Archive for the Now This Is Only My Opinion Category

Lesson from the Heart of Darkness Fandom

September 7th, 2015

smsWe’ve entered that phase of my to-review piles where the Novels taunt me with their 400 pages of unremitting 8pt Japanese text. I am reading as fast as I can, but will have fewer reviews if only because I read about 30 pages a day on a good day. My eyes just sort of stop seeing anything after a while.

In the meantime, as I have safely and successfully passed an age landmark that includes both zeroes and fives, I wanted to share an important lesson I have learned with you, my dear readers. I am the product of a person who was a super-duper nerd back in the day when “nerd” didn’t mean “makes millions in tech” and a person who has absolutely no interest in nerdly things…or even things. (My seminal story on this was the day when my parents came to visit and Dad sat there playing with every single Sailor Moon wand, hitting all the buttons and playing the music, and Mom, who had her back to him said, shaking her head, “I don’t know where you get your collecting things from.”)

Anyway, here’s the most important thing I’ve learned in 50 years:

Have fun the way you want to.

It doesn’t matter at all if other people don’t understand it as long as it makes sense to you.

Let me remind you that I will be having my brand of fun next month at New York Comic Con (NYC, October 8-11) and Nijicon (Philadelphia, October 24-25)

And if you want to access my /coughcough/wisdom – send me a question for the next Q&A online streaming Yuri panel, which I have not yet picked a date for, but will probably be in November!

How Does Japan Treat Gay People? on

May 29th, 2015

LGBTQJOne of the most commonly asked questions I have gotten in panels and after lectures is some version of “What is it like to actually be gay in Japan?” It’s always been a hard question to field for any number of reasons.

This kind of question always sounds simple, but because human behavior is complex, the answer needs to be nuanced and complex as well. (As people might realize, if they ask themselves the question honestly about…anywhere, really. Even countries where gay marriage is legal, there are places are not 100% safe for gay people. And discrimination continues no matter what the law says. We see that to be true in every place, if we’re looking with open eyes.)

You know I answer a lot of questions like this on Quora and here, where I have the space, the time and the resources to give apparently simple, but actually complex questions, the time and nuance they require for a full answer.

Yesterday one of my Quora answers was published on How Does Japan Treat Gay People?

I’m confident that I was able to provide a balanced perspective on media and political representation. There are other areas I touched upon as well, including the difference in perception by straight people and gay people of straight people’s “reactions” and the gap between being a fan of same-sex content entertainment and actually supporting LGBTQ people.

Please read and share this article with fan groups you know of, because it’s a question that a lot of folks ask…and now there’s at least one shot at an answer you can point to. ^_^

It’s Utter Nonsense 2015!

February 21st, 2015

No YNN Report today. It’s been a while since I’ve declared it to be ‘Utter Nonsense’ time here on Okazu. Two years in fact. So…it’s “Utter Nonsense’ time once again on Okazu!

What is “Utter Nonsense’ time, you ask? Well, it’s when you ask me questions about…life, love, blogging, anime, manga, Yuri, whatever. And I do my very best to answer you without lifting a finger to do any research. ^_^ For previous Q&As, check out the Now This is Only My Opinion Category here on Okazu,. and take a look at the kinds of things people have asked previously.

Back in 2012, we did a Livestream Yuri Panel and it went really well. I was thinking of doing something similar this time this spring. Send me amazing questions and I’ll answer them live  – and we can take questions from folks “attending” live!

There are a few rules for sending in questions:

1) I will not answer questions about “what is your favorite….” I find them difficult to answer, as I really don’t have favorites. And generally, people are looking for external validation anyway and when my favorite does not sync with theirs, they get annoyed. So, let’s not. ^_^

2) No A/B choice questions like “ham or cheese” or “Coke or Pepsi” questions, please.  They aren’t all that interesting for any of us and I can tell you honestly, the answer is almost always “neither of the two.”

3) If you want to ask me what I see as the future of Yuri or why I like Yuri, I beg you to read all the previous iterations of my answers to these questions. If you have a question about Yuri that I have not previously addressed, bring it on!

