Archive for the Okazu News Category

2021 Milestones and 2022 Goals

December 31st, 2021

As this year comes to an end, I am amazed and pleased at everything we accomplished this year, which was challenging in every possible way.  To finish off the year on a positive note, I wanted to share some of these things that you and I did together. Once more I thank all my Okazu Patrons for their support. Without them we would have done much less. ^_^ I’ll finish off with a new item and my 2022 Goals. ^_^

Here are our 2021 milestones for Okazu, Yuricon and me, personally. ^_^


Just under 300 posts for the year. That’s about 5 posts a week, here on Okazu. Which was a lot, but this year, I had a lot of help, because we…

Increased our Guest Reviews by 500% in Q3 & Q4.
Our Guest Writers are now making industry-standard rate for a review, something we’ve extended to them ahead of making our next Patreon goal, because its the right thing to do. Thanks so much to all our new and returning reviewers. I would *love* to expand coverage in 2022. If we get enough Patrons, we’ll look into adding semi-regular columns or reviewers.

We increased our direct support to another new creator. One of our microgoals on Patreon is that for every $50, we support another creator directly through their Patreon on Fanbox. When we sustainably get to $700/month, I’ll add another creator in – I have two I want to support.  Right now we’re currently supporting 5 creators or creative teams. Thanks so much to you all for helping Yuri creators keep creating!

We have 10 new videos on Yuri Studio this year, well ahead of our goal of 6. Next year the goal will be 12. I already have a really cool video planned for the new year…one I’ve been saying I was going to do for a long time. So look forward to that! Thanks to my wife for her design skills and to Ashley for doing my finishing edits which is such a HUGE help.

For personal “appearances” I presented at Mechademia, CasaCon (twice this year!), HYPER JAPAN, Manga in Libraries: The LGBTQ+ Community, Anime Lockdown, and in a return to in-person events, AnimeNYC and talked about Shoujo Manga with the Japan Foundation which was really an extraordinary experience for me. 

We reprised our Mechademia presentations for the Yuricon 20th Anniversary Discussion Event with James Welker and Verena Maser. This is up on Youtube and you can watch it anytime.

I was on podcast and video segments on Shoujo & Tell, Publishers Weekly, Manga Mavericks, Galactic Journey, and Third Impact, and possibly some I am forgetting. If I was on your podcast and forgot to list you here, please remind me!

I also ran a Translation Workshop with Michigan State University that was so successful, we’re running an expanded version with **8** speakers in Feb 2022! Links to sign up will be going live soon, and I’ll be sure to share them here and on other platforms. This is going to be amazing.  If you are interested in doing or understanding translation, you will want to register.

I wrote my first ever review for Anime News Network. I’d been on Zac’s ANNCast, but this was fun. I got to cover Ride or Die, the Netflix movie based on Nakamura Ching’s manga GUNJO which you may remember is my favorite manga.

I finished a novelette, as Editor Ed calls it, that began as a Utena fanic 20 years ago. I can remember exactly where I was when I started it. A/CINet Case File: An Inside Job is up on Kindle for a whopping $1.99 for one more day, then it goes back to $2.99. ^_^

Finally, By Your Side: The First 100 Years of Yuri Anime and Manga is in penultimate edits! Next up formatting. After we’ve proofread the proof, we’ll set up pre-orders. We’re also going to do limited-time  orders on some special goods, so keep your eyes peeled for those!


All in all, a lot of amazing stuff this year.  We’ll wrap up with one new announcement:

I’ve opened up a Pixiv Fanbox for Okazu, in case Patreon goes cryptocurrency like Kickstarter. It will have all the same content at the same levels. If you prefer Pixiv, you’ll be able to start supporting us there in the new year.

This is in addition to Patreon for the moment, unless they lose their minds.


Now onto our 2022 Goals!

Speaking of Pixiv Fanbox, they are doing a contest, so I took a few moments and entered. ($10 gift certificate is totally worth it for like an hour’s work, right? Right?!?

