Archive for the Now This Is Only My Opinion Category

Now This is Only My Opinion the Fourth

May 31st, 2007

Here we go…

1. What is the harshest criticism you received for Shoujoai ni Bouken (and/or Saiyuu no Ryokou), and how did you respond to it?

A very sweet fan accosted me over why Yuriko, although Japanese, has blonde hair and blue eyes. My stock answer has always been, “because I like blondes” but that didn’t satisfy her. So I tried to explain that it was like a manga, you know – crazy hair color…but she was no less unhappy with that. At that point I was out of reasons and she started to get insistent that I have a better, more sensible reason. After nearly half an hour of this, I ended up protesting feebly that it was fiction and she’d just have to accept it.


2. What do you consider to be the most irritating and pointless pairing in all of Yuri?

All of the ones that don’t make any sense.


3.What’s your favourite piece of fanfiction of all time (that you or someone you know didn’t write)?

Case of the Philosophers Ring. Sherlock Holmes meets Aleister Crowley. It’s out of print now, sadly. It’s a total wank. But at the time I read it, it seemed brilliant. The key to fanfic is to write in a fandom that has gone out of copyright – Sherlock Holmes fanfic writers have all the luck.


4. Pepsi or Coke?

Nice cup of tea.


5. Meeting eyes across a crowded room or dark smoky bar?

Caught you looking at me in the stacks in the library.


6. Where did you meet your wife?

Mrs. Welty’s American Indians class in middle school.


7. What advice would give to another human being?

Don’t take yourself seriously. Never, EVER use absolutes. It’s not personal.


8. So, who is this “A. Niles Bocon” person, and why are you using his email?

Obscure alchemist, best known among devotees for developing a foolproof system for turning gold into lead.


9. If you could have a plushie of any one character (not of your own creation, but any other book/anime/manga/movie/ova, etc are fair ground) who would it be, and why?

A talking Friday Monday plushie complete with pathetic evil laughter. If I can do real people, I’d want an Adam Smith (author of Wealth of Nations) so I could beat the shit out of it every once in a while.


10. What kind of world will we be living in? in 50 years? 80 years? (or the kind of world you see yourself in) Apocalypse?

The same. Only with slight differences.


11. What is your favourite anime/manga that doesn’t have even the slightest trace of yuri in it?

Hands down, no hesitation, Patlabor.


12. What do you usually have for breakfast?

Half a bagel with cottage cheese and coffee.


13. Where is that “Nonsense! I don’t agree” picture from?
There’s no source for it on that page, though.


14.What is the stupidest thing you have ever done?

Followed a kid we didn’t know into the souq in Cairo to go to a store that (hopefully, supposedly) sold belly dancing stuff, because the wife wanted to shop. If he had led us straight to a slaver, no one would have ever known what happened to us.





15. What’s your middle name? (if you refuse to respond for reasons of identity theft, I’ll understand)

Lee – I’m named after a grandfather and a great-grandfather.


16. Why do people still use Yahoo! and AOL? (or more appropriately, why did they ever use them in the first place)

Free and OMG! Free CDS!


17. Should i really be concerned about sodium benzoate in soda pop?

Among other things. To be on the safe side, stick with water, or failing that, grain alcohol.


18. What is your favorite place on Earth? What is your least favorite?

Most favorite: My house, followed closely by Ikebukuro, Tokyo and Brecon, Wales. Least favorite: Ohio and Florida.


19. Have you ever been convicted of a felony?

No. Not even a misdemeanor. But if I did, I would hardly tell you, would I?


20. Do you find that people respond differently to you when you talk about your “wife” as opposed to having simply referred to her as your “girlfriend”? Or did you always just call her your wife?

No one really reacts around here these days. Except to say, “what’s her name?”


20. When are you going to summarize next Marimite novels?

When I get around to it.


21. Serious. I have been thinking for some time and come up with a theory: Any series that markets itself _primarily_ as ‘yuri’ or ‘yaoi’ is going to be, at best, second rate – for the same reason that we are knee deep in asinine Harem animes. For example, Utena contains a strong yuri component, but that isn’t what the series is about primarily; similarly, Tokyo Babylon contains a strong yaoi component, but, again, it isn’t what it is about primarily. And both of those are first-rate. Yet, anything that tries to base itself _primarily_ on that will, at best be second-rate – witness Simoun, Devil Lady.

Your Thoughts?

