Yoru to Umi, Volume 3 French Edition, Guest Review by Laurent Lignon

September 21st, 2022

Welcome back to Guest Review Wednesday on Okazu, where we welcome back our French language Journaliste/Chroniqueur, Laurent Lignon. Laurent is finishing up this series for u s – don’t miss his reviews of Volume 1 and Volume 2. Please give him your kind attention – the floor is yours, Laurent!

NOTE : this review is based on the French translation of the third and final volume of the series, Yoru to Umi, Plongée dans la nuit, released in stores by Taifu Comics http://www.taifu-comics.com/

I learned the secret to let it go a long while back. If everything I held had to disappear at some point, then I’d be better if I’ve never cherished them in the first place.”

A third year has passed for Tsukiko and Aya, and both girls starts to think about what the future will hold for them and their relationship. Aya is sure they’ll keep some sort of contact, despite going to different universities, but has no ideas of what to do with her future life. Tsukiko feels the same, unsure of what she want to do but having already assumed that their relationship will stop when both of them will leave college.

This pushes the story in three different directions.

Aya understands what was already revealed to the reader in the previous volume: the swimming pool in which she spent most of her time is representing her teenage years, and she needs to go out of it and face newer swimming challenges to actually move on in her life. Having understood that, she’ll try to confront her greatest fear: swim into the ocean. And while that first ‘confrontation’ goes as humorously badly as expected, it helps Aya understand that it is time for her to enter adult life and carve her own path. However, she is not ready yet to leave Tsukiko behind.

On the other hand, Tsukiko finally unlocks from her memories the reasons behind her attraction to Aya. And, most importantly, why there is nothing more that she loves than to see Aya swimming. Having understood that, she also finds what her purpose in life will be but comes to the conclusion that her presence will prevent Aya from moving on with a life of her own. Thus, she takes the hard decision to cut the ties gently with Aya.

The third path is, once again, a vision of their relationship through the eyes of a secondary character. This time it is Jûmonji, a friend of Maihara who hides her own aromanticism behind her only hobby : otome video games. Thus, she is quick to understand the dynamics between Tsukiko and Aya, comparing their roles to characters found in her favorite games while not understanding why none of them goes any further in their relationship.

Goumoto-sensei likes to play with the expectations of her readers. When the separation finally comes, it is with a soft wind and not a storm. This is done with the perfect level of emotional writing, and Tsukiko is clearly written as aromantic despite liking the time she spends with Aya. This looks like a bittersweet ending, but then the epilogue (with its brilliant humorous double plot twist) gives us everything we hoped to see while respecting the personality of each of the characters. This is complemented by a bonus chapter, which takes place after the epilogue, and which shows how much each of them has matured, with Tsukiko doing something she has never done before for anyone else.

This is the story of a different type of love, one that isn’t based on romantic or sexual elements. An aromantic story ? Perhaps, at least from Tsukiko’s point of view. But as Aya said as the final word in the book, finally acknowledging and understanding how each woman feels about the other :

This distance between us is our bond.”

ART – 9 : as usual, some magnificent backgrounds especially in the epilogue
STORY – 8 : a different Yuri, yet a beautiful if unusual story
CHARACTERS – 8 : this is good to see both girls mature and understand what must be done to move on. But once again, there are barely any secondary characters save Jûmonji.
SERVICE – 1 : swimsuits, mostly
YURI – 8


Erica here: Well, that ending sounds like it’s worth reading! I’ll have to take a look at this. This manga IS licensed in English as The Evening and the Sea by Houbunsha through the MangaPlaza manga platform.Maybe I’ll give this a chance to test out the platform. ^_^

Thanks so much Laurent!


Onna x a Onna Umakuikanai Renai Essay parlor, Volume 1 (女×女のうまくいかない恋愛エッセイ parlor)

September 18th, 2022

Onna x Onna Umakuikanai Renai Essay parlor, Volume 1 (女×女のうまくいかない恋愛エッセイ parlor) by Fujio, has had a long journey from there to here. This manga began more than a decade ago with essays that were published in Comic Yuri Hime in 2010, then it moved to Pure Yuri Anthology Hirari, (ピュア百合アンソロジー ひらり) in 2011. ( For those who don’t remember it, Hirari was the same magazine in which the Kase-san series was launched.) When Hirari ceased publication, this column moved over to digital comics platform, Web Unpoko, which is now a channel on Ebook.japan. Now it has been collected into one volume for the first time!

