It’s All An Adventure

April 1st, 2023

I know I told you that reviews would be a bit skimpy on the ground for a bit. Well, here is what happened – I planned a vacation for the first time in 4 years! Yay!

Only…after staying away from people for the pandemic, keeping up on our vaccines, and always masking, my wife and I had to go into NYC two weeks before we left from Germany. We came home with Covid.

It was very mild. A few days of symptoms at most. I spent time lining up reviews for you all to have something to share while I was in Germany, But since then I have a fever which gets very bad, spikes, breaks, then starts again, over and over. We landed in Frankfurt, and the first morning, I collapsed in the shower. I was in bed for 3 days and we bought tickets to come home. Now I have Long Covid and for some reason, am having a technical glitch with Okazu on top of everything. ^_^;

I look forward to having enough energy to once again do some reviews soon. Please send good thoughts and I’ll do my best to recover as quickly as possible. With Long Covid, that may be weeks…or months. Stay safe everyone. Wear a mask. Don’t get this stupid disease even once.

5 Responses

  1. Mariko says:

    Sending you get-well wishes!

    Got it at the end of last year and I wouldn’t wish it on (almost) anyone. Really a very strange illness that also took me a long time to recover from. Hope you feel better soon!

  2. Eric P. says:

    I absolutely wish you well, of course!

  3. dm says:

    Get well soon. Meanwhile, I bet brain fog will still let you enjoy the *Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady* anime, which I was late to coming to (despite your recommendations for the novels), if you haven’t already.

  4. Patricia B. says:

    I hope you are able to have a safe and easy recovery moving forward. Wishing you the very best.

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