I think I pretty much disagree with all your specific comments while mostly agreeing with your premise. I think Simoun and Devilman Lady were brilliant – and the latter was in no way marketed as Yuri. Nor do I think Tokyo Babylon was anything like good. I found it inexplicable and stultifying. I also disagree that marketing is why we are knee-deep in harem anime. The reason we are knee deep in harem anime is that the large bulk of anime fans are guy who dream of being surrounded by girls with crushes on them.

I don’t think there have been very many good Yaoi/Yuri anime because there aren’t really that many *good* anime in general. It’s a matter of percentages. And, apparently, taste.


21. First Spurious question: What the most annoying type of Yuri fanfiction out there?

Anything that pairs two characters together that shouldn’t/couldn’t/can’t be together. I don’t think a story has to be realistic, or even possible – but it should be plausible. Pairing two characters that show no sign of any feelings for each other is just…weird.


22.Do you believe in fundamental gender differences between men and women? If so, then how?

I believe in fundamentals differences between people. And similarities. It’s awfully complex.


23. What yuri manga do you believe would make a great feature film? Maybe specifically an American feature film?

The Japanese can make movies of their manga, because they don’t mind nothing happening, or strange pacing. For any manga to be made into an American live-action, it would essentially have to be rewritten completely, thus rendering the question moot. I’d personally find Maya no Souretsu to be a great over-written, campy, creepy, late-night horror movie, though.


24. I’m scared of getting old, really, I feel life can have gruesome ways of pressing, so.. any advice/info/insult on this?

Getting older rocks. And really…what are you going to do about it anyway? Worry about something you can do something about.


25. Why do you think boys like Yuri? (and I’m talking about non-hentai yuri)

Girls are pretty, soft and smell nice.


26. Based on their characterization, what do you think are the chances of Sachiko and Yumi ending up together (not necessarily in the novels themselves but at least in the imaginary “after the novels” time)?



27. here’s a question I’ve been asking myself for some time, and I’ll use this occasion to ask it to you. I’m sorry if someone already asked it before.
As a fanfiction reader and writer, what do you think about the concept of throwing the cast of a comedy in a dark and dramatic story?

The wife and I did it in reverse once. ^_^

Writing “hand of god” tragedy is the easiest thing to do. Writing comedy is hard – writing farce that’s even remotely amusing is next to impossible. Writing comedic characters in angsty situations is what nearly every fanfic writer in the world does to start.


28. What does IMHO mean?

It means “In my humble opinion” but I’m not likely to ever be accused of being humble, so in my case I use the alternate “In my honest opinion” which is completely true.


Well…you know, I was kind of disappointed with your questions. Not very funny, really. You all need to go back to comedy improv class. For the ones I thought weren’t going to be fun to answer, I asked my wife to answer them instead. Because *that* is comedy. ^_^


Time for Utter Nonsense!

May 28th, 2007

You may have noticed that I’ve been doing reviews and posts something like 6 days a week recently. Or maybe you haven’t. But I have. :-) And now, I am tired. I am also beginning the last couple of weeks of production work on Yuri Monogatari 5 (which, btw, is going to be brilliant. And I’m not just saying that.) And I start a new job tomorrow. So…no reviews for a couple of days while I reconstruct my daily schedule and figure out where and what I am doing.

In the meantime, as I have done the last few times I needed a break, I am once again taking questions on anything – life, the universe, Yuri, my favorite flavor of jellybean, whether jelly bean is one word or two, Maria-sama ga Miteru, Yuriko, anything. Feel free to post your questions here in the comments field, or email them to me at [email protected]. I do not promise to answer every question, but I’ll do my best. The better the question, the better the answer, usually. Hint, hint. ;-)

The last few times we did this, it was a total scream – I can’t wait for your questions this time!


Looking back at New Year’s Day

May 2nd, 2007

This is a post that has nothing to do with Yuri. :-)

Back in January, on the first two days of the year, I, the wife, and our friend and YC staffer Bruce all undertook something called a “Shichifukujin-meguri,” while in Tokyo. That is, we walked around the section of Tokyo called Minato-ku and visited the shrines of all seven of the gods of fortune and the eighth, for their treasure ship. It’s considered good luck to do so. In return for that pilgrimage, I asked for one thing – not to get the usual jet-lag from hell during my trip. And, as I did not, I thought we all held up our ends of the bargain and went home satisfied. :-)

Well, in the last month, I’ve gotten married, got a new job, and been on “the cover” of Afterellen, so I kind of feel like they did a bit more on their side than I have on mine. lol So this is thanks to Ebisu, Daikokuten, Bishamonten, Fukurokuju, Jurojin, Hotei and my especially beloved Benten and their ship of treasure for everything. I promise to give them something nice in return. :-)

Even More Utter Nonsense

April 7th, 2007

I was going to review manga today, but got caught up in something entirely stupid that I feel like sharing just because.