Fujio-sensei’s comic essay column is basically about how she’s kind of a loser with women. She loves women and would love to have a girlfriend, but she’s…a dork. We all know that feeling…and sympathize. ^_^  So each chapter discusses the kind of women she’s liked and even dated, from childhood to adulthood and how she’s kind of effed it up, along with advice from her editor and the beautiful BL manga artist she rooms with.

Fujio-sensei protrays herself as a hoodie-wearing slob, with unkempt hair and wearing sweats and sneakers.  Undoubtedly, her lack of humaning skills are blown up for entertainment purposes. The other women in the book are beautiful, cute, sexy, charming as needed., which makes this manga an interesting catalog of Fuji-sensei’s art skills; since chapters drift from great technical drafting, to elaborately drawn to loosely sketch to comedically outlined. As a periodic comic essay, it’s full of relatable pathos and sad-funny, the way it is when you tell a story about yourself being a dork. I wouldn’t have been able to read a lot of it all at once.

With impeccable narrative structure, the final chapter is redemptive, with an incredibly sweet entry that leaves one feeling good about one’s self and the hope that Fujio-sensei will be all right. ^_^


Art – 8
Story – These are stories of failures, told to be drolly amusing. YMMV, but for me – 6
Character – I kind of like Sensei as she portrays herself. I’d take her out to lunch. ^_^
Service – 3 Some sexy portraiture
Lesbian – 100% Cold truth

Overall – 7

I’d pick up a second volume if I encountered it on a bookstore shelf, but I’m not sure I’d order it.

Yuri Network News – (百合ネットワークニュース) – September 17, 2022

September 17th, 2022

Yuri Event

Rica Takashima and I will be at Women in Comics at the Bronx Library Center on October 29! If you missed us at FlameCon, here’s your chance! The link shows last year’s info. I’ll give you more details as I get them.

I will be at AnimeNYC, November 16-18 in New York City, with a table in the Artist’s Alley, as well as doing a few panels. I’ll be signing copies of By Your Side: The First 100 Years of Yuri Anime and Manga and I’ll have some of the Yuri from ALC Publishing with me, and bookplates, pins and stickers for you to proclaim your love of Yuri.  Definitely drop by to say hello – it’s been a very long time since I have tabled and would love the company. ^_^ If you’re going to be there are would like to help out, drop me a line.

Not Yuri specifically, but I want to share Manga in Libraries tweet that they will be hosting three panels at New York Comic Con, October 6-9! Camp out in the room with us and let’s talk manga all day. ^_^


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Yuri Manga

How about Akuyaku Rejiou ga Sei-Heroin o Kudokiotosu Hanashi. (悪役令嬢が正ヒロインを口説き落とす話。) in which a villainess tries to seduce the heroine, who is beloved for her wisdom and cuteness? Sure, why not. ^_^


Yuri Games and VNs

Via YNN Correspondent Cryssoberyl, who wants you to know about GrimGrimoire Once More, for PS4, PS5 and Switch. Cryssoberyl says, “Important yuri game news. This is an updated remaster of the 2007 release, which features a canon yuri romance as part of its main story.” Check out the trailer on Youtube.

Via YNN Corespondent Xan, we learn that Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life will have queer romance options and the ability to play as a non-binary character.

Also via Cryssoberyl, SUCCESS Corporation has announced the HD remastering of classic Yuri VNs Akai Ito and Aoi Shiro for Switch and Steam! These both came out in the early 00s just before the big Yuri boom. In 2009, Mara reviewed Aoi Shiro for us here on Okazu!


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Other News

The Volks company is releasing a set of Rose of Versailles dolls. Check out their Twitter feed for images of Oscar and Antoinette!

Colleen’s Manga Recs has a pretty solid video on on the larger issues of Misogyny in the Manga Community. It’s just another popular feature of Patriarchy TM!

Eike Exner has written an article for The Comics Journal of interest: Laying the Groundwork for Japanese Comics: Imaizumi Ippyō’s Establishment of Euro-American Narrative Cartoons in the Jiji Shinpō between 1890 and 1899.

