Archive for the Matt Marcus Category

How Do We Relationship?, Volume 11

October 4th, 2024

Two girls holding guitars, standing before an orange background decorated with posters. One girl with long hair, wearing a green blouse open over a white t-shirt, smiles broadly, making a fist bump towards us, the other girl with her dark hair in a red bow, wears a dark blue tee shirt, and a tentative expression. by Matt Marcus, Staff Writer

Content Warning for discussions of sexual coercion

My grandfather remarried when I was seven years old. This was fantastic news for me, since both of my grandmothers passed before I was forming permanent memories. Most summers of my childhood, my family would visit my grandparents at their second home in the Poconos (I never learned why they chose that area; perhaps the Catskills were too posh). During one of those visits my step-grandmother served a peach Jello mold for dessert. For whatever reason, my eight-year-old palette was delighted by this dish, and told my new grandmother this emphatically. She was, of course, ecstatic to hear this, so much so that she would remember to serve it every time we visited.

Every time we visited.

For fourteen years.

Peach Jello, mixed from a box, formed in the shape of a bundt cake.

I can’t remember exactly when I started to dislike eating it, but it had to have been early in my teenage years. Loathed was I to admit that I no longer enjoyed this loving gesture from the only grandmother I have ever known. I still made sure to eat it, of course. To do otherwise would be simply inconsiderate. But the taste no longer appealed to me.

Volume 11 of How Do We Relationship? will be many reader’s peach Jello.

Where we left off in Volume 10, both of our deuteragonists’ relationships had started on downward trajectories. Miwa and Tamaki still seem to not be connecting in the bedroom, while Yuria’s seemingly sudden mental health struggles start to erode her relationship with Saeko, who is doing her damnedest to support her as much as possible.

The volume opens up where the previous volume left off with the visit to Yuria’s hometown, including her backstory. Seeing how hairdressing pulled her out of a depressive hole is nice and all, but the thing I really appreciate is how her difficulties didn’t feel tacked on or written in the moment; if you go back to Yuria’s introduction and pay attention to what she says here and there, most of what is covered here was mentioned, if not elaborated upon. I think it’s a sign of strong writing (or at least good planning). And while I’m not super convinced on the turn their relationship has taken, the conversations Saeko and Yuria have here are affecting. Still, despite their willingness to discuss their vulnerabilities, Yuria’s mental state does not seem to be improving.

I do like that we see some moments of Saeko listening to Miwa’s problems and offering her support, though I wish she would be more forthright with Miwa about sharing her struggles with Yuria. I thought that they would be a little tighter after Volume 9 but that hasn’t quite come to pass. It makes sense that they aren’t attached at the hip like they were freshman year, given that they are juggling class, part-time jobs, band practices, job hunting, and spending time with their partners (including summer trips), but it does feel like a half-step back in their friendship.

Chapter 100 lands in the middle of this volume and it’s hard not to see it as a bit of a fanservice victory lap. This is because Shiho comes to Tokyo on the job hunt and meets up with Miwa to catch up. Miwa’s pain from volume 5 had healed, and now she sees her first crush as a dear friend. It’s really sweet! Sure, I’m a bit bummed that this basically wraps up Shiho’s part in the story with a nice little bow, but I’m happy at least that she’s still a part of the tapestry. Also, in lieu of an artist comic, Tamifull-sensei included a short story of Shiho and her younger sister which is also cute.

There are some other subtle story-telling things that I caught, such as how Saeko upgraded her guitar from a no-name S-style to a Dakota Red Fender Telecaster. That’s a big upgrade, and it shows that she’s taking her band with Tamaki seriously without even a line of dialogue. Now, unfortunately drawing instruments have never been Tamifull-sensei’s strong suit, and there are a couple panels where the guitars look truly awful. It’s really the only mark I have against the art at this point. That said, I have to say that I love the cover art for this volume. It feels like a lost riot grrrl album cover, and I think it would look fuckin’ rad framed on my wall in my house (please, Shogakukan, VIZ, SOMEBODY make this happen).

