Yuri Is My Job, Volume 8

March 7th, 2022

Hime is leaving Liebe. She has resolved that, to stop hurting Mitsuki, (and, as Mai is once again hale and hearty,) she will leave. Yuri Is My Job, Volume 8 begins with the tensest birthday celebration of all time.

No one wants Hime to leave, Hime does not want to leave, but she simply cannot think of a way to resolve this issue. The entire staff conspires to get Hime and Mitsuki to talk one last time….but will it be enough? Well…maybe. It’s enough for now, at least.

With their relationships patched up, but extremely fragile, the entire staff heads out for an overnight and photo shoot which causes cracks all over again. New cracks, though. Hime is, for the very first time, very aware of Mitsuki’s body, and has no idea how to handle what is going on in her head.

I sympathized so strongly with Mitsuki through this volume. She’s so vulnerable and honest about not being able to understand Hime’s intentions. About halfway through this volume I was ready to make an ultimatum…no more beating on Mitsuki. But, then the worm turns and it’s Hime struggling with who they are as schwestern. I’m fine with that, I just don’t want Mitsuki to be hurt any more.

By the end of this volume this arc is, finally, put to rest, thank Gott. Mitsuki and Hime carve out a tenable working relationship. Now we’re free to movie on for a bit.

I did genuinely love the photoshoot idea. I constantly think that Mai would be a very good manager of a cafe. The end notes are narrated by Mai, as she walks us through the school uniform policies. And again, in the author’s notes, we get insight into Miman-sensei’s process. At 8 volumes, and no sign of the story slowing down, it feels good to know that there is a plan.


Art – 8
Story – 8
Characters – 9
Service – 4
Yuri – 8

Overall – 8

Next volume we’ll turn our focus to Sumika and her left-over baggage and the new stuff she’s picked up since Kanako arrived. Trust me, she’s got a lot of stuff to deal with. ^_^

Nice work by the team at Kodansha, for an overall gripping volume!

Batwoman, Season 3 on CW

March 6th, 2022


Blah blah blah, I’m not a DC gal, Batman is boring, blah blah. We’ve been through that before. But. This season has convinced me otherwise.

I thought Kate Kane was a fine Batwoman in Season 1. I was glad she had her story told and the points were made. And I was super glad to get past the Alice arc, with its so many handwaves. It was good stuff. Season 2 capitalized on the strengths of the cast and weaknesses of the story. It was better stuff.  In my review  of Season 2 I said, “What had been an ensemble flapping around Kate, waiting for her to listen to any of them, has now coalesced into a solid team looking for Kate (whatevs) and fighting new and different baddies, something I can get behind, finally.” Which is pretty much what happens. And now we reach Season 3 of Batwoman and I have not stopped thinking about it since I began to watch. It was one of the best live-action shows I’ve watched in a long while. Mostly because the cast is killing it.

Javicia Leslie’s Ryan Wilder is likable, smart, strong and vulnerable. The story uses those vulnerabilities without hesitation, but the story is not about torturing Ryan. Nope, instead Season 3 is 1000000% about Mary Hamilton and Beth Kane. Not as a couple, but as a pair of mismatched, deeply broken and needy people. 

Nicole Kang’s Mary Hamilton is…amazing. She’s broken, and breaking, and healing, and permanently effed up and likable and redeemable. Even when she is at her lowest, you have to love her. Early on the season, she and Lucas have a little energy. I would not object, except I believe you should not fall for your coworkers. (More on that later.) 

Beth, nee Alice. Holy Shit. Rachel Skarsen is doing a lifetime’s worth of acting with this role. She takes up a lot of space on the screen and again, love her and hate her, you always love her. Mary and Beth trying to patch a family together between the two of them had me tied up in knots.

Where Kate and Sophie made my skin crawl, Ryan and Sophie as the main love affair of the series works just fine. See above about coworkers for a caveat. But it, too, is a side story. The main plot uses relics of the Bat-universe, but with new plotting and characters. Did we need a new Joker? Maybe? But what we got with a new Poison Ivy was an outstanding arc, that will have repercussions into next season. It gave us a brief moment with Renee Montoya and Pamela Isley, but it left us with Poison Mary…and Alice as a sidekick. That was a hell of a ride.

Lucas’ battle with his long-dead father added unpredictability to his story, and Ryan’s own journey into her own family’s past drives the larger arcs in a way that succeeds.

These character arcs -and others – are overlapped so that they have consequences. It’s not “character development of the week,” and kudos to the writers for that.

Season 3 is about family. For Batwoman and her team, that means a lot of everything: Good, bad, extremely bad, and pathologically apocalyptic. It means love and hate and despair and hope. And, for the first time in my watching experience, it means a majority non-white, majority female cast, full of queerness, which I absolutely love. 

This was a fantastic season. you should watch it.