Totally off-topic for this site, but it’s my site, and the news is about me…

After being together for almost 24 years, my wife and I are undergoing an official ceremony on Tuesday. NJ now allows civil unions that guarantee all the many legal things a marriage does, and despite our commitment to never commit to anything…here we are. No ceremony, no pomp and circumstance or anything, just signing papers. And dessert.

But after a long, rather bizarre day full of much good (thank you Ted!) and extremely bad (email from some desperate soul in Japan who is stranded, lost and alone) Serge, Sean and Adam convinced me to make a “wedding registry” thingball on Amazon for myself and the wife. (She’s busy adding $500 truffles even as I type.)

Anyway, I’m not saying you *have* to look at it, or even that you *ought* to. But, if you’re the kind of person who is either a voyeur and wants to see what stuff we want, or are the kind of person who just loves all this nonsense, here’s the link:

Some of the stuff on there is, yes, a joke. I don’t actually expect anyone to buy us a 52″ inch flat screen HDTV. LOL But weddings and civil unions live in fantasy land, so there you go. :)

Top Ten Yuri Countdown of 2006

December 28th, 2006

As promised. And just under the gun, too, because I’m flying out tomorrow, and probably won’t be able to post again for the rest of the year.

Every year, when I post my Top Ten lists, I get comments like, “Why didn’t you include ‘xyz’? The answer is always the same – either 1) I simply haven’t read or watched it or, 2) I didn’t like it as much as you did. Pick the answer that seems the most likely to you.

This list is, as is everything here, *my opinion.* Other than the fact that I pretty much single-handedly spearheaded the genre “Yuri” as you know it here in America, I make no claim to being more expert than anyone else. :-) Not everything on the list is something I like – not everything I like is on the list. That having been said, here is my list for the year’s Top Ten Yuri-related things:

10. FanBoys/Girls – So awful, so wonderful. These, the large majority of the yuri fanbase, R us. From the bottom of the barrel, where they seriously *don’t* know why we think they are creepy, to the pick of the litter, those folks who turn their interest into great original art, videos and literature, Fanboys and Fangirls are the folks who, for better or worse (usually worse) support Yuri. I revile them/us, make fun of their/our propensity to eschew quality for service, to not be able to tell the difference between a good story and a bad one, but they/we are the folks who buy the videos, the manga, the t-shirts and postcards and other goods that keep Yuri (and Yuricon and ALC) going. For being our backbone (and our potbelly) and for inspiring me to write reviews, do lectures, publish books, run events and for giving me many a good laugh at our collective insanity, Yuri Fandom everywhere makes number 10 on this year’s list.

9. Mai HiME/Mai Otome – For the sheer volume of conversation, fanart, fanfic and the like, this franchise has to make this year’s list. The manga is foul, the anime is laughable and full of service, but you know, we had a good time picking it to pieces. And we’re still watching the OAVs, aren’t we? It’s shiny, it’s full of women who are easily slashed, if not obviously coupled, and it has lots of pretty colors. 9 out of 10.

8. Maria-sama ga Miteru – I’ll be sure to let you know when I get tired of this series. :-) In the meantime, I continue to read the novels (falling behind faster and faster as Konno Oyuki continues to pump them out), watch the OAVs, listen to the Drama CDs, and read the manga, because when it’s all said and done, these are some of the greatest, most three-dimensional characters I’ve ever encountered. Never dull, always human and frequently hysterical, I have every intention of raving about this series for years to come.

7. Ichijinsha – I’m sorry that I’m not going to be the one to bring the great, great manga put out by Ichijinsha to the US. I really am. (And I want you to know that I did try.) But despite that, I have nothing but admiration and desire (Can one akogare a publishing company? lol) for the fantastic manga being created by Ichijinsha and Comic Yuri Hime. Many of my favorite titles this year were Ichinjisha publications – Strawberry Shake Sweet, Voiceful, Kuchibiru Tameiki Sakurairo, Simoun – and I look forward to everything they do in the future. I hope more of it becomes anime, too. Strawberry Shake Sweet would be an awesome anime, wouldn’t it? So, consider all but one of the above books all tied for number 7….