[This next section may be triggering for some readers; if you would like to skip, head to the next note with brackets]

So, I’ve done enough beating around the bush: we have to talk about Miwa and Tamaki. We have seen trouble brewing in their relationship for some time, and so the only question was how badly would it go when it does break bad. And it is nearly as terrible as you could imagine. After an incident where Tamaki angrily tells Miwa how frustrated she is that every date night ends in sex, Miwa decides to forgo sex completely. This also angers Tamaki, who isn’t wholly against sex but just doesn’t want it with the same frequency.

Things boil over after the amusement park gig and Tamaki demands to have sex. Miwa wants to stand firm on her celibacy stance, but she ultimately gives in, both to Tamaki but also to her suppressed desire. It’s a very upsetting scene. While it is a bit of a meme that Miwa as a character only exists to suffer, this is the first time I felt that the story was intentionally cruel to her. As someone who explicitly states that sex quells her anxiety over whether she is loved, the fact that her body responded as it did in a very unloving context is an extreme betrayal. 

I found this situation very similar to the one the Okazu staff discussed over Yuri Is My Job! Volume 12. As a character development-focused plot turn, it makes perfect sense. But I did not enjoy reading it and felt that the point could have been made without the intensity shown here; to go back to my mixology metaphor from my previous review, it’s as if Tamifull-sensei spiked the Negroni with moonshine. It also makes me really dislike Tamaki, a character I have grown quite fond of—and who has some fantastic moments in this very volume. The way the story is paced here, every happy moment within this relationship is immediately tainted by how each outing has ended. I have to again contrast this with Saeko and Yuria, who have had heartwarming moments and opportunities to grow; Miwa doesn’t get such luck.

I think the worst part is where the volume cuts off, leaving Miwa at her lowest moment. Knowing what happens next (thank you simulpubs), it would have been a much kinder stopping point if this volume were three chapters longer. I can’t imagine what it would have felt like to have to sit in this moment for 6 months waiting for Volume 12.

[End of section]

I think ultimately the biggest criticism I can levy here is that we, the readers, can tell that both of these relationships had to be blown up for the sake of the ultimate ending. At this point, I’m almost relieved by the Commentary Track comics that all but explicitly say that Miwa and Saeko get back together, because it makes this difficult stretch feel less gratuitously nihilistic. Tamifull-sensei created this series on the premise of exploring relationships between mismatched people, and thus far we’ve seen several ways in which that can cause breakdowns, but I wonder where this story will draw the line on what constitutes a “happy compromise” that leads to a stable, loving partnership. The only such relationship we know of is Yuria’s sister Erina and her boyfriend Kaito, and we don’t get all that much of them here.

The full wrap on this volume is that it really is a whipsawing experience. Reading through, I find there are many funny moments, several good scenes of characters talking through their problems, and even joyous highs, but it can be difficult to enjoy those moments when the tone dips so low with such regularity. Also, knowing what happens over the next few chapters, I really hate where this cuts off. I’m still ride or die for this series, but I know this volume will turn off quite a few readers and it pains me to think that for them this story will become a flavor that was once loved, but is loved no longer.


Art – 9 The art is still great but Tamifull-sensei did Pete Townsend-level damage to those guitars, yeesh
Story – 7 The bright spots are dragged down by the heavy ones
Characters – 7 There are still good moments of talking through stuff, though it’s mostly with Saeko and Yuria
Service – 9 Only scoring this as a Shiho Appreciator
LGBTQ – 10 You know the score by now

Overall – 7 The dosage here makes the poison

Volume 12 of challenging college romance story will release in January 2025

Matt Marcus is a cohost of various projects on the Pitch Drop Podcast Network, as well as the writer for the blog Oh My God, They Were Bandmates analyzing How Do We Relationship in greater depth.

