Yuri Meguri, Part 2 – Yuriten 2018!

April 28th, 2018

So, wow, Yuriten 2018 in Tokyo was fantastic! 

Backing up, my day began too early, when I realized I had forgotten something important and jolted myself awake at 5AM. Whee!  By 10, I was ready to go when Uchida-san from the host company for Yuriten, Village Vanguard, came to get me. First off, I cannot thank Uchida-san enough, she was a superhero! Interpreting isn’t easy and a lot of our discussion was complicated and otaku-ish. She was brilliant.

We headed over to Aoyama, then wandered through the byways until we came to Lightbox Studio.  As we stood there, the line got longer and actually wrapped around itself. The place was pretty full the entire time we were there. There were slightly more men than women, but Uchida-san and I both noted that it was a young crowd, and fairly mixed crowd. We were both pleased by the turnout. (In the windows, just peeking over the boards for the art, you could see lilies. It was really sweet. The camera couldn’t get it, though.)

I loved the venue! It was so much more pleasant than a department store space might have been. We walked through the exhibit, speaking of the various series. Uchida-san was not originally a Yuri fan, but she started to read Yuri when she was put on this project, so it was fun to talk about the  some of the series presented to us. She and I then wandered the exhibition. (All my unlabeled, unsorted, unedited pictures can be found on my Yuriten 2018 photoset on FB.)

The event poster had been signed by some of the artists.

This drawing by Canno is the same couple in the Yuriten main visual photo, as adults – you can tell because of the bracelets. I thought that a nice touch.

Uchida-san and I laughed a lot. She was so cute and funny, especially when she didn’t so much like a series, she was very circumspect, but (of course) I would rant. ^_^ I had a funny rant when we got to Citrus because I started talking about Yuzu’s life after Mei, how her next three girlfriends would be like “Stop talking about your sister, I get you loved her, move on, get some therapy!” ^_^

Here is a very small selection of pictures. I took more than I uploaded to FB, but it’ll have to wait until I get home for full upload.




This was a piece of original art, not a reproduction, by Shimura Takako-sensei.



Of course they had a poster for the just-announced Yagate Kimi ni Naru anime! 



They had the standee from the Kase-san movie, of course and the movie poster…and fliers…and the video of the trailer…because a theatrical release is a big deal for Yuri anime!

When we got to Miman’s Watashi no Yuri ha Oshigoto desu! section, we talked about the official comic on the B-side of the Yuriten flier (which you can read on the Yuriten home page, scroll down past the main visual) and how we were sorry that they didn’t actually have a Yuri cafe…this time. Next year, I hope. ^_^

At the end, there was a table with original drawings by a few artists. Itou Hachi-sensei cut out the negative space on hers for a really beautiful 3-d effect, that I think my camera just caught it.


The shop was as large as the exhibit space. This is only a shot or two, but almost every artist that had been exhibited was represented by stuff. I bought a bunch of stuff for lucky boxes and presents and got myself an After Hours t-shirt. I’m still waffling on getting that Aoi Hana print shirt. The shop had 3 or 4 registers, all of them were had lines.

After buying a bag full of Yuristuff, we headed backwards through the exhibit, so I could look at everything without taking pictures.

Then I was invited out to lunch with Kawamoto-san from Kadokawa, Uchida-san and Morishima Akiko-sensei.

I have an important announcement to make, Kawamoto-san is the true Yuri master. His knowledge surpasses mine. He showed me his prize possession of the earliest Yuri doujinshi ever. I was blown away. After lunch, we talked about publishing, and Yuri and…stuff….

One of the things we discussed  was that goods and information are how some fans engage with the media. I mean, people who can create their own stuff do, but not everyone can.  You know I talk about how there’s a level of fan who just likes to watch or read or whatever, but then there is a level where uppercase ‘F’ Fans want to be part of or engage with the story, which is where you have derivative creative work, cosplay and fanart and fanfic and AMVs, etc. Some people don’t have that kind of creative drive, but they still want to have a deeper connection to the work, so they collect goods and/or information as an expression of that connection. Some fans hoard that information, to use as status. “I know more than you about….” which can become toxic. (And sort of feeds back to the conversation I had with Kat Callahan, because the more passionate one is about that information, while the passion is admirable, the opinion is perceived by those who do not share it as, well…ridiculous. And if the fan is obsessive and inflexible, they come across as an asshole. That’s where toxic fandom festers. I’m right, you’re wrong, I’m so right that I have to attack you to prove how wrong you are… etc, etc.)

Yuri fans have not had the opportunity to be goods and info hoarders so much, which is why Yuriten is still fun. Sure, it’s a blatant commercialization of Yuri. So? ^_^ 

We went for coffee and talked about publishing and Yuri and stuff for a few more hours! Morishima-sensei drew a little comic about this, and put it up on Twitter. 

