Yuri Manga
We have a bunch of news via Yurimother!
Yukiko’s Yuri manga Cats and Sugar Bowls, is now available from Seven Seas, as is Yuama’s The Summer You Were There, Volume 1.
YA Novel Night Owls & Summer Skies by Rebecca Sullivan and illustrated by Samadrita “Tikklil” Ghosh, has been adapted as a Webtoon.
GL Web comic, Master of the Fox Bead is now being serialized on Tapas.
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Crowdfunded Taiwanese Showa Yuri manga collection, Kitanhana Monogatari (綺譚花物語) has been released. I backed this crowdfunded project and have my ebook here, but it’s available in print in Japanese and in French from Mahô Éditions. I am looking forward to reading it!
Yuri Anime
HIDIVE Announced that they have licensed My Master Has No Tail, fantasy anime about a tanuki learning rakugo, which is classic Japanese comedic storytelling.
Yuri VNs
Yurimother wants you to know that Ebi-hime’s Yuri VN, Dreamy Planet is available on Steam and Itch.io. The game follows Haruka, who suffered a breakdown five years before the story began. She abandoned her old life and hid away from her best friend, Shiina.
Studio Élan is asking for your feedback! If you’d like to help them out, please consider filling out their Survey.
Studio YuriEureka is pleased to announce that the demo for their upcoming Yuri VN, Kiss the Demiurge is available on Steam.
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Yuri Doujinshi
Lilyka has released Letters From A Rainy Day – Oceans and Lace, by Lily Spinel.
Other News
Nona the Ninth fans will want to read this interview with Tamsyn Muir on Lyctorhood as Genderfuckery and Greasy Bible Study in Nona the Ninth.
At long last, Japan is going to open borders to independent travelers. No visas, no booking with travel agencies, no pre- and post-travel testing. Masks are still required for most places and, frankly, I cannot understand how anyone is doing anything without masking around other people. Alex Mateo has the news over at ANN. I’m going to hope to visit next autumn, once again.
Fun.com has some …fun…Sailor Moon exclusives! The sweaters are awesome and I want them all.
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