Throw Away The Suit Together, Volume 1

July 31st, 2024

Two women only wearing button down white shirts, sit on a house veranda under a blue sky, Matt Marcus, Staff Writer

I have a morbid fascination with LinkedIn. I often peruse the site for a sort of black comedy, a satire where people are genuinely excited about how one divine moment of #leadership made their company infinitesimally more profitable. Even though I decided to willingly join this farce of productivity posturing, I pride myself on holding onto my skepticism of this bizarre forum. I am the man wearing the They Live shades, firm in my knowledge that I can play the game while acknowledging its hollowness. Yet, some days my confidence falters and I wonder if there’s a way to escape all this, to find some means of providing a life for my family that doesn’t require me to use phrases like “maximize stakeholder value”. But it’s a passing feeling, one I have become quite adept at swallowing.

When I go to my feed, what greets me is a deluge of banal job hunting advice, questionable claims about the current job market, rosy prognostications on the future of AI. Each post I scroll by fills me with more and more dread. Does my resumĂ© have a snowball’s chance in hell of even making it through to human eyes anymore? And after that, can I prove myself to be skilled and savvy enough by answering inane questions through three, four, five-plus interview rounds? These days, it’s distressingly common to see desperate posts from strangers with the #OpenForWork badge added to their profile picture loudly shouting about their many, many months of failed job searching. I feel lucky that my current job is secure, but it’s not the kind of luck I can savor. I cannot imagine what the pressure might be like for those fresh to the job hunt.

In this first volume of Throw Away The Suit Together, college student Haru is one of those struggling job seekers. All she wants is some security for her and her long-time girlfriend, Hinoto, so they can live a comfortable life together. Unfortunately, she bombs her second-round interview at one company and proceeds to not pass the first round at several others. Under the pressure of these failures, she snaps, throws all her job applications out into the street, and decides that they should escape Tokyo on “Hii-chan”’s scooter. Hinoto, ever supportive of her partner, agrees to go along with her, abandoning her internship. They head off to Hinoto’s aunt’s summer house on an unnamed island.

Their plan, what little of it there is, doesn’t go smoothly. After falling asleep overnight on the beach, Hinoto’s bike, which held all of their belongings, is taken by a local who thought it was abandoned. They arrive at the house, only for its owner to call and tell them they are not welcome to live there (Hinoto had, of course, neglected to ask for permission). They have no idea what they are going to do for money. But they are in love, and their belief in that love is what will pull them through it.

Things do turn around, a little. Hinoto’s aunt gives the girls her blessing to use the house (all she wanted was some honesty). The bike and its contents are returned by the young woman, Naruko, who took it, and it turns out she’s a diving instructor who may have a job to offer. After an initially awkward proposal from Haru, the girls agreed to upgrade their relationship status to “engaged”. The volume ends as the two lovers begin writing up a marriage application, though they know that gay marriage isn’t fully legal in Japan.

Keyyang-sensei nailed the anxiety and feelings of futility in the job search. Hell, I’m nearly tempted to put a content warning for it. Given that, you’d expect this story to be a straightforward escapist fantasy: screw the rat race, let’s move to an island and live a good, simple life. But, there’s something here that gives me pause. So far, every step Haru and Hinoto have made has been messy and poorly thought out, though they have so far managed to overcome these unforced errors. Nevertheless, it is hard to shake the feeling that the specter of Tokyo and the world it represents still haunts them.

Haru in particular seems to keep pushing away facing the difficult questions and escapes into deeper and deeper fantasies. Hinoto is more pragmatic, but she is willing to do anything to make Haru happy right now, fuck the consequences. I should feel relieved by their adventure, but I’m not. The fears of failure have been merely tamped down, like when you decide yet again to binge YouTube videos instead of updating your years-old resumĂ©. Haru has thrown a rug over the mess, expecting it to disappear. The escape doesn’t feel complete.

