Archive for the Yuri Manga Category

Cocoon Entwined, Volume 5

June 20th, 2024

On a black background a girl in a black, old-fashioned school uniform runs off the cover, her long hair flowing across the cover behind her.Guest Review by Patricia Baxter.

If there is one word you could use to describe the penultimate volume of Yuriko Hara’s Cocoon Entwined it would be “change”.  While it is clear that these changes have been gradually building up since the series’ inciting incident of the elusive and mysterious Hoshimiya-san cutting her hair and leaving the school, Cocoon Entwined, Volume 5 showcases how the rest of the cast is now changing, or refusing to change, in response to how they’ve grown or stagnated.The volume begins with an interlude from Takagi-sensei, a teacher who has been present in the series since its first volume, and yet not given much of a role outside of providing exposition on Hoshimiya Girls’ Academy’s history.  We learn about her personal history as a student, watching her two onee-samas’ love flourish and abruptly end once the eldest of the pair graduates.  In the present, Takagi receives a letter from this eldest onee-sama: a wedding invitation revealing that she is engaged to a man.  Takagi’s story reinforces the classic formula of Class S narratives, where the love between two girls is merely “play-acting” love, a “practice” for adulthood where one enters “proper” heterosexual relationships, just as Takagi’s eldest onee-sama eventually does.  These stories are of bittersweet, ephemeral love, that cannot continue outside of the school walls.

Thankfully, Youko enters and disrupts this melancholic narrative, prompting Takagi-sensei to take up the pen, literally and metaphorically, to help re-write the story and end the cycle.  Chapter 30 highlights that while Class S narratives are an important baseline for many contemporary sapphic narratives, yuri or otherwise, they cannot continue as they have in the past.  As the world continues to grow and change, we need to be willing to foster a narrative environment where sapphic girls and women can find happiness together, rather than “grow up” and fall into society’s expectations of heteronormativity.

On the flip side, Ayane’s story shows the negative implications of change, specifically when it is done not out of personal desire, but to fill and fulfill a role for the sake of tradition.  Ayane’s obsession with Hoshimiya-san causes her to latch onto the void she left behind, wishing to shape herself into the “princess” of the Academy, and make Hana her prince.  Ayane’s current arc in the story shows just how damaging holding onto certain legacies can be, as she forces Hana, Hoshimiya, and herself to participate in a cycle that is causing them all grief.

In terms of visuals, Yuriko Hara continues to be one of the most gorgeous and striking comic artists I have ever read, not just in terms of her use of light and shadow, but her dynamic panelling and visual metaphors.  This volume in particular showcases Hara’s prowess in creating some truly haunting visuals, my favourite of which being the two-page spread of the seniors covered in veils before the Christmas party.  This feeling of dread permeates the entire book, even when the scenes are brightly lit, but thankfully the spark of hope, and change, remains true.

Volume 5 of Cocoon Entwined is an excellent book to read, building up on the tension that Yuriko Hara has established since the series’ inception, and continuing to showcase her prowess as a cartoonist and character writer.  While it is clearly setting the stage for the grand finale, it remains an engaging and engrossing read, asking important questions about the nature of the stories we tell and re-tell, and providing an insight into how we can change those narratives for the better.


Art: 10
Story: 9
Characters: 10
Service: 0 (unless you count gorgeous art as fanservice, which would make it a 10)
Yuri: 8, but it’s a bittersweet and, in some cases, more of a performative gesture than genuine desire
LGBTQ+: 2 (Chapter 30 addresses heteronormativity and societal expectations)

Overall: 9

Tsukiatte Agetemo Iikana, Volume 12 (付き合ってあげてもいいかな)

June 14th, 2024

A young woman with collar length black hair stands on a street of food stands, wearing a long red coat and white boots, holding a plastic bag. The frame is at an angle, as she looks back over her shoulder at us.Yesterday I said that I was reviewing two series this week that focused on complicated relationships. The first was Volume 9 of  Otona ni Nattemo, by Shimura Takako (available in English as Even Though We’re Adults from Seven Seas.) Today we are looking at the second of these, Tsukiatte Agetemo Iikana, by Tamifull, available as How Do We Relationship from Viz Media.

These two series have nothing in common on the surface, but they both have one similar feature – there are no “bad guys” here. None of the relationships we’re seeing are harmful or toxic. In both series, we’re simply seeing people learning that sometimes even love isn’t enough to make things work.

In slight contrast to Ayano and Akari’s story, the folks we’ve met in this series are college age, not expected to be settled or be “adult” quite yet. Both Miwa and Saeko are just facing down an upcoming graduation and entry into adult society. Interviews with prospective employers and a third of their lifetime wearing a black suit in an office is a daunting barrier for anyone, but they are persevering.