We talked about the history of Yuri, about Yuricon 2005, and the day we all said, “this is Yuri.” And here were were 13 years later surrounded by all this Yuri! 

I learned a new word, tottoii, which means “precious” but like to an obsessive amount.  I failed at sharing common new slang from America, because I have no teens in my life right now. :-(

Oh, I was asked again about the reason I picked “Okazu” for this blog name. It’s because it means little dishes, you know, like in a bentou box, but also because it’s not a full meal, it was slang for lesbian sex which isn’t the “main course” in straight porn. You understand? So, it turns out that Galette magazine has that name because a galette is a full meal! Wow, really?! Food and sex and Yuri. I approve.

When we broke up for the day, Morishima-sensei and I head back to Ikebukuro, she wanted to buy a Kase-san movie ticket for the postcards. (She drew one of the postcards, and they didn’t send her a set?!?) So we went to Yurimate together. The Ikebukuro station was a madhouse (first Saturday of Golden Week at dinner time, so many people!) and it was hard to see the signs, but I know it pretty well, and lead her through to Sunshine-dori and down to Animate. (I do not object to this dashing idealized version of me!)

We browsed Yurimate and she drew a little comic for their message board. I really wanted to tell the girl behind the counter she had Morishima-sensei right there, make her sign things! but I didn’t. Such restraint. 



After making our way back to the station, Morishima-sensei and I parted. It was so great to spend time with her! And Sensei, I cannot wait until get to read your new work in Galette!

Thank you to Uchida-san, Kawamoto-san, Morishima-sensei and everyone at the Yuriten 2018! It was an absolutely lovely event. I’ll go back again before I leave for more pictures and goods.

21 Responses

  1. Super says:

    Thanks for the report, it has always been interesting to me to see how such events look!

    By the way, what do you think about the announcement of Yagate Kimi ni Naru? I’m not familiar with this work, but many say that this is one of the best yuri at the moment.

  2. Pattie says:

    That was AWESOME!! Thanks for such a terrific report…and I like your sparkles. ;-)

  3. Mariko says:

    What an amazing experience! I had planned to ne in Japan right now but it did not work out so I’m in France instead ;_; I have to settle for pretending to be Oscar. Your report is the next best thing to being there, thank you!

    Question: do you know if any Japanese creators/publishers read and have any thoughts about the reviews and opinions we express on Okazu? If so I’ll have to include more praise for and requests for an adult-life sequel to Girl Friends in my next review :3

  4. Cryssoberyl says:

    I’m very jealous of your visit, and it’s wonderful to see how yuri is thriving in Japan. I hope Morishima-san is doing well, last I heard she had been wrestling with depression. Thank you for this insight.

  5. Thank you for such an amazing review. I feel like I was able to attend vicariously (although someday I really want to attend in person).

  6. Julia says:

    Wow. They are really upping the ante it seems. Very, very happy to see that Yurimate is still running strong, that there are more diverse visitors at yuri events, and that we are starting to see proper yuri series being made that go beyond mere fanservice.

    Now if they could make After Hours into a series, we might even start getting some non-schoolgirl stuff.

    Really wish I could have been there, but work had other ideas, sending me the opposite way round the globe.

    • Figures, right?

      Of course, the problem is that adult romance doesn’t make good anime. 2DK, GPen, Mesamashitokei has got the same issue. Nanmi’s internal struggles would make for a lot of silent scenes. ^_^

  7. onlysaneonez says:

    holy crap, you got to hang with superstars – and even appeared in her comic XD

  8. Bianca says:

    First of all I would like to thank you for all the info and the efford you’re all putting for the Yuri genre. Yuri mangas have been an huge part of my high school period.
    Seconds, you really met Morishima-Sensei OMG! So lucky!

    • Thank you, Bianca. Yes, Morishima-sensei was one of the guest at Yuricon 2005 in Tokyo.It was really nice to see her again.

      • Evie StarCross says:

        Hello Erica,

        I have a small local Yuri group I started in the Bay Area (California) & we often refer to your reviews on Yuri recommendations. Thanks for running such an amazing site! My question to you is about Yuriten 2019. I would love to attend the event, but don’t see any links on the site. Do you pay at the door to the event the day you attend or is there a link I’m missing? Also, last questions are: How much is general admission to the event & are you attending this year? Thank so much & here’s to building a Yuritopia! 😉🤙🏻

        ~Evie StarCross

        • Hi Evie, its a pleasure to “meet” you. Thank you and your group for reading Okazu!

          Admission to Yuriten is free unless it says otherwise. (The expectation is that folks will buy their weight in Yuri goods in the shop, which most do. ^_^)
          You won’t need tickets or worry about timing, but there may be a line if you arrrive at a busy time, depending on the location. If you do get to one of the Yuriten locations, I hope you’ll be willing to write us up a report.

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