Archive for the Drama CD Category

Yuri Drama CD: Maria-sama ga Miteru Premium CD Volume 1

January 19th, 2010

Maria-sama ga Miteru Premium CD Volume 1, which should not be confused with the Maria-sama ga Miteru Special CD, Volume 1, because they are two different things with the practically the same name, was wonderful. Absolutely squee-worthy.

The dramas alone were a full hour or so and cover the most pertinent bits of Souer Audition, i.e., Tsutako and Shouko reunited for the first time since they first met (squee!), and “Joanna,” the short in which we see Yumi manipulating Touko by being honest, sincere, enthusiastic and loving. (squee!) Poor Touko…there was no hope for her after that. lol You’d have to be a very evil person to not love Yumi at that point and Touko was never evil.

The discussion portion had Ueda Kana and Nabatome Hitomi discussing – among other things – cream-filled doughnuts and Russian fairy tales. I love the idea that they are on the clock eating shu-cream filled doughnuts. If I didn’t know that the rest of their job was beastly, I might envy them.

We now have all of the Tsutako x Shouko story on various CDs. If they are smart – and they are, I have no doubt – they will package them all together as a Drama CD with figurines of Tsutako Shouko and we’ll all cough up *another* pile of cash to get it. ^_^

Now all I need to make me happy is Kira Kira Mawaru and Margaret ni Ribon on CD and I will be the happiest of fangirls. ^_^


Overall – 9.5, because this is just about the best Tsutako x Shouko scene until Kira Kira Mawaru


Drama CD: Maria-sama ga Miteru Rainy Blue

November 11th, 2009

In case you haven’t had a chance to read it yet, drop by Anime News Network’s “Chicks on Anime” for a segment with me on Yuri, and the following comments from people about how I don’t know anything about it. ^_^ Thanks to those of you who have weighed in with positive feedback! I’m kind of sad that no one thought my line describing the typical Yuri fan as being bipedal, with two front-facing eyes, was funny. ^_^

In any case, my thanks to Bamboo and Casey and ANN for hosting that chat!

Now, from fun to misery, as we turn our sights, hopefully for the very last time, to Maria-sama ga Miteru: Rainy Blue. Like the Drama CD before it, there was a little rewriting going on, but ultimately it remains the same uber-depressing story, as Yumi sees her love for Sachiko cast aside in favor of Touko’s.

This is not true, of course. Sachiko is dealing with issues of her own and is only barely aware of how badly Yumi is suffering. Not realizing just how bad Yumi is feeling, Minako and Yoshino fan the flames of her unhappiness. In the end, the only one Yumi feels she can turn to is Sei.

As with the every version of this story, for me the lowest point is when Yumi collpases in hysteria in the foyer of her house, railing at the symbolic loss of her umbrella and what feels like the loss of her beloved onee-sama. I was very careful to listen to this part of the Drama CD on the way home in the car, so I didn’t ruin my day.

Ueda Kana carries the bulk of this story, but the rest of the cast subtlely adds to the story. In fact, when the cast credits were listed, I was surprised that so many of the cast had had lines. In my mind, it had been Yumi and maybe a few others. In fact, almost everyone had a line or two.

The bonus track was a discussion about “rain.” There were a few interesting anecdotes, but nothing that withstood the test of a few really busy weeks. I remember that I wanted to remember them, but, uh, forgot. ^_^

The absolute best part of this Drama CD is, we’re done. That was it. We’ve gotten over the hump once more and can finally move into what are, IMHO, some of the best story arcs in the series.


Story – 8
Characters – 8
Yuri – 3
Service – 1

Overall – 8

Parasol wo Sashite is one of my favorite novels of the series. Can’t *wait* to hear it!

Drama CD: Maria-sama ga Miteru Rosario no Shizuku/Kibara Chuuihou

October 14th, 2009

I gotta admit, when I received my package from Amazon JP and it included the Drama CD Maria-sama ga Miteru Rosario no Shizuku/Kibara Chuuihou ( マリア様がみてる ロザリオの滴/黄薔薇注意報) and Rainy Blue, I thought, “Well geez guys, this is unfair. I have the misery all bundled together and, yet, Parosol o Sashite remains yet unrealized.” But I bravely waded into the rain to listen the stories of White and Yellow Rose sisters.

Shimako is unduly torturing herself because she does not want to burden Noriko with a weight of responsibility by giving her her rosary. Luckily, Noriko is stronger than that and ultimately makes the decision easier for her beloved Shimako-san. This Drama is about 35 minutes long – nothing major is left out. It is told from Shimako’s point of view.