In Tsukiatte Agetemo Iikana, Volume 12 (付き合ってあげてもいいかな), both Saeko and Miwa are also facing the ends of their current relationships. They have great affection – even love – for their partners, but it’s just not working out. To break the tension, they go on a overnight together and face the question of whether their relationship is something that can be renewed or not – a subject of constant conversation on the Okazu Discord. ^_^ I have always been ambivalent about them getting back together, but while I think I might not be as opposed as I previously was, I’d still rather them move on.

Also, several years into any of this, these queer girls have somehow kind of avoided talking about being queer, or becoming queer adults and while I want to think it’s because they feel the world they are entering will accept them as they are, it’s more likely that these conversations are just not being made part of an otherwise honest and realistic story.

I am glad that current chapters of How Do We Relationship are available on and the Viz app, so I can stay current with the translated volumes, but I find myself letting go of these characters. In fact, I am kind of hoping the series ends at graduation.  What will Volume 13 bring us? I…don’t know and am honestly not sure I care, which is a devastating thing to say about a series I have been following for 5 years and 12 volumes. We’ve seen the characters change and grow a lot over the years., but I’m no longer invested in their personal growth – the story has become the manga equivalent of coworker who only ever talks about their love life.


Art – 8
Story – 6
Characters – 7 They are trying so hard
Yuri – 8
Service – 7 CW on the end of the book for sexual assault survivors, again, but it does get addressed.

Overall – 6

There are no bad guys here, just complicated and sometimes messy relationships. That’s not enough to keep me coming back much longer.

Otona ni Nattemo, Volume 9 (おとなになっても)

June 13th, 2024

On an orange background, a woman with long blue hair, leaning on her arms, wearing an orange knit or patterned blouse, looks at us with a slight smile.I am currently reading two Japanese series about adults in complicated relationships. Both series are, in equal part, compelling and interesting and annoying as heck. Today we’re looking at Otona ni Nattemo, Volume 9 (おとなになっても) by Shimura Takako.

This story follows a (now-formerly) marries woman, Ayako, and a lesbian, Akari, as they meet, fall in love and come together again, as all the cracks in Ayako’s life come apart. In my review of Volume 8 is commented, “This continues to be such a low-key adult life Yuri that one can hardly think of it as barrelling down on the conclusion of the series…and yet, that is where we are. ” As Otona ni Nattemo, Volume 9 (おとなになっても) progresses, I’m constantly reminded of the other series, which is equally as complicated, but so much less “adult” somehow. I’ll talk about that one tomorrow.

Akari and Ayako are living together, at last. Things are good, or might be, as soon as they negotiate what any of this means to them. They haven’t really dated, and they know that. Did they do this too soon? Maybe, and they know that too, but are really going to try and make it work.

In the mean time, Ayako’s former students have gone from being children to tweens, in the way that children do. Two of them come to visit their former teacher, and marvel at her relationship with another woman. Ayako’s still uncomfortable answering questions, but Akari much less so.

Slowly, steadily, life goes on here. Things change, people change. Wataru has, maybe a new girlfriend, his mother visits the salon to see all these bit players who have completely shaken up her life. And Akari and Ayako find some quiet joy in the idea that they now can actually get to know one another. At last. Until next volume. ^_^


Art – 8
Story – 8
Characters – 8
Service – 0
LGBTQ+ – 8, as Akari tries to be a good role-model for young women who may well need one.

Overall – 8

Volume 8 of Even Though We’re Adults is out in English and Otona ni Nattemo, Volume 10 is out in Japanese!


Koudou Ryou no Seizana Hibi, Volume 1 (黄道寮の星座な日々)

June 9th, 2024

A blonde with short hair in a white school uniform and beige cardigan, embraces a brunette with pigtails, who reaches out towards us. Both smile as they look at us, surrounded by small cute girls representing the Zodiac signs at the Zodiac Dorm.One again, this review comes with a story. I was standing in Animate in Shibuya and saw a book I had been meaning to read for a while, so I nabbed it because it was one of the featured titles. Well, I got home and found that I had purchased Volume 2 of this series, so it was going to require me to get and read Volume 1 first.  As it turns out, I was incorrect – I absolutely could have started with Volume 2 and just jumped right in, but I didn’t know that yet. ^_^

So Bookwalker to the rescue, which is where I purchased Koudou Ryou no Seizana Hibi, Volume 1 (黄道寮の星座な日々) by Canno, creator of Kiss and White Lily For My Dearest Girl.

A young woman comes to the “Zodiac Dorm” where every resident is referred to solely by the Zodiac sign they represent. Our protagonist arrives to explain the she intends to be the next Virgo. She seems passionate, and competent and all she needs to do is get the approval of all the other 11 (no Ophiuchus here) residents, which necessitated Virgo meeting all the other signs, being dragged into their drama and solving several conflicts before breakfast.  The rooms in the dorm accommodate two people, so there are some love affairs and personality conflicts. As far as I can remember Scorpio and Taurus are dating and, I think, Aries and Sagittarius.