4) No questions that can be answered by 30 seconds of actually READING one of my reviews here. Also, asking me “what do you think of so-and-so anime/fandom” is not going to give you the external validation you crave, nor will I rise to the bait of using it as a springboard to rant about a fandom, either. Don’t know if I’ve reviewed a thing you want to know about? Look to the right—->

See that empty box on the sidebar that says “Search Okazu“? Try that first.  ^_^

5) Lastly, no “define the term” questions. The answers have been posted here:

Now, I realize that this makes it harder to ask me questions. But the harder you work at the questions, the harder I have to work at the answering, so it’s a fair deal. The funnier the question, the better chance of an amusing answer. ^_^

Please post your questions in the comments here and I’ll figure out a date for a Livestream Yuri Panel for all of us.

I’m looking forward to your questions!

Supporting Your Comics Ecosystem in 2015

January 1st, 2015

Happy New Year!

We’re starting off with something a little different this year. Usually I end the year with the best and start the next year with something dreadful. Instead of just excoriating an awful manga, I wanted to talk with you something very important – your own comics/animation ecosystem. The beginning of the year seems like the best time to think a little bigger and a little better about the space we inhabit in our own world.

Most fans understand (at least theoretically ^_^) that without comics creators or animators, they would not have anything to read or watch. Most fans also sort of vaguely presume that someone else ought to be responsible for the care and feeding of artists, you know, the company they do work for, or a rich patron or a day job or something.

As we actually know if we read a bit about it, comics, animation, songwriting, and pretty much every other creative endeavor pays peanuts, if at all. And the Internet gives everybody a chance to put their (or someone else’s) work out there, with the end result that the work itself has been almost wholly devalued. Which is what Scott Adams said back in 2010. But, like  he said at the time – maybe it’s okay.

Right now is a terrific time to look at the full ecosystem in which we exist and start planning for a sustainable and thriving future. Obviously, this is true for the actual ecosystem you inhabit. But I’m not a life guru, today we’re just going to look at our nerdly world.

You probably have a job. A lot of us have jobs that are regularly demeaned and dismissed by people who don’t get the amount of effort that our work takes. Even ridiculously hard jobs like being a doctor – people bitch about how much money they make, not realizing that your doctor’s visit fee covers the salaries of a half-dozen people, the office space, equipment, and yes, the insurance and things you don’t feel like you ought to have to pay for.

Entertainment is created by artists, but also by their assistants, their editors, the art directors, the layout people, the printers, and web developers, sales people, delivery people, all the way down to the part-time bookstore employees who shelve stuff and the post office who delivers it. I know you know this, but I want to say it:  If you have ever once thought “hey. I want to work in comics” you might also want to think about this –  if everyone makes comics, but no one buys them – where does the money come from? When you buy something, you are contributing to a larger economic system that sustains those jobs and the people who work them.

So, let’s start with artist and writers – the folks who create the work we enjoy. This is the one piece of our fan ecosystem we might acknowledge. It seems like there are a lot of artistic grants, but very few people get the money they need to live and work on a daily basis. A creator can apply for dozens of grants – all of which take inordinate hours of work – and get nothing. Just as a creator can create a beautiful work and have no one want to buy it. But creating is their work. And we, as fans, can help. We can make sure we buy their work that is available, thus indicating to publishers and distributors and galleries and merchandisers that there is an audience who will pay money for this person’s work. This is the number one thing we can do to support creators. They get to hire another assistant, so they can put out more and better work, which means that they can get more pages done, for more magazines. They buy better tools, they buy food and heat and other commodities. No matter how much we love someone, we’re not helping if we ignore their financial needs.  You can also support creators through their fundraising efforts, crowdfunding initiatives and buying creator-owned series. Every time you support a creator’s work, you are contributing to the greater ecosystem.

