Archive for the Yuri Manga Category

The Two Of Them Are Pretty Much Like This, Volume 3

November 27th, 2023

Two woman in bikinis frolic down a beach happily together.To paraphrase myself from my review of this volume in Japanese, “One of the defining characteristics of an adult life is facing setbacks. You can work really hard, gambare with all you have and still not achieve the goal. Sometimes it’s hard and sometimes it’s just life. In The Two Of Them Are Pretty Much Like This, Volume 3, its both.”

“Wanko” is giving it her all, doing audition after audition. The one job she had gotten is canceled for reasons that are beyond her control. (And which resonate kind of hard this season, after the recent scandals of a major production group in Japan.) She’s working that treadmill hard, but she’s not getting anywhere.

Ellie is struggling with a wholly different problem. She’s been given an opportunity. One of the best in the business is mentoring her, with a tough love attitude and hard, cold facts. Now that she has an opening, she’s not at all confident that she’ll be able to move forward. 

Wanko really wants to be a full partner in their lives together, so despite her loss of her job, she contributes to the month’s rent. Ellie would be happy to let Wanko keep it, but she’s 100% supportive of her partner’s choice. Again, as I said, in my review of the JP edition, ” get yourself someone who looks at you the way Sakuma looks at Wako.”  Ikeda-sensei’s art is great in this volume, with expressions and body language really dragging you in to the emotional backdrop of every scene. But – and I will say this every time – his art hits new levels when he just does a panel of Ellie. He loves drawing her and it shows.

Solid work by the team at Seven Seas. Anh Kiet Ngo had a few challenging passages here and came through with a solid translation. (I was thinking about this just a moment ago, when I made an excruciating pun to my wife that was both in-joke and tortured English and I had a thought about how impossible that is to translate. This series is full of that kind of thing. Rina Mappa’s lettering is solid, but she is not given time to retouch which would have looked better. Give letterers time and money to retouch!

Overall a funny, poignant volume of this lovable series.


Art – 9
Characters – 9
Story – 8
Service – 5 Light nudity
Lesbian – 10

For a slightly goofy, slightly realistic story of two women (and their colleagues and friends) adulting together and being in love, this is a quietly outstanding story.  I hope you’ll pick it up and give it a read.

I’m In Love With The Villainess Manga, Volume 5

November 20th, 2023

Two girls in red jackets and blue skirt uniforms. One with short, pale hair looks smug, the other with medium-length brown hair looks angry. In the aftermath of the Commoner’s Movement and her loss of someone important to her, Claire has been listless and resistant to any attempt by Rae to lighten her mood. When her childhood friend – and first love – arrives at the Academy, Claire perks right up. But now Rae has a serious problem…now she has a rival.

Manaria Sousse, the Crown Princess of the Sousse kingdom, is a shockingly complex character. Her looks are the the boyish blond butch we are familiar with, flirtatious and charming. But underneath that is an apparently cruel person. And underneath that(!) is something like the truth. Manaria jokes easily about her complicated position in the family, and her desire to win Claire back. She pushes Rae very hard and despite knowing exactly where it will lead, Rae allows herself to be provoked.

I’m In Love With The Villainess, Volume 5 covers the “Scales of Love” arc which is one of the major turning points in this series.

There are two things happening simultaneously in this series. One is a shift from a goofy isekai series to serious criticism of income equality and unequal governmental representation. The Commoner Movement was the first major tone change in that theme, and more is to come.

The second shift in the story I have begun to describe this way: The story starts off gay and becomes queer. We’ve gotten a little of this as the narrative has made room for Rae to discuss her feelings and concerns about her previous  life as a lesbian. Now the story is doing something extraordinary – using it’s own tropes to make the story just a little bit queerer.  Both these two shifts will continue through the entire series and neither of them will back off. Narratively, it’s one of the best things about the whole series.