And then, there’s Gemini. Gemini is…well Gemini. I’m not hugely into astrology, but if you know a Gemini, you know this Gemini.  She’s a human boundary violation. ^_^ And at the end of the tour, she rejects Virgo. Why? It’s a Mystery!

Only, it isn’t really and about then I realized I could have just read Volume 2 and have known exactly what was happening. No worries though, there’s nothing wrong with a little predictability. I’m watching Blue Eye Samurai on Netflix, I feel like it’s the equivalent of watching a Shaw Brothers movie (including the masterwork 36th Chamber of Shaolin, which is a must-watch for fans of the genre) – every line is pretty much predictable, every “reveal,” every scene. It’s okay to relax into that kind of thing and just let it wash over you.

What is Gemini’s deal? Who is the “Alice” that Virgo was told to protect by her older sister? Yeah…it’s the same story.


Art – 7 Not Canno’s best
Story – 7 Same as above, but that’s okay
Characters – Exactly as you’d expect
Service – 0 Unless you have an astrology kink
Yuri – 9

Overall – 7

So Volume 2 is awaiting me, but I’ll be shocked if I am shocked. ^_^ In the meantime, as the worst Virgo ever, I absolutely approve this Virgo as the new resident of the Zodiac dorm.

Assorted Entanglements, Volume 4

June 7th, 2024

A woman in sweatsuit and a girl in a school uniform sit close in a classroom as the sunset turns golden in the Matt Marcus, Staff Writer

In the previous volume of Assorted Entanglements, a new couple joined our problematic posse with the 3rd year high school student Sugimoto and her perpetually maidenless gym teacher, Kujou. Everybody else is still on their normal bullshit.

Assorted Entanglements Volume 4, brings something that was sorely needed to the series: character development. No, really! The series up to this point was content with short four-page chapters that loosely hung together but were mostly setups for gags. About a third of the way through this volume, Mikanuji-sensei starts writing longer chapters that expound more on the girls’ histories and their evolving connections to each other. It’s something that I would not have explicitly asked for, but it greatly benefits the whole package.

Minami has a flashback to the time she spent with Shizuku after getting out of the child services facility, which prompts a crisis of confidence. Nevertheless, she continues to think only of Iori and how she might leave her someday. After another open-handed peptalk from her older lover [sigh], Iori admits that she is a terrible person (true!), but she says that they would not have met if either one of them were normal. It’s almost touching!

Elsewhere in the city, a meaningless spat between Shizuku and Saori* leads to the two girls not talking for some time. Shizuku, never one to be fully honest with herself, finds herself feeling lonely enough that she goes out of her way to patch things up by laying out her point of view for Saori: that she is a fundamentally broken person who cannot relate to “normal” people, and thus despises them. Saori accepts this, finding common cause as maladjusted girls with twisted, unfulfillable loves. It’s kind of endearing!

Kujou’s girlfriend quest hits a snag as she gets a harsh dressing down from the cantankerous manager of the lesbian bar. Sugimoto is still trying to push her along, her last act in the volume being to offer her teacher an aquarium date as a “girlfriend test” (we all knew this was coming). We do find out in a bonus chapter that Sugimoto found the gig at the maid cafe after finding herself too gripped with panic to deal with the social stressors at school, and that seeing Kujou outside the bar everyday gave her the motivation to go back to class. It’s nearly sweet!

While all the other couples are angsting it up, Heke-san and Shinohara are still slowly circling towards each other like a binary star system. They are still the most wholesome couple here. It’s refreshing!

You may be detecting a theme here. With some space to stretch out, Mikanuji-sensei is able to add more contour to the characters and, despite all of my kvetching and faint praise, there is a core here that I do indeed like about this series. It’s still a hard recommend, but if you’ve stuck it out through three volumes already this one is worth picking up; it’s the best the series has been so far.

Art – 7 No major changes here, but Shizuku does give one the best “silent seething rage” faces I’ve seen put to page
Story – 8 It’s not going to win an Eisner but at least it’s trying
Characters – 7 Everyone’s schtick is firmly established here, yet there is some growth
Service – 2 Points are mostly for Minami’s tattoos
Yuri – 9 / LGBTQ – 9 Kujou gets a lesbian dating app

Overall – 8 Normality is overrated

Volume 5 of this ensemble story of Sapphic misfits is coming our way in June.

*I hadn’t noticed until recently that while the localization by Eleanor Ruth Summers has been excellent, Iori’s sister’s name has ping-ponged between Shiori and Saori throughout the series, even within the same volume. It’s an odd editing miss. Either may be technically correct, but after some discussion in the discord we have decided to go with Saori.

Matt Marcus is a serial enthusiast whose range of appreciations include guitars, watches, and a particular genre of Japanese popular media named after a flower. Outside of writing for Okazu, he cohosts various projects on the Pitch Drop Podcast Network, where he frequently bloviates about video games, anime, and manga. He also hosts a blog Oh My God, They Were Bandmates analyzing How Do We Relationship in greater depth.