Another part of the ecosystem is what companies and stores we buy from and how we buy. It’s harder these days to support a local book or anime or comics store, there are so few  these days – and, realistically, some of them go out of their way to discourage manga business. But there are still some good local stores and even a few online places that are a person and their employees. If you’re lucky enough to be near one, I encourage you to support local businesses. It’s good for your town, as well. There’s nothing at all wrong with using a conglomerate, but when you can walk into a store and get a smile and recognition for your purchases, it feels good – and it supports the local economy with taxes and jobs (and the taxes and spending that comes from those.) I’ve mentioned them before, but the Local Comic Shop I use is Comic Fusion. A friend of mine is a co-owner and they are pretty darn friendly. Online orders are welcome and you can call them and ask them to order anything. I get some of my manga and some comics through them. ^_^

Another part of our ecosystem to consider is the folks who write about comics – call ’em pundits, bloggers, journalists, opinion-makers, reporters, what have you. If you’re a regular here at Okazu, you’ve probably spent hours reading content created by myself and others. Hours of entertainment, rage, joy and infomercials. ^_^ The equivalent of time on TV would have a budget of millions. But folks who write about comics online fly under the radar. Everyone reads them, shares their news and content, but no one’s giving them a paycheck. They have to fly themselves to the events they cover, unless they’ve got gig with Publisher’s Weekly or CBR or other “large” site. These folks often take donations. Here’s my rule of thumb for this kind of thing: If you’ve used a source/read stuff on a site for more than 10 hours in the last month, consider throwing  a few bucks their way. Back in the day, we all subscribed to magazines like Animerica and Comics Journal. Now, there are fewer magazines but a *lot* more (and often better quality) sources. For 2015 – if you can afford it – pick one site you use a lot, and consider giving them the cost of one lunch per month. McDonald’s tells me that a cheeseburger Happy Meal costs $4.89 in the US. (Why would anyone get anything other than a Happy Meal, duh~ Toys!). Let’s say $5/month to one slave to the computer keyboard of your choice. That few dollars will allow that journalist to get to more events, do more interviews and give you even more info.

I am not the kind of person who asks people to do what I will not. So to give you some ideas and let you know what *I’m* supporting in 2015, here’s a short list of the folks whose ongoing work I will be supporting through Patreon or other donation platforms. This does not include any crowdfunding projects I give to. In 2014, I gave to about half a dozen crowdfunded projects. I hope to do the same this year.

KleefeldOnComicsHeaderSean Kleefeld’s Fanthropology – Sean has been writing about comics a long time, Like me, he’s neck deep in the creation and fandom of the things. He writes a balanced and empathetic blog on the fraught world of comics fandom and creators and all the many places they intersect. Sean is officially launching his Patreon campaign today and I have already pledged my Happy Meal a month to support his work. ^_^


beatThe Comics Beat by Heidi Macdonald has been one of my go-to sources for (mostly Big 2) comics news for years.  Heidi herself is a pleasure to speak with and her coverage is honest and timely, without the drooling sycophancy of many “comics” sites. (You know, now that I think about it, not one has ever accused comics/manga journalism of a lack of ethics. You want to know why? We’d all die laughing if anyone ever said that. The first person to recover their breath would order another round of cocktails and it would blow over in a second.)  Anyway, Heidi’s been getting a Happy Meal’s worth of love from me a month for a while. Totally worth it too.


Aliensin NYRica Takashima’s Aliens in NY Art Project – I believe in this art project with all my heart. New York is a city full of aliens and Rica is telling each story, one at a time, with peekaboo boards, and comics and interactive art at events. Her project is taking donations through the New York Foundation for the Arts, and if you pledge any amount over $2 to her, at the end of the year you get her annual report. The first annual report was so good, the NYFA featured it in their annual report! This year’s report continued the story and made for some compelling, amusing reading. You’ll never look at the Statue of Liberty the same again, I promise. Read this again – Rica is drawing her annual report as a serial comic and it’s amazing. Even if you don’t get to one of her events, this is worth the price of a Happy Meal/month. You can see some of the pages and follow the project on the Aliens in New York Facebook page, as well.