As for the art, it’s much like the protagonists: earnest but a bit sloppy. The characters don’t seem consistently drawn, particularly Hinoto whose hair inexplicitly develops a flat top with corners for a couple of panels. That said, there are two really solid two-page splashes which seems a bit excessive for how little happens in the plot, but I can’t begrudge it too much. It is a little odd just how much page space includes our protagonists in some state of semi-sexy undress, though I’m willing to give it a pass as a sign of the level of comfort and intimacy they share (they have been dating since before college, though we don’t know much else). Things don’t actually get spicy until a bonus comic near the end of the comic, the purpose of which I don’t quite understand. The only thing that I can come up with is that it reinforces the motif of Haru attempting something with good intentions and failing, with Hinoto brushing it off and showing her support.

I’m holding out hope that this trepidation I am feeling leaves me once the girls find some means of employment with Naruko, though we know that the jobs may only be seasonal. I’m rooting for these girls. They may not stay on the island forever but I’m hoping that this trip rebuilds Haru’s confidence, and maybe shifts her view on what her goal should be for what is only the very beginning of her career. If not, she could always consult LinkedIn.

Art – 6 Competent but a bit too sloppy for my liking
Story – 7 The road is there is there, but I’m nervous about the destination
Characters – 7 Haru’s avoidant tendencies and Hinoto’s blind support is a dangerous pairing
Service – 5 There’s sex, and the girls spend a lot of time in a state of undress
Yuri – 9 / LGBTQ – 5 There is a marriage proposal!

Overall – 6 Narrowly making it to the second interview round

Volume 2 of this island escape story hits shelves in October.

For all future prospective employers: all opinions expressed in this review are exaggerated for dramatic effect :)

Matt Marcus is a serial enthusiast whose range of appreciations include guitars, watches, and a particular genre of Japanese popular media named after a flower. Outside of writing for Okazu, he cohosts various projects on the Pitch Drop Podcast Network, where he frequently bloviates about video games, anime, and manga. He also hosts a blog Oh My God, They Were Bandmates analyzing How Do We Relationship in greater depth.

Assorted Entanglements, Volume 5

July 19th, 2024

Two young women wearing jerseys sit back to back. One with the side of her head braided, smokes a cigarette, the other with multiple ear piercings. They both look off to the Matt Marcus, Staff Writer

Have you ever been on a bad first date? Like, a really bad one? Maybe you neglected to vet the content of the movie you bought tickets for (“I’ve heard good things about The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo!”). Perhaps you chose a restaurant that doesn’t take reservations and you arrive to find a two hour wait for the next table (“Who knew this place was this popular?”). Or you somehow left your driver’s license at home so you cannot order any adult beverages (“Curse this babyface of mine!”). Maybe you let it slip that you did a hair too much “research” on your date’s social media profiles. Or what if
the two of you just don’t have any chemistry. Worse, what if that were true and—*gasp*—they were also your boss?

OK, so things don’t get that dire in Assorted Entanglements, Volume 5, but it isn’t far off.

Last time on Assorted Entanglements, we got some real, true character growth from the majority of our Sapphic menagerie. Iori and Minami are still as committed to each other as  ever, Shizuku and Saori are bonding, Heke-sensei and her editor Shinohara are very close to admitting their mutual interest, and Kujou’s obliviousness continues to helpfully shield her from making a serious mistake with her student Sugimoto, for now. Progress!

The large majority of the page-time in this volume, as it were, is dedicated to Best Not-Yet-Couple Heke-sensei and Shinohara-san. Editor-san, hearing Iori’s warning of missed opportunities ringing repeatedly in her ears, invites Heke-sensei to a meatspace date during one of their online meetups. Even though the event on paper was a slam dunk (a live gaming exhibition), the experience is horribly awkward. Heke-sensei was too nervous to speak to her gaming “idol”
but after the two get home and hop onto another gaming session, she admits that she was such a fan of Lala’s that she figured out Shinohara’s day job and intentionally submitted her manga at her company in order to meet her. Instead of a restraining order, Shinohara instead offers that they date—if Heke-sensei can get on her gaming level.