Visually speaking, this arc is the bomb. And, as it’s likely to be where the anime ends, we’ll get both the climactic battle and that extraordinary resolution to Rae and Manaria’s conflict. I commented in my review of this volume in Japanese that the art here is outstanding, and I thought that again as I re-read it. There is a panel where the princes and Misha are tensely watching events which has them leaning forward, concern etched into their faces, the rush of what is going on indicated by motion lines…it is absolutely perfect. Aonoshimo-sensei just kills it in this volume. I truly think Aonoshimo-sensei’s art elevates the heck out of the story, making this manga absolutely worth reading, even if you’ve have already read the light novels.

A fine job on translation by Joshua Hardy, and excellent work by letterer Courtney Williams. I hope Seven Seas gives her the time and money to go complete retouch, because on panels where it is full retouch, it just looks so good! Cover by Nicky Lim and George Panella is fantastic….every time I get a English-language manga with a great adaption of the JP manga cover I am made happy. I remember the olden days when getting cover art from JP rights holders was the equivalent of a publishing tough mudder. ^_^ Thank you all to the folks at Seven Seas for taking good care of this series.


Art – 9
Story – 9
Characters – 9
Yuri – 7
Service – Manaria is a whole tropeload of service, on her own. ^_^

Overall – 9

Things are about to get serious again…then silly…then very serious, but from this point on, the series will always be queer. And I really appreciate that. Thank you inori.-sensei!

Comic Yuri Hime December 2023 (γ‚³γƒŸγƒƒγ‚―η™Ύεˆε§«2023εΉ΄12月号)

November 19th, 2023

A girl stands before a door in a school with one hand on the door, wearing a blazer uniform, while two girls in sailor-collar uniforms walk away down the hall, one looking back at her. Everything is grey.And so, another year of Comic Yuri Hime magazine comes to an end. I had to buy another storage container and move a few years off my shelf so I have room for more – I can only keep about 3-4 years at a time on the one shelf where the current issues live, depending on the size of the issues. The 2023 volumes are visibly larger than 2022 and I can see that 2024 volumes are looking to be getting closer to 600 pages again. It’s been an amazing process, watching this magazine go from quarterly to monthly, and being a corporate partner to successful anime and multiple kinds of contests. What an absolute ride these past 20 years have been. When I look at Comic Yuri Hime December 2023 (γ‚³γƒŸγƒƒγ‚―η™Ύεˆε§«2023εΉ΄12月号), I’m thinking about endings, but no series actually ended, except the cover story.*

There is one series, however, that will end with the next issue and I wanted to talk about it, because since the first chapter it has been a textbook example of how *difficult* it is to serialize a story. ^_^ So instead of me paging through the magazine, saying “here’s the stuff I like” let’s talk about a series I have not actually reviewed here, for reasons of my own.

Kimi to Tsuzuru Utakata, (ε›γ¨ηΆ΄γ‚‹γ†γŸγ‹γŸ) localized in English as The Summer You Were There by Yuama, has had a literal fatal flaw since the very first chapter. Shizuku is an author, but she is clearly, visibly traumatized by human contact. Kaori is an ebullient reader of her work and, not coincidentally goes to the same school. Kaori asks Shizuku to write her a novel, but Shizuku, full to the brim with PTSD, is totally blocked. When Shizuku learns Kaori is dying, that does not help free her mind. But as the chapters continued, Shizuku has done a lot of work, in order to become the person Kaori saw her as.

The story has had to do some interesting things to get us to this penultimate moment. Firstly, Shizuku’s initial trauma was that she was the aggressor in an incident in elementary school and has never forgiven herself. The story takes time to parse this and the incident and aftermath is resolved. But, after all that time and care it turns out that “not forgiving ones’ self’ is not enough of a trauma to explain Shizuku’s very obvious PTSD. Much as characters we are told were “neglected” by parents, when their behavior shown signs of being a victim of CSA simply doesn’t sit right. (I am told that Citrus did, eventually, create a more plausible story for Mei’s behavior than parental neglect. As I have not read any of it beyond the first few chapters, I cannot confirm. If so, I think that’s good, narratively speaking. It was a horrible inconsistency in the story.) I am not a fan of trauma porn, but if you’re going to create a character who behaves like a victim of trauma, the story ought to be consistent.