One last note. When you’re done with your manga, graphic novels, anime and the like, don’t just throw them out. You local library might be able to use them – or sell them through their “Friends of the Library” foundations to support core services. (Remember in the beginning when I spoke about jobs that are regularly dismissed? Your local library has to fight like a banshee for the maybe 60 cents per person they get in local taxes. Not per person/per month – 60 cents per person/per year. Your local taxes do support the library, but very very little of it.)  Most libraries love donations – if they can’t use it, they’ll sell it or just plain give it away. Do be smart – call them first and ask if they take donations –  and give them stuff they can actually use. Your old hentai probably can’t go on the shelves. I stick to giving them YA manga. Sometimes I buy a comic with the specific thought that they’ll get it when I’m done with it. While you’re at it, if you want to give your library a small donation, you can ask them to put it towards a specific collection, although they can’t always guarantee that’s where it’ll go.

Of course, I will continue to support crowdfunded projects, buy as much anime and manga, live-action and novels and attend as many events as I can in the upcoming year as well. Because I want to support my comic ecosystem too!

If we each pledge one Happy Meal a month to supporting part of our ecosystem, comics, manga and anime will have a chance to survive and thrive. I believe 2015 is the year when we find that, when everyone pulls together, even the impossible comics economy is sustainable.

Proto-Yuri Novel: Otome no Minato (乙女の港) – Part 2, Group Discussion

March 2nd, 2014

onmcoverIn Part 1, I introduced a key ‘S’ relationship novel, Otome no Minato (乙女の港) as part of the History of Yuri.

This novel serves as a bridge for concepts established in earlier girls’ literature, such as Yaneura no Nishojo through to manga that functions in a proto-Yuri space, like Sakura Namiki.

To discuss these connections, I invited fellow Yuri enthusiasts Katherine Hanson of Yuri no Boke and Erin Subramanian of Yurizuki to as Guests to discuss Otome no Minato with me.

I’d like to thank James Welker for his kind sponsorship of today’s discussion.

This discussion was held by Google chat, on February 22, 2014.

Okey dokey. Let’s get started. First of all, thank you so much for joining me in this adventure.

Thank you for inviting us to join you! On this strange, rather flowery trip.


Yes, I’m glad I got around to reading this


Haha, yes, indeed. I’m going to ask you each to introduce yourselves. Erin, why don’t we begin with you?

I’m a J->E translator with a particular fondness for Yuri works.

I obsessively read and watch Yuri, and also blog about it online!

So, let’s begin.
Before we get into specifics, let’s have your general thoughts about the book. Katherine first, then Erin.

It was like reading the Strawberry Panic novels, but with a sincerely written story and an actual frou frou historical setting instead of a wannabe frou frou historical setting. I feel like I should compare it more to Maria-sama ga Miteru (especially given Youko’s background and Tsuneko’s role relative to Michiko), but Marmite is better than both of them. I am glad I read this to complete the old Japanese lesbian/Yuri works catalogue in my head.

I thought it was sweet but rather condensed (jumping forward too quickly) in parts while dragging in others. I associated it with Marimite as well. I haven’t read any Yoshiya Nobuko works for comparison, but it seemed like what I would imagine her works to be like.

It was definitely a source for Marimite, but like Katherine, I prefer the more modern novels. This book takes its time. Novels  – especially western ones – start with something happening. Here, we meet Michiko, her friend Tsuneko and Ms. Murfree and the most exciting thing happening is that it is raining.

Yes, it seemed to go into detail on random topics and then never pick them up again.

The main character’s brothers, for instance, or her teachers at school.
I did like the introduction with the older students being interested in the new students.

You know what I first noticed – the use of katakana was so very different than it is now. There’s much less of it, it’s rendered differently and many pages went by, before we saw a foreign word other than a teacher’s name.

Oh, yes the teacher…such weird amounts of detail…then nothing…then BAM!

Yes, foreigners were frequently mentioned, but foreign words were rare.

Yup – that was an interesting contrast, and I think ties into the setting being in Yokohama
Not just a missionary school set in, say Tokyo.

I agree. Foreigners play such a huge role, in some ways.

Yes, the harbor was certainly an important aspect.

The language is not Keigo, but it is not modern Japanese. That really struck me.


That did take some getting used to.

I think most of the flower metaphors were lost on me.
There were so very many of them.

It also had less furigana than I expected, given its running in Shoujo no Tomo.


And I agree about the flower metaphors. lol Those were definitely harder to make sense of than most of the book.