There are more extended chapters of the two awkwardly navigating this “not yet dating” situation, but now that their feelings are out in the open the gags have shifted from Shinohara deflecting her feelings (to Heke-sensei’s chagrin) to the mangaka being an awkward nerd with bizarre priorities that mildly exasperates her cantankerous would-be paramour. It’s an improvement from the “Oh thank god I hid my true feelings at the last second” tropes we’ve seen so far. There is also a nice moment where Iori invites Shinohara over for dinner, with Minami of course doing the cooking. It’s the longest stretch that the manga has gone without a sour note.

The bulk of the remainder are expanded backstories: one about Minami and Shizuku’s time in the childhood delinquent facility and one fleshing out Kujou’s college best friend/crush Akemi. Both are well told and add nuance to the stories we’ve heard the characters tell each other. I found Akemi’s ambiguous feelings toward Kujou to be a tasty morsel of melancholy that was more emotionally nourishing than I typically expect from this series. I half-expect her to reappear near the climax of the Kujou/Sugimoto arc, but I actually wish Mikanuji-sensei shows restraint and leaves her in the past.

The volume wraps with a summer vacation bonus story that reiterates that Iori and Minami are happy together, and that Saori and Shizuku are both miserable about it. Same as it ever was.

All and all, this volume breezes by and avoids nearly all of the pitfalls from the previous volumes. Somehow, online gaming has led to less toxicity; I guess that’s why this is fiction.

Art – 7 At least this time there are no new characters
Story – 8 There’s some actual, non-gratuitous pathos here
Characters – 8 The character-based humor between Shinohara and Heke-sensei earns an extra point
Service – 2 For a drunken college hookup
Yuri – 8 / LGBTQ – 8 Iori effectively comes out to Shinohara

Overall – 8 Feels like the story has moved up in the rankings

Volume 6 of this ensemble story of Sapphic misfits is coming our way in October.

Matt Marcus is a serial enthusiast whose range of appreciations include guitars, watches, and a particular genre of Japanese popular media named after a flower. Outside of writing for Okazu, he cohosts various projects on the Pitch Drop Podcast Network, where he frequently bloviates about video games, anime, and manga. He also hosts a blog Oh My God, They Were Bandmates analyzing How Do We Relationship in greater depth.

Assorted Entanglements, Volume 4

June 7th, 2024

A woman in sweatsuit and a girl in a school uniform sit close in a classroom as the sunset turns golden in the Matt Marcus, Staff Writer

In the previous volume of Assorted Entanglements, a new couple joined our problematic posse with the 3rd year high school student Sugimoto and her perpetually maidenless gym teacher, Kujou. Everybody else is still on their normal bullshit.

Assorted Entanglements Volume 4, brings something that was sorely needed to the series: character development. No, really! The series up to this point was content with short four-page chapters that loosely hung together but were mostly setups for gags. About a third of the way through this volume, Mikanuji-sensei starts writing longer chapters that expound more on the girls’ histories and their evolving connections to each other. It’s something that I would not have explicitly asked for, but it greatly benefits the whole package.

Minami has a flashback to the time she spent with Shizuku after getting out of the child services facility, which prompts a crisis of confidence. Nevertheless, she continues to think only of Iori and how she might leave her someday. After another open-handed peptalk from her older lover [sigh], Iori admits that she is a terrible person (true!), but she says that they would not have met if either one of them were normal. It’s almost touching!

Elsewhere in the city, a meaningless spat between Shizuku and Saori* leads to the two girls not talking for some time. Shizuku, never one to be fully honest with herself, finds herself feeling lonely enough that she goes out of her way to patch things up by laying out her point of view for Saori: that she is a fundamentally broken person who cannot relate to “normal” people, and thus despises them. Saori accepts this, finding common cause as maladjusted girls with twisted, unfulfillable loves. It’s kind of endearing!

