science fiction story.

We are introduced to a world that has been split into two cities, the upper city, thought to be a paradise, Red Velvet and the undercity where we are, Black Forest. We meet our protagonist Donauwelle and her mysterious roommate Haluholo. The society presented has two notable features – it is the kind of  late capitalism we are used to in much of our science fiction and, slowly but surely, our reality, in which advertising is attached to literally everything. (Would you like to read this  message ad-free? Pay 10 drops) And everything – people, places, companies, currency, are named after sweets. I wondered right away if the drops mentioned were named after Japanese Sakuma fruit drops candy and, yup, sure enough, the glossary assured me they were.

In Black Forest most people upgrade their bodies with prosthetics, and Haluholo is a full-body prosthetic person with no “meat.” One of Donauwelle’s colleagues at investigation company, Petit-4, Sachertorte is obsessed with getting the latest and greatest parts, much as people in our world rush to grab the new iPhone.

Initially we are thrown into a mystery in which someone seems to be committing gruesome murders and taking the human flesh from people. Petit-4’s job is to live-stream as they investigate. They are pretty good at their job and with some help from Donauwelle’s mysterious roommate Haluholo, they conclude the investigation quickly. Following that are several short, snappy adventures in corrupt systems, the gangs of the Black Forest , a scam being run on prosthetics and a systemic issue that seems to be affecting all the companies that run Black Forest.

With each subsequent mystery, we learn more about Donauwelle’s coworkers, Sata Andagi, Petit-4 group leader Ladyfingers (who has an on-again off-again thing going on with Sachertorte) and the world, which is, apparently run by Divinity…only something, somewhere, is broken. Companies are not functioning, projections are off…what is going on? And who the heck is Haluholo, who always seems to have too much drops and information?

All of these questions are answered in a very satisfying second half of the book, in which we have three reveals, one I expected, one I did not and one that was just fantastic writing. I’d love to talk about the book ending with you, but it will be a huge spoiler, so you are just gonna have to read it, and drop by the Okazu Discord to chat. ^_^

I read the book using Google Lens as a translation tool and I assumed I missed some of the subtleties of language and intent, but overall, I felt that I got the gist of everything. The use of sweets for names was never tiring. For instance one of the gangs was cleverly named Pan de Muerto, Divinity was as the ruling body. The names are drawn from all over the world, making the glossary worth reading  – especially for some of the snarky comments about British sweets. ^_^

This reprint edition from 2023 includes an extra new epilogue post the 2018 first printing and an additional author’s note. The first author’s note is one of the very best I have ever read honestly, as it discusses how authors’ notes are ubiquitous in books, but no one has ever won an award for one, no guides are written on how to write one and no one ever reads them. ^_^ Well, I do read them and this one was outstanding.

At this point, you may be wondering if the story is Yuri. And to answer that, you must understand that machine translation tools all default to “he” and “him” unless forced to use a different word. So almost regardless of what was written on the page, I was getting a story about mostly men, when Lee-nim mentions that he wrote the book with the assumption that everyone was a woman and that gender wasn’t an issue. That complicated the story, but also set up the thing I was expecting in a more obvious way. Oh, and, yes, it is Yuri.


Story – 9
Characters – 9 (I’d kind of like s spin-off about Ladyfingers and/or Momochacha)
Service – Yes, surprisingly
Yuri – 8

Overall – 10

This gets a 10 because of one final thing that I did not even know I liked. The structure of the novel – short stories that build up to one major arc – apparently is my favorite structure! Who knew?

I don’t know how comfortable people are reading with translation tools. I’m pretty comfortable with it, as I have been doing it for years in any number of languages, Thai, Tagalog, Korean, Chinese,Vietnamese (and still Japanese) in my pursuit of Yuri. So, if the idea of reading a book while staring at a page through your phone does not intimidate you – or if you are learning, or can read, Korean –  I highly recommend An Error Occurred by Lee Sanhwa, from Safe House Publishing.

I have already begun to write English-language publishers to suggest this book be licensed. I think folks would really like it.