“Language of Flowers” fill pretty much every girls’ book in the early twentieth century in any language. It’s a useful thing to keep bookmarked.
But the endnotes. How fascinating were they?

I found them very informative.

I did really like them.
This book was really well packaged, as far as that and other extras.

Yes, the end notes were helpful.
And those illustrations!

Agreed. And so detailed. I ended up learning about the entire history of ‘Color War’ while reading this book.
Nakahara Junichi’s illustrations really make the book, in some ways.

Yeah, the written historical context provided and illustrations (and photos!) were great.
The illustrations are beautiful, I agree.
They help set the tone a lot.

Yes, the illustrations were a highlight of the book.

Okay, so what was your favorite scene?

Mine would probably have to be the phone call (and then physical reunion) after Michiko comes back from Karuizawa.

That is sweet!

I am a big sap. What can I say?

The Christmas present was special too.

Yes, though Youko’s present to Michiko came off as a little preachy in parts.
I joked to Katherine that she was giving her The Spirit of Christmas, from every mediocre Christmas movie.

A “little”? It was a big ball of preachy!!

I was trying not to be insulting!

But Erin! Erica! A proper Oneesama must impart the true meaning of Christmas.

Hahaha, exactly

The locket was great, because of COURSE she gave her a locket.
Okay, I can’t argue with that, Katherine.
So, Katherine, what was your favorite?

My choice is kind of horrible. lol
Ah, my favorite was Michiko calling out Youko’s name when she was sick. That (and its aftereffects) was so melodramatic and cheesy and almost gothic.

Oh, a gothic moment, of course! I should have guessed.

I liked the first truly moe scene, about 1/3 in – Youko envisioning Michiko as May Queen – her queen, and her feelings get “warm” at the thought. I love that the utterly pagan May Queen tradition is so Catholic and was imported into the animist Japan. Multiple religion exchange ftw. That was one of my favorite scenes, but not my number one favorite.

Haha, yes, that was a great one too.

That was pretty great, I agree

I was also amused by Michiko wanting to “be friends with” all the pretty older girls.

Yup, Michiko’s innocence about that was kind of amusing.

Awww, you are a softie.
How annoying is Michiko at the beginning? Vain, selfish. But she changes a lot as the book goes on

I… didn’t really notice.
I think I was seeing her as a Generic Protagonist for reader projection.
Oh, my other favorite scene was them wanting to be mommies to the calves together, by the way.

So sweet.

I saw her as still dreaming of herself as princess. That was another of my fave scenes. Katsuko holds out a fantasy of horseriding, while “Youko” represents a reality of cows and sheep.

My perspective on this is closer to Erin’s. I thought she was childish, but didn’t think she was any worse than the usual for this kind of story’s protagonist.

Yeah, she is supposed to be 13.
Or somewhere around that age.
I suppose we’re just used to Nagisa/Yumi/etc.-esque protagonists at this point.
And yes, her fairy tale daydreams were interesting.

Yup, our standards are kind of weirdly configured. lol

I’m not comparing her to other protagonists. Just looking at her mirror-staring in the beginning, compared to her looking outward at the end.

Ah, that is true.
I did think the fairytale bit was cute also, though.

Ah, good point.

So what do you think the most important scene in the book was?

Maybe when Youko helps Katsuko?

Yes, I think that was a big moment.

That was pretty significant. For me, the most important scene was Katsuko taking Michiko to the pool to watch a swim meet. I suddenly realized that this was a classic love triangle. Youko represents the down-home farmgirl, Katsuko, the city slicker. Karuizawa is hardly the “big city”, but Katsuko gives Michiko bicycle lessons, introduces her to foreigners in language lessons. She is the big sparkly.

Yes, definitely.
Michiko lying to Youko for the first time also seemed like a turning point to me.

Yes, that was huge. I wonder if that wasn’t the first moment she stops looking solely at herself.

Good point! Those are both great examples of turning points also.

Hmm, yes, that could be.

I chose mine because the love triangle couldn’t really die until Katsuko grew up and recognized that she should leave Michiko and Youko alone.

Good point.