I shared our 2022 goals on this attractive Ema I designed. I’ll give Inari-sama a donation to see if I can get this through to the powers that be. ^_^

The first two goals are, clearly community oriented. We are at 1400 subscribers on Yuri Studio, for which I am very grateful. I won’t be getting awards from YT anytime soon, but the fact that that many folk clicked subscribe is amazing. I’d like to – and think we can get to – 2000 subscribers for Yuri Studio in 2022.

We’ve hovered back and forth over 100 patrons/subscribers for about a year. This year, I’d love to see us get past that sustainably. It’s not about the money, although that helps so much to hire folks to do things for us(!), obviously and it increases the number of creators we can support indirectly and directly. It’s also about building a community dedicated to the sharing and support of Yuri and the folks who create and write and talk about that work. Now we have a Patreon and a Pixiv Fanbox, and I hope we’ll get past that goal!

The next goal is not entirely personal, but I won’t lie and tell you it’s wholly impersonal. Working on The Rose of Versailles was one of the greatest achievements of my life to date and so, yes, I think I deserve an Eisner award, (^_^) but also and more importantly, the whole team did amazing work and the end result is magnificent. Ikeda-sensei’s work got the treatment it deserved. So, yes, I unabashedly believe RoV deserves an Eisner Award.

Debuting a book during a pandemic is not optimum. And my health, which had been holding steady at “not great, but it’ll do,” has tanked, hard. I’m a hikkikomori now and perfectly okay with that. So while I’d love a real-world book tour for By Your Side next year (and a post-pandemic world to travel), I am resigned to virtual events for the near future. Nonetheless, while I am clapping my hands and praying, I might as well ask. And okay, I’ll admit this one is 100% ego. ^_^

The last thing is eminently doable. I really enjoy doing conventions and meeting fans, but I will not lie, I love doing professional speaking gigs – when I’m being brought in to talk about Yuri, it’s the best feeling. The good news is that I have several professional events lined up, and I’ll hope to get more after the book is released in the summer. So 6 professional speaking events for 2022 is the goal. /nod/

Thank you all once again for an amazing year.  Here is to our wonderful community and all the great work we support and create and enjoy!

I’ll see you in 2022!

New Yuri Studio Video for Okazu Patrons!

September 26th, 2021

After last week’s flawed attempt at live recording, a new Yuri Studio is available to all Okazu Patrons! I took a few questions from patrons and answered them this time on Yuri Studio.

All Okazu Patrons get early access to videos and research – and all active Patrons will get a digital copy of By Your Side: The First 100 Years of Yuri Anime and Manga, when it publishes in summer 2022. Patrons also get to submit questions for Yuri Studio videos and an invitation to our end of year holiday party!

Most importantly, Okazu Patrons help support our writers, our research, our video and website staff and most importantly, Okazu Patrons make it possible for us to contribute directly to Yuri creators to support their work.  If you enjoy our news and reviews and videos, I hope you’ll become an Okazu Patron today.

Your support goes a long way to keeping the Yuri ecosystem alive and healthy. Thanks so much to our Okazu Patrons for making this new video possible. ^_^

Journey Through the First 100 Years of Yuri Manga with Erica Friedman By Your Side

February 18th, 2021

It’s official! I and Journey Press are pleased to announce By Your Side: The First 100 Years of Yuri Manga & Anime.

The term “Yuri” began life as a coded reference to lesbianism within manga and anime genres, but in the last two decades has been shaped by creators, publishers and fans into a genre of its own. Though Yuri as a genre is a modern development, it has a century of artistic and literary history behind it. In “By Your Side: The First 100 Year of Yuri,” we take a stroll through that history, from Yoshiya Nobuko’s pioneering works for young women in 1920s Japan, to current 21st century trends in webcomics, light novels, visual novels, events, manga and more.