I’m currently reading Queer Transfigurations: Boy’s Love Media in Asia, edited by our good friend James Welker. As you know, BL isn’t my area of study, but fandom is of significant interest to me, and I am interested in the parallels and differences in BL and Yuri fandoms. Reading about how different BL fandoms react to real-world LGBTQ issues is interesting, and I have a lot of thoughts about the many ways that “gatekeeping” manifests…some protective, some exclusive. I’m freer than most scholars as I write here on topics of interest to me because I can have an opinion as well as just quoting other people’s opinions. In a lot of ways, I think it gives me the ability to recognize more nuance, since I’m not confined to one specific focus. Maybe. We’ll see where this book takes me. ^_^ It’s been honestly interesting so far, so if you are interested in BL, I give this one a thumbs up.


Thanks to our Okazu Patrons who make the YNN weekly report possible! Support us on Patreon or Ko-fi to help us give Guest Reviewers a raise and to help us support Yuri creators!

Become a YNN Correspondent: Contact Us with any Yuri-related news you want to share and be part of the Yuri Network!

Watashi no Oshi ha Akuyaku Reijou., Manga, Volume 4 (私の推しは悪役令嬢。)

September 15th, 2022

Grab a hankie, it’s time to read, Watashi no Oshi ha Akuyaku Reijou., Volume 4 (私の推しは悪役令嬢。) In this pivotal issue, the Commoner Movement arc develops quickly and comes to a climax, one that specifically affects Claire. Not only is she a noble, and thus stands in opposition to the commoners, but the collateral damage of this arc will damage her, personally. And, while the commoner’s movement is quelled, we are given to understand that it was also covering up a larger plot, one that will engulf everyone in the cast.

This is the volume where everything, all of the goofy light-hearted comedic moments, fall away and what remains is social justice withheld, love perverted into betrayal and a new, unpredictable, danger. We finally meet Salas, the King’s right-hand man, a key player in the oncoming storm. I mention him because it is often stated how attractive he is in the novels – in fact, without him being attractive, his character fails to make sense…so I was really interested in seeing how he was portrayed. Not at all coincidentally, we also meet Lily, the nun, who also become a major player in the narrative, for the first time.  I believe now all the primary pieces are on the board. The game begins with a huge loss. If you’ve read the novels, you know how huge a blow it will be for Claire, and as the end of the volume comes with a letter from Susse, what that means to Rei having to battle for her.

That’s about all I can say without spoiling anything in this highly emotional and action-packed volume. Aonoshimo-sensei’s art is really just fantastic. Everything, from Salas’ cold beauty to Relaire’s adorable jiggles, is just so good. inori-sensei’s characters come alive in these manga volumes. I hope this series can continue through to the final LN volume, because so many reasons! Nur, the dance, the *wedding*, Dorothea, the Demon Queen, that ending. Let’s all keep telling Ichijinsha how much we love this manga series!

Now that we’re past this volume, I can set aside the handkerchief and get ready for the coming of butchy Manaria-sama, and Rei’s greatest trial for Clarie’s love – until the next one. ^_^


Art – 9
Story – 9
Characters – 9
Yuri – 6, since it’s not the focus. But it soon will be.
Service – Rei in that outfit at the end is definitely service. Hope we get a standee of those looks.

Overall – 9

I am reading the exact same same scene in this month’s Comic Yuri Hime and in Watashi no Oshi ha Akuyaku Reijou -Revolution-, Volume 2 , so that’s kind of fun, getting the scene described, then seeing it drawn.

Volume 3 of I’m in Love With the Villainess manga, in English will be hitting shelves this month!

Nona the Ninth Day

September 14th, 2022

No review today, Nona the Ninth has arrived!

If you haven’t already read the previous Locked Tomb novels, I hope you will. They are very in the exact wheelhouse we care about here on Okazu. Here are links to my previous reviews:

Gideon the Ninth.  the first part of this, ギデオン 第九王家の騎士 上, is also available in Japanese, now. ^_^

Harrow the Ninth was astounding.

Now I’m off to read Nona. I’ll catch you later! ^_^