The second disk is also about 35 minutes long. It follows Yoshino and Rei as they fight to carve out new territory between them, now that Yoshino is hale and hearty. In the first Yellow Rose Revolution, Yoshino has our whole-hearted support, as she pushes the envelope for Rei’s sake. This time, we (and she) are blaming her more and rightfully so. In a real sign that she *does* accept that Yoshino is healthy, Rei fights back. I feel like the end of this DCD version of the story was rewritten and not, IMHO, for the better. I felt a little unsatisfied with the way it was handled, but that could be me retconning. One day when I have time, I’ll check the novel and see if I’m just imagining things. In any case, they too reconcile and until nearly a year later will have no more disagreements. Phew.

Which leaves us with just one more rainy season story for me to deal with…and every time I have to face it, I feel less and less happy about it. How I very much wish that Parasol o Sashite was already out! T_T


Story – 7
Characters – 8
Yuri – 3
Service – 0

Overall – 7

I’ll be better once we get past this arc. I promise. /sniff/

Maria-sama ga Miteru Special CD, Vol. 3

July 31st, 2009

You know you’re really an otaku when you generalize “spending time with characters we like to spend time with” to “spending time listening to the people who play those characters talking about cake.”

Welcome to the second-floor council room at the Rose Mansion of Lillian Jogakuen and the quite meaningless, giggle-filled Maria-sama ga Miteru Special CD Volume 3, in which Ueda Kana (Yumi), Noto Mamiko (Shimako) and Shimizu Kaori (Noriko) discuss absolutely nothing of importance at all. And cake.

Let’s get the most important thing out of the way first – the fairy cakes were delicious. I know you were worried.

Shimizu-san calls Noto-san “Oneesama” which makes Ueda-san squeal with delight. They answer questions in a Newlywed Game-like game called “Soeur no Kizuna” – in which they are supposed to see if they know how each other will answer. Shimizu-san comments on how intimidating the script for this Drama was, since she’s never had that many lines in a row before….and how this is the first major piece of recording she did without much interaction with Noto-san.

And the radio drama is one of my favorite side stories, in which en Bouton Yumi and Noriko find themselves bonding over rain, teruterubozu and white ponchos. “Hitsuji ga Ippiki Saku Koete” is a great story, full of WTF moments, as seen through the eyes of public school girl Noriko as she enters the Wonderland of Lillian.

So, the big question is – how close are “Noriko” and “Shimako” in the sister’s bonds game? Pretty close, although the questions are really silly. I would have probably answered similarly, too. ^_^


Overall – 9

Not *quite* as amazing as the last one, but that’s no fault of the CD itself, it’s just that Noriko and Shimako come in second place for me to Tsutako and Shouko. In every other way, this Special CD is totally grin-worthy.

Maria-sama ga Miteru Special CD, Volume 2

June 12th, 2009

Tsutako is in the house! Yes, in the second Maria-sama ga Miteru Special CD, Satou Rina is the guest of honor and conversations about soeur and sweets abound. Satou Rina has the most amusing habit of calling Ueda Kana “Yumi-san,” which she just canNOT shake.

They discuss the usual things – the kind of junk food they are eating, who Satou Rina would have as a friend, souer, wife, etc. (Is there any surprise to find that she wants to be Yumi’s friend and have Shouko as souer? No, no there isn’t.)

But the great big super important reason you will get the CD is not the guest of honor, as cool as she is.

The reason you will get this CD is the drama.

The nearly one-hour long drama.

The nearly one-hour long drama voiced by Nazuka Kaori (Yun in Simoun, Subaru in .Hack/Sign) “Kareruki ni Mebuki,” (“From Withered Tree to Bud”) that tells the end, if you will, of the Tsutako x Shouko story from the perspective of her older sister, Kasumi.

The story that not only puts all the pieces in place for the Shouko x Tsutako story, but also makes plain what was up to that point obvious, yet implicit – Kasumi’s obsession, what in Japanese is called kataomoi, with the former Rosa Foetida, Torii Eriko.

Oh my *God* is this a good drama. Tears, laughter, it has everything. It has *everything*. It was so good I needed a smoke afterward.

The fact that so many of these side stories are being told in the CD dramas indicates to me that they are not intending on animating them, but I hope to be proven wrong. Tsutako, Shouko and Kasumi definitely deserve an OVA of their own!


Overall – 9.5

These Special CDs have been so amazing, I’m a little scared to get the next one, in case it fails to be as magnificent as the previous ones. But that won’t stop me for a second, really. ^_^