Katherine: That also seemed like a growing moment for Youko.
Where she admitted to herself that she had been jealous/worried, but was able to be a bigger person now.

That is true! They both grew when they settled their rivalry.

We haven’t really talked about Katsuko yet. What were your impressions of her?

Well, as we discussed before, I see her as coded as masculine in some ways.
She’s also rather a jerk.

She was my least favorite.
I didn’t like her method of trying to win over Michiko.

Hmm, in my notes about her, I wrote: “Katsuko is the athletic, boyish, argumentative/aggressive/cruel one; she wants to change Michiko, and Michiko can’t help but play right into her hands (though she does realize it sometimes) and keep spending time with her even when she makes her feel bad”

Yeah, she’s kind of manipulative.

She’s definitely aggressive.

She’s definitely portrayed as less likable than Youko, though I didn’t dislike her as much by the end.

We were talking about her use of body proximity, indicating her “masculinity” in some sense. Even in the pictures, she leans too close, always has her hand possessively around Michiko’s shoulders.

She’s kind of a Rainbow Dash type personality, if you’ll pardon the MLP comparison.
Yes, absolutely.

I can see that.

More of a boundary-violator.

That’s an amazing connection to make.

Like how she wrote on Michiko’s letter to Youko.

Right. “My needs supercede anyone else’s”


And trying to make Michiko wear a flower on her lapel after she gets sick.

She kept going after Michiko even when her attentions were unwelcome.

That was just plain jerky.

Yes, that was really a summation of her personality.

Yeah, basically, ignoring Michiko’s boundaries until towards the end.

The flower idea would have been flashy, but would have meant two flowers would die every day as a symbol of their friendship.
I couldn’t imagine Youko proposing something like that.

Haha, Erin.
That was what I liked so much when Katsuko lost the war, as it were. Trying too hard, she gets injured during the sports festival, Youko steps up to help her, gracious and polite. Katsuko needs help, guidance, comfort. She cannot provide it. Even Michiko understands that Youko has “won.” Katsuko acknowledges defeat, at which point Michiko refers to Youko as “onee-sama”, Katsuko acknowledges that, as well, and admits she wants to reconcile with Youko (owabi shitai.)

But she gets to enjoy a year with Michiko despite her “defeat.” So it all works out in the end for her.

Well, yes, because she accepted her place as loser.


If she hadn’t aggressively pursued Michiko this first year, do you think they would have become close after Youko had graduated?

Probably, don’t you?

I think so.

Well, I suppose it would depend on whether she was trying to take Youko’s place.

Ah, well, I don’t think she could completely take Youko’s place.

If she was, it would be impossible, Youko would be gone, and so, inviolate and perfect as a memory. Youko’s too perfect. Even her flawed background is perfect.

That’s a great point, Erica.
For one, even if Michiko were to allow it (which I don’t think she would), the other students wouldn’t allow it. lol

Yes. Though I think the sense of distance in Youko’s letters was part of what allowed Katsuko to move in on Michiko in Karuizawa.


Not only was Youko not physically present, Michiko didn’t feel as emotionally close to her because her letters were withdrawn.
Katherine: They sure are big on enforcing the “one esu per person” thing, aren’t they

They sure are!

They sure were!

Mandatory monogamy.
Unless you didn’t have an esu, in which case you could play the field, sort of.

And your point about Youko is true. But given the greater emotional intimacy she and Michiko achieve by the end…
lol “play the field”
Michiko could become Shizuma (from Strawberry Panic!).

Which sort of begets a Sei character in Marimite. So Top Stars are given leeway to not commit. That’s really interesting. It explains why Shizuma committing twice is seen as worse than never committing.

That too!

I definitely saw some Sachiko and Yumi in the Youko-Michiko relationship.
Speaking of Top Stars, I was amused by the obligatory Takarazuka reference.

Haha, me too!

That was definitely a “Some things never change” moment


I want to make another point about the language. As flowery as it was, it was *way* easier to read than Yaneura no Nishoujo. Nearly 20 years had gone by and the language had loosened up considerably.

Oh, that’s good to know.

I actually still need to properly read YnN.

