It’s a bit of an understatement to say that we live in interesting times, but there we are. And in times of stress we need to acknowledge our bodies and minds need to be taken care of. PornHub is making their Premium service free worldwide for the next month…in case you were feeling of residual guilt, they are donating 85% of their video sales to performers who have had to stop working due to the pandemic. There’s something reassuring to me that the porn industry leader is showing generosity in these difficult times.
If live-action porn isn’t your shtick, there’s always manga. Last week, we looked at Lesbian Fuuzoku Anthology (レズ風俗アンソロジー), an anthology about lesbian health delivery from Ichijinsha. It was successful enough that a few months later they released a sequel, Rezu Fuuzoku Anthology Repeater (レズ風俗アンソロジー リピーター).
While fewer of the stories stuck out for me, the overall sense was stories about women wanting to fix something in themselves with the help of professional. Once again the best in collection from me goes to Iwami Kyouko, whose “My Sugar Cat” hit that note between whimsy and life that makes a throwaway porn piece fun to read.
Overall – 7
These two Rezu Fuuzoku collections were not terrible. They lack the dazzling charm of the old Mist ladies comics, but they start from a place of slightly less delusion, presenting this as the job it is, so I’ll call it a draw. ^_^