Speaking of English, cover artist Kim Sanho’s work can also be see on a Korean novel that has been translated into English, that might be of interest here, A Magical Girl Retires, which is on my to-read list. ^_^




Recent Readings of Queered Holmes And Watson

March 17th, 2024

In 1926, John Watson, friend and confidant of Sherlock Holmes, was shot by “Killer” Evans in the the story the Three Garridebs. What Holmes says in the moment is, “You’re not hurt, Watson? For God’s sake, say that you are not hurt!” In subsequent media presentations, this has been portrayed as Holmes using Watson’s given name in a moment of emotional weakness. But surely, long before that, the women who read the adventures of this consulting detective and his bosom friend had done what fandom continues to do….queer the heck out of Holmes and Watson. Stephen Moffat’s series Sherlock rested heavily on that understood relationship, with an ongoing joke that Watson is constantly assumed to be Holmes’ partner. I imagine that a great deal of research has been written about the way Moffat gave himself credit for a progressive relationship that he did not actually portray. Certainly, many fans of the series did.

But, for many diverse reasons I have found myself reading several books recently that are queer re-thinking of Holmes and Watson and since they are all relevant to our interests in one way or another, I thought I’d gather them up in one overview for your entertainment. As always, links here are to Amazon, but in most cases, give your local library a shot first. They’ll have them.

To begin with, I’ll look a few years back to Claire O’Dell’s Sara Holmes series. The first book, A Study in Honor, traces the adventure of Janet Watson, newly return from war with faulty cyborg prosthesis, and Sara Holmes. In this series, Holmes and Watson are two queer black women who find themselves on the wrong side of a government conspiracy and corrupt medical practices.

It’s been a while since I read this one, but the tension between Holmes and Watson is not treated as a joke, nor a handwave, nor is it likely to be resolved. Watson’s wounds from the war go deep. Their blackness and how they are treated by the people who require them to work for them is more relevant than their queerness, but both are relevant. The giant conspiracy is a bit unconvincing, but who cares, really? It’s a scifi/fantasy. Handwave the plot and pay attention to the characters.

If you like your Holmes and Watson a little on the dark side, I’d recommend this book and the sequel, The Hound of Justice.


Next up is a story that takes the idea of Holmes and Watson and uses them as metaphor. In A Case of Madness:(or The Curious Appearance of Holmes in the Nighttime) by Yvette Knopp, Holmes scholar Andrew Thomas has lost literally everything he thought he was and what is left is not making him at all happy.

A lifetime of pretending he is not gay has failed to prove successful and, after a long horrible night in which he saves someone’s life, but is gay-bashed for his efforts, he begins to hallucinate Sherlock Holmes. As his life burns down around him, what is growing from the ashes is a “him” he’s spent his whole life avoiding. 

This sounds dire, but it’s actually more “gonzo fever-dream” than dire. Andrew’s pretty unlikeable, but that’s mostly because he does not like himself. There’s a lot of running around London at night and a ridiculously cheerful ending as Andrew finally sheds his old self. 

Holmes (and, to a lesser extent, Watson) are symbolic here, rather than literal, they indicate the level of self-delusion that Andrew is dealing with. They don’t interact with each other at all, which maybe was a wasted opportunity, but as they are not really characters in the story, but just characters in Andrew’s mind, it’s not that relevant.


Which brings me to Nakanomori Kouko Bungeibu no Holmes & Watson (中野森高校文芸部のホームズ&ワトソン). While in Japan last year, this was one of the books I picked up randomly. It was in a Yuri section and had a Holmes & Watson tie-in and, well, you got me there. Was it Yuri, really? Nah, and the ending was the one thing I hoped it would not do, but it wasn’t a terrible read.

Manase Akira’s desire is to be a great detective. She comes to their high school’s literature club room to ask Todo Motoko – whose detective novel is the only one Akira has ever read – to be her assistant. This dumps them into a number of mysteries, from the mysterious extra piece of cake in a cake shop, to the disturbing reason the entire third-year class’s grades have been altered.  Motoko comments off-handedly that Akira is very attractive – something not really expressed by the art in this light novel – and one of the lit club’s sempai shows a slightly more intimate relationship with Motoko than the other members. If there is a Yuri relationship, I’d say Hitomi-sempai “like” likes Motoko, but isn’t going there. 

What we do get is a decent enough Holmes and Watson dynamic from Akira and Motoko. Akira already knows whodunnit, when she asks Motoko for her theories, but likes to have the other girl bounce theories off her to help her think. Unlike Holmes, Akira appreciates Motoko’s writing and when, because of one of the mysteries, Motoko and Akira stop speaking, it’s a major turning point for their relationship.  Of all these stories, it’s probably the least queer, but a solid rep for Holmes and Watson.

And last, the incredible The Mimicking of Known Successes by Malka Older. Once again, we meet two women, Mossa and Pleiti,  drawn together by a series of inexplicable happenings along the railroad that connects human habitations in the rings of Jupiter. A man steps off the platform and disappears – was it suicide or something else? This story drags our queered Holmes and Watson into a massive and improbable conspiracy – as all conspiracies usually are.