6. While we’re congratulating publishers, let me mention Seven Seas. They are the “new kid” on the yuri block, but with a PR machine, staff and money that ALC Publishing does not have, they’re instantly bigger and better known than we are after 3 years of paving the way. I’d like to resent them, but I can’t. LOL I just finished reading their translation of Kashimashi Girl Meets Girl and it may well be the best translation/transition to English I’ve ever seen for the American mass market. (A glowing review will be forthcoming.) I just wish they were picking up decent yuri titles, instead of the crap stories they’re promoting as “Yuri.” Stories aside, if their “Strawberry” imprint is as well executed as Kashimashi was, they’ll be on Okazu alot next year.

5. R.O.D and Read or Dream – This multiverse has alot going for it. Great characters, good action and, in one or two of the versions, some excellent writing. The anime for both were enjoyable and this year we got to see both manga come to the western market in English. And it was good. It’s not Yomiko or Nenene’s fault that the R.O.D. manga wasn’t that great – and it does help fill in some of the holes inthe TV series for those as didn’t know. Read or Dream is just fluffy yuri-filling fun. Yay Viz for giving us more Paper Masters.

4. Aoi Hana – This was not the world’s most popular yuri manga this year, but it should definitely be in the top ten. The art is simple, realistic, and the story is both simple and realistic, as well. The emotions are genuine, sweet, raw, and the characters – for once – act and look the ages they are supposed to be. I’m looking forward with bated breath to Volume 2, and praying that Yasuko-sempai doesn’t turn out to be a jerk. :-)

Deep breath, everyone. Here’s the top three Yuri of 2006…and not one surprise, I’m sure. lol

3. Hayashiya Shizuru – This woman is seemingly tireless. For years and years, she cranked out funny Yuri doujinshi, and last year “suddenly” exploded onto the scene as a popular yuri artist. Her doujinshi work in Jesus Drug has had to slow down, since she’s now responsible for one monthly series and another quarterly series, both of which are in my top ten. For both Hayate x Blade and Strawberry Shake Sweet Hayashiya Shizuru-sensei and her two fabulous manga series make my number 3 for the year. Either series would be a great anime (hint, hint, freakin’ Dengeki/Mediaworks who have made anime of much weaker series!!!!) and both are popular with the yuri crowd and beyond. I know how hard it is to do anything under a deadline – to have the constant strain of two deadlines is beyond my wildest nightmare. Kudos to Hayashiya-sensei. May she draw us yuri love comedies forever.

2. Strawberry Panic – And a panic it was. I, and others like me, panicked that we would, yet again, be forced to educate and inform shrieking hordes of near-illiterate fandumb, and the hordes panicked that they wouldn’t get more great stuff just like StoPani. Well, educate and inform I do, but still the hordes shriek for more. We talked about it a lot on the Yuricon Mailing List, parsing many of the multitudinous stolen concepts and characters, but in the end, it wasn’t so bad. It just wasn’t good. It was, therefore, insanely popular. This year’s “zOMG HAWT!!!111” series, I give you Strawberry Panic at number 2.

1. You have to have seen this coming. :-) At number 1, for the scope and breadth of the story, is Simoun.

It wasn’t perfect. But it *was* fascinating. Characters, plot complications, subcreation – all worked together to create an endlessly fascinating and meaningful world in which we watched a group of fine individuals lose a battle that was untenable from the beginning. This was not Gundam – they could not save their universe, but they did manage to find a way to save themselves. I admit to being a snob – any anime that confuses the majority of fandumb as Simoun did, is something I’ll consider worth watching. The fantastic art, the cinematic music (another OST I listen to all the time) the ship design, the religion, the politics and the people made it worth watching. Call it elitism, call me a stone cold bitch, but I call Simoun the absolute best Yuri of the year.


There you have it. I hope you enjoyed this, and the other 193 posts on Okazu this year. That makes slightly more than a post every two days. Where *do* I find the time…?

It’s absolutely not too late to buy presents for me to thank me for my hard work or presents from me, to enjoy my hard work, although the latter will be a tad delayed while I have a vacation.

And with that, I will wish you all a wonderful New Year – I’ll see you in 2007!