Me, too.

It was not an easy read, I’ll be honest.

Yes, I was about to note the time difference.
This one was… 1939?


1938, yeah. It was serialized in 1937.

Any last thoughts about the book, something we haven’t covered?

Hmm, let me check my notes.

I have this note that I must share: “When confronted with news of Michiko’s perfidy, Youko remains unflappable. When Michiko confesses, even she thinks Youko is being unreasonably calm.” LOL



Hmm, I wrote something here about the red yashiki.
Wondering to myself if it was an inspiration for the Bara no Yakata in Marimite.

Oh yes, please do talk about the Red yashiki! (The red houses were “foreigners” house in Yokohama, that Youko had to pass on the way to school.)

My notes say “Part of the shoujo shousetsu aesthetic of the 20th century?” but I don’t remember what I was thinking.

I had a similar thought. We’re all such Marimite fangirls. I loved how they were houses of ill repute and fantasy castles all at once.

This one was a foreign mistress’s house.
Also, the scene with Youko vowing to search for Michiko made me think of the panda scene in Marimite, of course.


“Michiko likes rainy days now because of that afternoon in the rain with Youko that first day” I see I wrote down the important things. lol

That’s as important as cow babies being cute, which is a note that I added, as well.

Also, were either of you amused by the shopping race? (One of the events in the sports festival.)
I thought it was so interesting I described it to my wife, but she thought it sounded boring to watch.

That was hilarious.

That was funny.

I know! THANK YOU!

This is horrible of me to say, but I appreciated it as an intentionally funny bit.

That was when I went on a tear about “Color War” and when they started and if the British had brought them to Japan (probably, with the Boy Scouts and the Navy) and I was having a crazy conversation on Twitter with some Japanese folks about Sport festivals and color wars.

Wait, when Katsuko fell?
Oh, do share!
I see them pop up in manga from time to time but don’t know much about them.

I want to hear about this, too.

In my part of the USA, we call that splitting up into colors for a sports festival “Color War” and it often includes skits (about which I still have intense trauma issues) and songs, art as well as races and silly contests, like scavenger hunts.


The term “color war” comes from a Jewish Boys’ camp in the Poconos, but the idea comes from Britain and was imported with the Boy Scouts.

It did sound rather Hogwarts.


The British navy brought the idea to Japan, and it was incorporated into schools.
So…that’s why Japanese schools have Sports Festivals that sound exactly like the kind of thing I did in camp. Stupid races and all.


Random bit of late-night twittering.

That is pretty fascinating.

It is!

We haven’t talked about…Miss Wright. The teacher who died right before the Sports Festival.

Yes, that was rather random.

I noticed that Miss Wright’s death strikes the youngest girls hardest. They barely knew her, but went full on with mourning and let’s do it for Miss Wright! during the Festival.

Oh, good point.

I guess it’s meant to highlight how ingenuous they are. Or…I’m struggling to think of just the right way to phrase it.

It reminded me of a fellow schoolmate when John Lennon died.
She came to school and mourned publicly for him. She didn’t know him, just liked his music.

Yes, Miss Wright could be an example of grief for celebrity deaths.
(Speaking of grief, that seemed like another connecting point between Michiko and Youko.)

It seemed a bit like a rebuke to girl’s following fads, and bit of self-recognition that they do.

That makes sense.

That is true.

It totally deepened Michiko and Youko’s bond.

The story did emphasize how much the students go with the flow, including Michiko.

Good point.

I do wish we had gotten to see Youko visit her mother, but that was outside the scope of the story.


Mm, it would have made her background feel like more than a kind of manipulative device to make her sympathetic.

Katherine: Yes, it did seem to function that way.
And then with her grandmother’s death, and the closed gate, and all that.

That’s valid too. But I kind of thought her (Youko’s) background was manipulative.

Erica: It was kind of inherently manipulative, but I guess I thought it could have been less manipulative if the story had dealt a bit more directly with the messiness of it, if that makes sense. But I guess it couldn’t have been the kind of novel it was and done that.