This one takes law-woman Mossa to a frontier town, and back to the comfortable, oddly Victorian rooms at college, where she once again meets her old college roommate and former lover, researcher Pleiti. The Imposition of Unnecessary Obstacles continues their story as multiple students and teachers have gone missing from the university….but no one seems to have noticed.

Of the many Holmes and Watsons in this list, these last two are the least traumatized, most comfortably queer and, in many ways, the best of the Holmes and Watsons. Mossa’s quirks are not pathologized, or dismissed – they are treated as a fact of her existence. Pleiti’s work as a researcher is considered to be an important part of her life, as being a doctor is in Watson’s. In the first book, they address the history between them – in a way that acknowledges that we change as people. I found this to be the most mature relationship on this list. Highly recommended for anyone looking for a queered Holmes and Watson. ^_^

These are hardly the only queered versions of Holmes and Watson to be found, but I hope you’ll give a few of these a chance and let me know about any good iterations you’ve encountered. ^_^

Yuri Hakaarashi (百合墓荒らし)

November 12th, 2023

An adult woman in a business suit stands back-to-back with a girl in a Japanese school uniform, in front of a background of white lilies.With a title translated on the cover as “Lily Grave Vandalism” you just know I had to pick up Yuri Hakaarashi (百合墓荒らし) by Natsuo Tougen.

Yutaka hates her name, which is much more commonly used for boys. But when she was in school, she had a best friend who called her “Yuka-chan.” Sayoko and she went on adventures together into the mountains around town and had their own “secret base.” Yutaka always loved Sayoko and misses her terribly, since she went missing 7 years ago. Now Sayoko’s family has declared her dead and is finally holding a funeral for Sayoko. Yutaka returns from her job and home in the city to pay her respects. As she arrives in town, she is greeted by the spirit of Sayoko who remains the high school girl she last saw her as.

As the book develops, we learn what really happened when Sayoko went missing and why Yutaka is back home one last time.

This novel is a debut work by Natsuo Tougen and, to some extent, it reads like one. A lot of foreshadowing and flashback try to keep the reader off balance, but a single line gives away the whole story. About 1/3 into the story I wasn’t sure where it might go, but by halfway I knew exactly where it would go. And even when there was a chance for it do something unpredictable, the narrative hewed closely to the most obvious conclusion. While I would have been much happier to see Yutaka to get some therapy and leave the whole thing behind…as a story rooted in a high school Yuri setting, this had some good elements one might expect from a “missing for seven years” story.

All that said, it’s always good to see a new entry into the world of Yuri literary fiction. As I pointed out in my review of Yuri literary magazine Zerogoh, there is a surprising amount of Yuri fiction out there right now. I still have another short story collection from yet another publisher still to be read on my pile from earlier this year.

Will you want to read Yuri Hakaarashi? It depends on how much you’re looking for imaginative original work.


Overall – 6

The cover is by our old friend Mebachi-sensei and is very evocative of the story.


Kitra, by Gideon Marcus

September 17th, 2023

Pictured: A young woman in a space helmet seen in profile, in front of a spacescapeWhen months are slightly too-busy, I find I want to read something that is challenging, but not too stressful. Recently, I finished up Sirena, the second book in the Kitra series and wanted to review it today, but was surprised to find I had not reviewed the first book, so I’m rectifying that quickly. ^_^

When I was young,  I read quite a bit of hard science fiction tales for what we now think of as YA readers. I grew up on books like this and while fantasy and sf/fantasy have somewhat displaced them in the cultural domain, I have a fondness for the old-school science-y-ness of the genre. So today I am reaching back and forward at the same time to talk about Kitra, by Gideon Marcus.

Before we begin, I do need to disclaim here – Gideon is an old friend and the publisher of By Your Side: The First 100 Years of Yuri Anime and Manga. I assure you that this is not why I am reviewing this book. I read it because I know Gideon is an excellent writer and I am reviewing it here because it was an excellent read. If our relationship seems suspect to you, then feel no compulsion to read it. If you, like me, could really use a rollicking tale of space adventure and science-driven science fiction, read on. ^_^

Kitra is a young woman with a dream – she has spent  life training to travel the stars. Now that she has finally gained her inheritance, she buys herself a ship. With her dearest friends (among them, her ex-girlfriend) Kitra and her crew are going to leave the planet and discover… whatever is out there to be discovered.  Of course, things do not go as planned.

