Manga Mania at the Newark Museum Today

October 14th, 2018

Join me today at the Newark Museum for Manga Mania and the Kimono Refashioned Exhibit! I’ll be presenting a short lecture on Osamu Tezuka, Manga, Fashion and Kimono at 2:30 and 4:00 in the Planetarium.
There will be Wii games, a maker space, a J-pop performance.

Tickets are available on Eventbrite – the event is free for Museum members, Newark residents, students at any Newark College or University, Children under 2 and any active duty Military. Children, teacher. students, veterans and seniors will be eligible for a discounted rate.

If you are an Okazu reader, please do come up and say hello! You know I love meeting you. ^_^ See you there!

2 Responses

  1. Oh, this looks fun! I`m envious of everyone in attendance :)

  2. It was a lot of fun! I highly recommend the Kimono Refashioned exhibit. It did everything right, providing context for visitors of all kinds.

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