Interestingly, in this case, Shizuku’s story is given a coda. Having been shunned by classmates for being “scary,” Shizuku takes to writing. She finds an online site and becomes a successful author. But with fame comes abuse and, at 13, Shizuku is alone and unable to cope with the harassment online. She stops writing, and becomes the recluse we met in the beginning of the story. At which point, we understand and her behavior actually, finally, makes sense. Was this series originally meant to be more than a volume or two, in which case the initial scenario might have been enough? Or was this planned? It feels more like the former, as that piece of the story comes in after the initial conflict is put to rest. Nonetheless, it was a good use of the (possibly extra) space and time.

Now we get to current issue and we have to reckon with the other huge weakness in the narrative. Kaori either must die as we have been told she will for years now, or an impossible and annoying miracle will occur. We have been repeatedly told that her condition is fatal. Even as she heads into surgery, we know there is no happy ending here – this surgery cannot save her. The final chapter hit shelves yesterday in Japan and there are a number of likely endings: One, Kaori dies, Shizuku goes on to plumb the depths of this horrible point in her life to become a famous author. Two, Kaori miraculously survives. Three, Kaori lives a little while longer, helping Shizuku become the person she wants her to be, then dies off-screen when Shizuku is helpfully older and more capable of coping.  Four, this was all a story that adult Shizuku was writing for Kaori and none of it happened. All of these have positives and negatives, and everyone’s opinion on what will work are different. I know how I would end it. ^_^ I’m hoping for an interesting ending that works with the characters and story as they have been presented to us.

We can see plainly here how longer serialization can and has to change the way a story is structured and executed. I’m reminded yet again, of Lord Peter Wimsey and Harriet Vane deciding that if you want a series to continue sometimes the premise be damned, you have to write a story (I believe this was in Have His Carcase, if you care to check, it has been a long time since I’ve read that one. Think I’m going to have to bust it out on audiobook….)

In just a few weeks I will know how this ends and I am equally ready to be annoyed and pleased. ^_^

And we’ll be in for another year of Comic Yuri Hime!


Overall – 8

*The cover story ends in an epilogue that returns us to the colorless life of our protagonist, fondly remembering that gloriously colorful year of her life and all I can says, adults…we are doing this wrong. ^_^;

The January 2024 issue of Comic Yuri Hime is out, with a whole new cover design.

Sheep Princess in Wolf’s Clothing, Volume 1 Guest Review by Luce

November 15th, 2023

A wolf-woman in a butler's suit leans over a sheep-woman in a colorful dress, with flowers floating around them.In the Land of Sheep with β€˜Wolfa’ – people with wolf ears and tails, and β€˜Sheepa’, those with sheep ears, Aki Rukijo, a Wolfa butler, is the private tutor to Momo Shiudafaris, a Sheepa princess. Princess Momo is known as the β€˜frigid’ princess, and rarely leaves her rooms. After an incident with a wild wolf on a full moon which Aki saves her from, Momo has Aki appointed her private tutor, although that’s not really her true aim. On a night of a full moon, when wolves find their instincts harder to ignore, Momo sneaks into Aki’s bedroom and declares that she loves her, and she’ll β€˜gobble her up’!

Despite what sounds like a racy beginning for Sheep Princess in Wolf’s Clothing, Volume 1, by Mito, nothing much actually happens in that scene beyond kissing and them getting naked. And it doesn’t happen again in this volume, although Momo is definitely thinking about it. Bluebell, Momo’s Sheepa maid, is fully on board with the princess’s courting of Aki. Aki is more reserved about the whole thing, mostly since she is a commoner, and Momo is, well, a princess. Thus, Momo continuing to try and court her. It’s all rather cute, really.

Momo, being a princess and possibly having some previous bad experience, is somewhat limited in her experience of the outside world – the two of them go on a castle date, which is cute, but Momo wants more. Egged on by Bluebell and aided by Sakaki and Kiku, fellow Wolfa friends of Aki’s, the two of them disguise themselves and go into town, which is suitably adorable, and actually shows them getting on as people, bonding over the play they went to see, and over books.