Kitra is a mixed-race, bisexual lead, which suits the story beautifully. In the world they inhabit, ancient colonial powers and a distant Imperium mix with aliens and colony ship descendants to create a world just familiar enough to be comfortable, which makes leaving it that much more uncomfortable. 

The challenges Kitra and her crew face are hair-raising, but one is never disappointed by magical handwaves here – this book is rooted in solid science. “Could it work?” is always answered with a reasonable, “yes, and here is why.” It’s very freeing, too, to read a book not about a struggle with moral codes or societal pressure. These young people are who they are and that is perfectly acceptable. I am always looking to portrayals of a future where we see the possible, rather than still encountering the same traumas over and over. Instead, we are treated to a team well-suited to their work, with implicit trust in one another, able to exceed their own expectations.

Above all, even in the darkest moments, I was able to keep reading knowing that this was a story rooted in tales of team achievement. No one was going to be fridged just to motivate someone else to succeed. That made it a relaxing and fun ride.  The book includes illustrations by the youngest Hugo Finalist, for best fan artist, Lorelei Esther.  As the series continues, one can see her art develop as well.


Art – 6 Room to grow
Story – 8
Characters – 8
Service – Young people have libidos, but the story is not about that
LGBTQ  – 8

Overall – 8

For solid science fiction, appealing characters and the feeling of rising to the challenge, meeting it head on and finding a way through, I recommend Kitra. It was a great weekend read.

Yuri Bungei Shousetsu Contest Selection 3 (百合文芸小説 コンテスト セレクション)

March 21st, 2023

Once again, today’s review requires a bit of context. In 2019, Pixiv and Comic Yuri Hime ran a Literary Yuri Short Story contest. I finally managed to read and review the first collection in 2021, Yuri Bungei Shousetsu Contest Selection 2019 (百合文芸小説 コンテスト セレクション). I found the first collection to be a delightful mix of stories.  Of course I ran out and got the second volume, the 2020 collection which I did my very best to read, but I have to tell you….I hated it. I hated that second volume so much from the first story to the last. So many of the stories were traumatizing and awful, others were just not readable by my standards. It was such an unpleasant reading experience that I waffled over getting Volume 3. But I did get it. And then I spent more than a year avoiding reading it. ^_^;

Yuri Bungei Shousetsu Contest Selection 3 (百合文芸小説 コンテスト セレクション) was quite wonderful. Quirky, energetic, weird, with great writing and once again, things I haven’t seen before. The sponsors this time have expanded, with Comic Yuri Hime, Pixiv, Hayakawa Publishing’s SF Magazine and GAGAGA (Shogakukan’s light novel imprint.) It is still available from the Animate Online Shop, which you can purchase from using a buying or shipping service, like Buyee/Tenso.) Or you can read all the stories on Pixiv.

Right off the bat, this collection captured my attention with a story so off-kilter and so beautifully written that I was hooked. “Denshibashira Yori” (電信柱より) by Sakazaki Kaoru is a completely unironic and indescribably beautiful story about a woman who cuts down telegraph poles for a job, who falls for a telegraph pole.

The collection has been a great mix of sci-fi, historical, real life and that specific kind of quirky/ magical realism that seems to gain my attention. A fantasy set in Iron Age Japan, a story about a woman who meets someone she’d only ever made up in her imagination. “Stainless Sanagi” (ステンレスのサナ) by Kazuga is a poignant story about vampire  and a robot maid in a post-apocalyptic landscape. Entries also include a speculative story about a girl who grows and mutates physically  because of love for her classmate, and a nice little story about a tradeswoman who meets a fashionable hair stylist. I particularly liked that this collection had  two stories about tradeswomen. It’s not something we see that often. We also had several salon-based stories, which makes sense as beauty salon are an established “women’s world.”

The final stories were a sobering discussion of war and memory and another robot story that had a pleasant ending. Overall, this was the best collection of the first three. I think I only stopped reading one story. This collection was not only full of good reads, it was inspiring! I have an idea for a short story now. ^_^


Overall – 8

The 4th Yuri Bungei Competition ended in 2022, and again, you can read some of the winners for free on Pixiv, It will take me another year to get to those stories. But I have read several so far in Comic Yuri Hime magazine and the prevailing wind seemed to be historical fiction, a nice change of pace for me, so I will probably pick this collection up, as well. A 5th contest just wrapped up applications, so we should see a 5th collection in the works soon: Notable applications have been linked to on the Pixiv page for the contest.