Factual, funny and highly entertaining, By Your Side is a series of interlocking essays, articles and lectures from Friedman’s work on Yuri anime and manga. Meant to be approached as informal discussion in the manner of convivial conversation over multiple dinners, or panels at an anime convention, through these essays, readers will become familiar with the key creators, tropes, concepts, symbols and titles of the first 100 years of the Yuri genre. Walk by our side as we journey through the past, present and future of Yuri!

By Your Side is scheduled for a June 2022 release, in time for both Pride Month and the 20th anniversary of Okazu, the oldest and  most comprehensive site on Yuri in any language.


About Erica Friedman

Erica holds a Masters Degree in Library Science and a B.A. in Comparative Literature, and is a full-time researcher for a Fortune 100 company. She has lectured at dozens of conventions and presented at film festivals, notably the San Francisco Lesbian and Gay Film Festival and the London Lesbian and Gay Film Festival. She has participated in an academic lecture series at MIT, University of Illinois, University of Michigan, Michigan State University, Harvard University, Kanagawa University, and others.

She has edited manga for JManga, Seven Seas and Udon Entertainent, most recently Riyoko Ikeda’s epic historical classic, The Rose of Versailles.

Erica has written about Yuri for Japanese literary journal EurekaAnimerica magazine, the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund,  Dark Horse, and contributed to Forbes, Slate, Huffington Post, Hooded Utilitarian, and The Mary Sue online. The founder of Yuricon, she has written news and event reports, interviews Yuri creators and reviews Yuri anime, manga and related media on her blog Okazu since 2002.


About Journey Press

Journey Press was born in 2019 with the goal of bringing unusual and diverse science fiction to the forefront of the publishing landscape. They are dedicated to supporting the women and queer people who have been erased from the history books and reprinting novels that fell by the wayside, in addition to publishing new novels by creators of all types.

For interviews, signings or appearances please contact Erica Friedman

For all other publicity, please contact Christine Sandquist at [email protected]

Contact Us



New Tier on Patreon and a New Patron Benefit!

January 1st, 2021

Heading into 2021, we have some changes to announce on the Okazu Patreon! We have a brand new Patron level for folks who wish to support Yuri Studio specifically. The Okazu Producer level (and above) entitles you to all the benefits of previous levels, plus being thanked by name on our Yuri Studio videos! You can see Okazu Producer listed among our tiers:

We also have a brand new benefit for Patrons – a special Patron lounge on the Okazu Discord! Become a Patron and you’ll have access to a safe, welcoming space for chat about Yuri, food, and things that make you happy.

Thank you again for being my Okazu family and here’s to a great 2021!

Okazu Community Standards Have Been Updated

August 11th, 2020

I cannot believe that in 2020 I have to say this, but recently there have been a spate of really grotesque comments by supposed fans here on Okazu. I’m not talking about harassment, that’s always ridiculous and not at all worth worrying about. I’m talking about some new fans here on Okazu who have, in recent days, posted really not-okay things in the comments. As a result I have updated the Community Standards  & Commenting Guidelines for 2020. Please read them

Today I have added this passage to the guideline forbidding ad hominem attacks against other commenters or readers:

This guideline also bans comments with any expressions of prejudice, including, but not limited to: transphobia, homophobia, fatphobia, ableism, misogyny, misogynoir, racism, sexism, ethnocentrism, white supremacy, religious intolerance or bias against gender or sexual minorities. Pedophilia/pederasty are explicitly not included in this list and regards to those, apologist comments are unwelcome and will be removed.

But let me be VERY clear. At Okazu we love and adore our trans siblings. Transphobic comment are unwelcome and will never be allowed. Full stop. Fatphobic comments are equally unwelcome. So are all your purity tests, and anything else I disagree with. Okazu is my blog. Intolerance will not be tolerated. Everyone is welcome here…except bigots.

To the people who claim Okazu cannot be a real Yuri blog unless I fulfill some criteria they made up.  You like a genre called Yuri because I helped create it. There would be no “Yuri” without me, you dumb fucks.  ^_^