Cinematography – 8
Characters – 10
Story – 9
Queer – 10
Service – 7 Kissing, sex implied

Overall – 9

This team convinced me to love Batwoman.


Yuri Network News – (百合ネットワークニュース) – March 5, 2022

March 5th, 2022

Yuri Manga

ANN’s Adriana Hazra has news that Kodansha has licensed the newest from Kamatani Yuhki, Hiraeth ~The End of the Journey – . The first chapter is available for free in Japanese on moae.com and it’s just beautiful. Take a look!

Otona ni Nattemo, Volume 6 (おとなになっても) is up on the Yuricon Store. I am really enjoying this series and think it’s Shimura-sensei’s best work to date!

Exciting news from Wings magazine on Twitter, Fujio-sensei is returning to Yuri with a new series! Onna x a Onna Umakuikana Renai Essay parlor, Volume 1 (女×女のうまくいかない恋愛エッセイ parlor) is “an essay comic about her own woman x woman’s ‘unsuccessful love.'” I haven’t seen Fujio-sensei’s work since Pure Yuri Anthology Hirari. And yay for another autobiographical manga about/by queer Yuri manga artist

Volume 1 of 18+ comedy Android ha Keiken Ninzuu ni Jairimasuka??, (アンドロイドは経験人数に入りますか??) from Comic Yuri Hime is now available as a collected volume.

Jitsugyounonihonsha publishing company is releasing Kanojo. Yuri Shousetsu Anthology (彼女。 百合小説アンソロジー) this month. It will also be available in Japanese as an audiobook! I don’t recognize a single name in the authors’ credits, but I chalk that up to me not keeping up with Yuri prose at all. If any of you have read any of these authors, let us know!

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Via Comic Natalie, the April issue of Comic Flapper has a new manga, about an older woman whose heart begins to pound as a woman at the store applies her makeup. Biyou ni Mezameru o Baachan no Yuri Manga, (美容にめざめるおばあちゃんの百合漫画) by schwinn will probably have me popping over to Bookwalker to grab this issue when it’s out. ^_^

Volume 1 of Hime to Onna Yuusha ga Musubareru Tame no 12 no Hijiri Koui (姫と女勇者が結ばれるための12の聖行為) is out in print, but before you commit to this pervy Yuri fantasy, check it out on Pixiv. A female hero asks for the princesses underwear as a reward.

Via Yuri Navi, DolYan! (ドルヤン) is a Idol x Yakuza Yuri oneshot webcomic available in Japanese on Sunday Webry.

Also via Yuri Navi, Yuri manga Wakuto Komako  (わくとこまこ) “depicting the frustrating love pattern of two girls” is being serialized in Japanese in Big Comic 4, on Yahoo JP.


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Yuri Events

Galette Works is celebrating the 5th anniversary of Galette magazine with a Galette 2nd Yuri Matsuri! March 20, Nihonbashi Hamacho Plaza Marm, From 11AM – 4PM. It’s basically a Galette Yuri pop-up shop event.  If anyone one can make it there, do let us know how it goes!

I’ll be a Featured Panelist at Anime Boston, May 27-29 in Boston, MA. I hope you’ll drop by and join one of my many panels. ^_^

My book, By Your Side – The first 100 years of Yuri anime and manga will be out in June! If you’d like me to come to speak at your event, school or organization, Contact Me! Pre-orders will be going up next month – stay tuned!


Other News

I wrote a review! I know, I know, that’s not that exciting in itself, but this review was not for a Yuri title, which is exciting and it’s on ANN, which is also exciting. I actually read a lot of manga that isn’t Yuri, so it’s nice to be able to share this one with a broad audience. Check out my review of Summertime Rendering, Volume 1 on ANN. It was really a great read.

Adriana Hazra has a manga-focused breadown at The Comics Beat report about the growth of graphic novels sales. It’s worth reading this breakdown. It has always seemed obvious to me, but this really makes the case that when a manga exists for a popular anime property, making a strong connection will really bump those numbers up. (I still feel like Yen and Funi blew it entirely on the Madoka franchise. If they had coordinated, it would have owned the world for a while, at least.

Speaking of Funimation, RIP their endlessly crappy streaming service. Ding, dong, the glitch is dead. You’ll be watching all of their anime, along with Verve and Wakanim on Crunchyroll now. Even NPR noticed that this is big news.

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A White Rose in Bloom, Volume 2

March 4th, 2022

In Volume 1, we met Ruby, a student at a prestigious girls’ school who, because of family problems, stays at school over the holidays with only one other student – the alluring and standoffish Steph. As the volume closed, Ruby’s parents tell her that they are divorcing and her mother explains that she’ll need to leave the school, but Ruby believes she has found a way to stay.

She’ll take the scholarship exam. Only…her Latin is grades are really bad. Once again, she turns to Steph. Steph agrees to tutor Ruby. Which causes friction with another student, Liz. Liz is obsessively close to Steph, in fact Ruby saw them kissing.