I wondered if there might be some class difference between the Wolfa and Sheepa, but if there is, it isn’t touched upon much in this first volume. The royal family is Sheepa, although we only see two here, third princess Momo and her mother, the queen, but other than that, no mentions are made. I think there might be other animal hybrids, but they aren’t mentioned by name. It feels very much more of an aesthetic choice than a story-driven one, which is honestly fine. A work doesn’t always need to have something to say in particular, and the mangaka likely just wanted to draw cute girls with wolf and sheep ears; not to mention the role-reversal of the more confident sheep courting a flustered wolf. I can understand that.


Story: 6 – more about cuteness than plot
Art: 8 – lots of blushing, but the art is nice throughout, the colour pages are very pretty
Yuri: 10 – definite courting between the main couple, possible background yuri couples
Service: 3 – Momo in her underwear, and Aki in butler wear. It suits her.
Animal ear rating: 10 – they even flap when the characters get excited

Overall: 9

If you like animal hybrids and a cute story, or always kind of wanted the princess to get with their maid/another woman close to them, this seems like a pretty good bet. Volume 2 is headed our way next spring –  I’ll certainly continue reading. Final aside, Aki reminds me a little of Zakuro of Tokyo Mew Mew, albeit only by looks, and Momo is a bit like a more assertive Elianna from Bibliophile Princess.

Thank you very much to Seven Seas for the review copy! The translation was by Jan Cash, with lettering by Rina Mapa – I didn’t notice any issues with either, which usually means a job well done!

The Moon On A Rainy Night, Volume 2

November 13th, 2023

Pictured: Two girls, one in a beige sailor-collar blouse and blue skirt Japanese school uniform and one in a sweat jacket, white blouse and jean shorts, hold hands as they walk in a moody night setting. In Volume 1, we met Saki, a high school student who meets and befriends Kanon, a student who is hard of hearing. Kept at a distance by Kanon, who appears aloof, in part because trying to read lips can be exhausting, and the background noise of people is difficult for her to parse…and because something happened in middle school to make her withdraw from people, Saki does her best to gently cross barriers between her and the other girl.

In The Moon On A Rainy Night, Volume 2 Saki and Kanon both take steps to become closer, and to assist Kanon in participating in society on her own terms. Kanon finds an ally in her teacher Miura-sensei, who turns out to have a fairly balanced perspective on life with disability. He finds a physical space where Kanon can relax, and introduces her to a club that suits her. The Literature Club welcomes her to their group.

All is not smooth sailing, though, as Kanon’s over-protective little sister, Rinne, makes Saki feel unwelcome. That she’s not wrong about Saki, makes it harder for her to fight. But a crisis ends up convincing Rinne that Saki is, perhaps, not a bad person. A trip to the movies opens up more cans of worms and Saki struggles with her feelings for Kanon. Kanon tells Saki her side of the issue that came up in middle school. The conversation that follows takes away one more barrier between Kanon and Saki – something that will become very important in future volumes, trust me.

Once again, I beg you all to read this manga. Yes, Saki is a young queer person, but that is only one piece of an incredible multi-layered story about friends, family, disability, and society. It’s some of Kuzuhiro’s best work to date, and really opens up pathways for abled folks to address the needs of disabled folks without being weird about it. What really makes this book work is that every main character so far is dealing with more than one issue. No one is an “XYZ character,” even someone like Miura-sensei comes across a fully-featured person who is dealing with issues in his life and work and searching for balance, as we all are. 


Art – 8
Story – 9
Characters – 8
Service – On principle only
Yuri – 3 Creeping up slowly

Overall – 9

I’m so thankful Kodansha licensed this. Terrific translation by Kevin Steinbach, lettering by Jamil Stewart in the caption style is eay to read, ( but you know I’m gonna say give the letterer time and money to do retouch!) Phil Basman’s iteration of the cover is very moody and solid. A fine job by the team from Kodansha.

This is an outstanding manga that almost assuredly will be overlooked by the Eisners because it’s not a Shonen Jump title, but for my money, it’s among the best series of the year. Read it for yourself and let me know what you think in the comments!