Katherine: Yes, it could have been a sensitive look at her situation, but just chose to use it as backstory instead.
Oh, before we finish, one thing I meant to bring up is that Youko deliberately chooses Michiko out of the other first-years, rather than stumbling across her.
So she’s portrayed more as a desirable esu than an everygirl who happened to be in the right place at the right time (like Yumi).

Yes, great point.

I’m trying to think of other modern Yuri light novels or manga that portray their protagonists in that light.Usually it’s all about how desirable the sempai is and how everyone wants her.

And the kouhai is a moron. Drives me crazy that anyone wanted Nagisa.

Last question. Did you like the book? Why or why not?

As for liking the book, I’d say I have moderately positive feelings about it.
I’m glad I read it, but I don’t think I would read it again.

Fair enough.
I’m rather glad I read this book. It was much less difficult a read than Yaneura no Nishojo and had as much source material for Marimite (and all the many moe-clones that have come since,) Where Yaneura no Nishojo had the piano duet and the room in the tower, this was so deeply embedded in the ‘S’ relationship that would become soeur.

Yes, gotta have that piano duet.

I blame Cream Lemon for the ubiquity of the piano duet.

I’m still scared of YnN.
Even though it’s a must-read.
Especially since this wasn’t a walk in the park to read.

Katherine: Were you going to list some series?

Ah, yes!
I guess Komari from Gokujou Drops, and… hmm, it is harder to come up with protagonists who are more Nagisa/Michiko than Yumi. I guess Marimite helped cause that?
Oh god, Cream Lemon
I also am glad I read this book for its historical value, but would not read it again.

Any final thoughts?

Hmm, the “eternal female friendship” bit at the very end was nice.

Ah, the promise at the end.

Made me think about all the other works I’ve read that focused on female friendship over long years. I hope Youko and Michiko continued to exchange letters into their elderly years.

Me, too.

Was there a pair in Marimite that did that?

Sachiko’s grandma and someone else I think?


No, Sachiko’s grandmother and Yumiko *didn’t* keep in touch. That was the point of that story.
So they reconciled on her deathbed. (From Maria-sama ga Miteru: Parasol o Sashite)

Ssshhh, Erica, don’t ruin our fanfic.

Katherine, I think our brains rewrote that to make it happier.

Here’s my final thought, which once again was about Marimite. In most of the moe-clone ‘S’ relationship stories, the girls are still presumed to be going off the get married…and that they *will never see or speak to each other again*. Why? Because 100 years ago that might have been true. In 1938, Youko and Michiko have every intention of staying in touch.

Oh, good point.


In the 21st century Mizuno Youko is required to go to *law school*. She’d like to go to a liberal arts school, but goes where she’s expected to. Not get married…law school. Think of the gap, the century in between. Yet, there are the moe clones, still marrying the girls off.

I thought she chose law school?
I guess I missed that detail.

Oh, yes.
Though there was an interesting part in Otome no Minato.
Where they’re talking about how many of the girls at school are planning to become working women, but don’t talk about how they want to work.

Yes…that struck me too.

I’m sure their class status played a part.

If you’re too high class, more pressure to marry.

And less pressure to bring in a second income, yup.

Exactly so. And yet, they can still stay in touch.
Okay, anyone has any closing thoughts?

I guess we should mention Michiko learning to ride a bike away from Yokohama, in Karuizawa, as another turning point.
And…represents independence

Right, absolutely.
Ties into that Twitter conversation we had about how it would totally be a car or scooter today.

Oh yes, a huge turning point. I commented to my wife at the time, that a modern remake would have had Katsuko teaching Michiko to drive.

I also thought Michiko’s mother commenting on her crush was interesting, even though I know Mom didn’t see it as real.

Oh, that is interesting.

Moms are eternal.

Katherine: Shades of Aoi Hana there?
(Yasuko’s mom)

They see all, yes.
Otherwise…that is it for me.
You guys?

That makes sense. It (Aoi Hana) also has strong ‘S’ ties

Yes, and Katsuko reminds me a bit of Yasuko.

That makes sense.

They are similar!

Let’s call this a wrap. Thank you both again.

Okay! Thanks again for including us in this.
It was fun.

Yes! Thank you for inviting us to this.