A White Rose in Bloom, Volume 2,begins as the tension between Liz and Ruby has exploded in public. Each of them bearing the red mark of the other’s anger on their cheeks, they are called in to the Headmistress’s office..and they come precariously close to losing everything.

The fight with Liz uncovers another complication – Liz and Steph are half-sisters and both children of the Headmistress. Ruby’s no dummy, she keeps her mouth closed.  As the exam draws closer, it looks like she might make it after all. Until her father shows up at the school and throws a wrench into the whole works.

Nakamura Asumiko-sensei’s ability to create a narrative that exceeds it’s initial setup. What tension there is between Steph and Ruby is shown, but mentioned only briefly. We can all see it, so can Ruby and Steph…and Liz. Steph is old enough to realize what damage her behavior may cause and smart enough to regret it. Ultimately, it is the fact that Steph and Ruby are both sharp-witted that carries this story through to an end of an arc that was vastly better than I imagined it would be, as I read the chapters in Rakuen Le Paradis magazine.

Whether you enjoy Nakamura-sensei’s art is purely personal, but I have grown fond of her unique style. She’s among a handful of artists whose art I can recognize in any context. I genuinely love the variety of faces showing discombobulation and shock that fill her work.

A White Rose in Bloom has the most conventional set-up, but the unconventional ending and the change that it brings to the heaviness of the opening, makes this series totally worth reading.

Great work by Jocelyne Allen on translation, Kat Adler on adaptation and special high marks to Alia Nagamine on lettering and retouch. It’s always so much more time intensive, but it just looks so good. Fantastic work from the team at Seven Seas.


Art – As I say, YMMV, but 8 for me
Story – 9
Characters – 9
Service – 4 Mildly provocative staging from time to time
Yuri – 7

Overall – 9

I’m honestly so glad you all have a chance to read this quirky schoolgirl Yuri series!

Oshi ga Budokan Ittekuretara Shinu, Volume 8 (推しが武道館いってくれたら死ぬ)

March 3rd, 2022

Yippee! A whole volume of this manga in which I never once wanted to shake the daylights out of the creator!


But seriously, Oshi ga Budokan Ittekuretara Shinu, Volume 8 (推しが武道館いってくれたら死ぬ) was… nice. No obnoxious jokes about Maina and Eripyo not being able to communicate in an excruciating way.

The volume begins with a nice juxtaposition of the Cham-Jam members delving into Youtube videos and dreaming about more opportunities (as well as Aya eating her weight in doughnuts.) This smoothly dovetails into several collaborations between Cham Jam and singers from other groups (notably, Reo’s old group Maple Doll.) Once again, the personal lives and relationships of the other girls in Cham Jam is the best part of the story.

And then the volume winds down and I steeled myself for the dumb joke du jour. And it came, as I expected it would.

There is a running gag in the series that Okayama, where Cham Jam performs, is best known for being the setting of the story of Momotarou. Cham Jam always brings kibi dango with them as a gift, because that’s the local souvenir. More specifically, because they can never think of another notable thing about Okayama. So, Cham Jam is invited on another group’s show and they are struggling to come up with something unique about Okayama, beyond kibi dango.  Maina is wearing a cute shirt and is asked if it’s a local exclusive brand. Embarrassed, she admits it’s a 480 yen shirt – at which point her adorableness is discovered by the world at large. Suddenly, Maina becomes “480-chan.” Obsessed with 480-chan, Eripyo buys things for 480 yen, talks about 480 yen, to the point of mania. (So, no change for her, really.)  At their next appearance, “480-chan” has a line of fans waiting to get a handshake! Eripyo is blown away that she’s actually got to stand on line to speak to Maina  – she is in heaven! Ecstatic that Maina has been discovered at last, Eripyo cannot wait to see her favorite.

When she finally sees Maina for the first time in a while, Eripyo starts to call her “480-chan…” but stops. Maina, for once(!) figures out what’s going on in time and asks Eripyo to call her to please call her “Maina.” Eripyo turns to the line behind her and calls out “Her name isn’t 480-chan, it’s Icchii Maina!”…then she turns back to Maina. I actually cheered, as she said, “Right, Maina-chan?” And Maina smiles and says “Right!”

I practically cried with relief. Thank goodness. A whole volume without once wanting to commit an act of violence.  I ought to give it a 10 just for that…..


Art – 8
Story – 9 I didn’t hate a single page. It’s a Cham Jam miracle!
Character – 8
Service – 0
Yuri – They had a conversation and it wasn’t incoherent. 10

Overall – 10 There.  Good job, Hirao-sensei. See? You can do it.

You can find this manga on Amazon JP, Bookwalker JP (where I read it) or CD Japan, if you’d like one <bleep>ing volume of this series that isn’t utterly enraging. ^_^