Kujou’s girlfriend quest hits a snag as she gets a harsh dressing down from the cantankerous manager of the lesbian bar. Sugimoto is still trying to push her along, her last act in the volume being to offer her teacher an aquarium date as a “girlfriend test” (we all knew this was coming). We do find out in a bonus chapter that Sugimoto found the gig at the maid cafe after finding herself too gripped with panic to deal with the social stressors at school, and that seeing Kujou outside the bar everyday gave her the motivation to go back to class. It’s nearly sweet!

While all the other couples are angsting it up, Heke-san and Shinohara are still slowly circling towards each other like a binary star system. They are still the most wholesome couple here. It’s refreshing!

You may be detecting a theme here. With some space to stretch out, Mikanuji-sensei is able to add more contour to the characters and, despite all of my kvetching and faint praise, there is a core here that I do indeed like about this series. It’s still a hard recommend, but if you’ve stuck it out through three volumes already this one is worth picking up; it’s the best the series has been so far.

Art – 7 No major changes here, but Shizuku does give one the best “silent seething rage” faces I’ve seen put to page
Story – 8 It’s not going to win an Eisner but at least it’s trying
Characters – 7 Everyone’s schtick is firmly established here, yet there is some growth
Service – 2 Points are mostly for Minami’s tattoos
Yuri – 9 / LGBTQ – 9 Kujou gets a lesbian dating app

Overall – 8 Normality is overrated

Volume 5 of this ensemble story of Sapphic misfits is coming our way in June.

*I hadn’t noticed until recently that while the localization by Eleanor Ruth Summers has been excellent, Iori’s sister’s name has ping-ponged between Shiori and Saori throughout the series, even within the same volume. It’s an odd editing miss. Either may be technically correct, but after some discussion in the discord we have decided to go with Saori.

Matt Marcus is a serial enthusiast whose range of appreciations include guitars, watches, and a particular genre of Japanese popular media named after a flower. Outside of writing for Okazu, he cohosts various projects on the Pitch Drop Podcast Network, where he frequently bloviates about video games, anime, and manga. He also hosts a blog Oh My God, They Were Bandmates analyzing How Do We Relationship in greater depth.

Okazu Staff takes on Yuri Is My Job, Volume 12

May 13th, 2024

Two girls in green, old-fashioned Japanese school uniforms embrace. A girl with blond hair and glasses tenderly holds a girl with blue hair, who holds on tentatively.Yuri Is My Job, Volume 12 came out in English from the fantastic team at Kodansha and it was…a lot. I had reviewed it in Japanese almost a year ago, and it was a lot then, too. After discussion with Okazu Staff Writers, I decided that it was big enough and complicated enough that no one person ought to have to shoulder it. So, welcome to the very first Okazu Staff Writers Group Review. Here you will find 5 perspectives on this volume, each from people whose opinions you trust, but who are all quite different people.

CW for this volume and these reviews: sexual assault, emotional manipulation, trauma.


Reviews by:

Luce | Christian LeBlanc | Eleanor Walker | Matt Marcus | Erica Friedman



Goeido had always been a divisive character, I imagine. Since she was introduced back in volume four, she was shown to be manipulative and callous, something only expounded upon every time she showed up. Last volume, her and Kanoko went to a hotel together – just to ‘talk’. This volume, we get the culmination of that interaction, and boy howdy is it uncomfortable. Not happy getting Sumika and Nene to think that her and Kanoko are in a relationship, she essentially comes on to Kanoko, to prove to her that kissing and sex are important in a relationship. Kanoko is stuck, because admitting that kissing might be important means that Yano kissing Hime meant something, but if it was important, that implies that Hime didn’t mind this from Yano, something Kanoko cannot bear.

The sexual violence warned about on the contents page, I think, (although I’m concerned it’s a bit too easily missed, though I’m happy it’s there) refers to two separate incidents in this volume. The first with Goeido and Kanoko – where Kanoko unwillingly has her skirt and top taken off, and as far as the reader can tell, that’s as far as it goes (however, Goeido is at least twenty, but probably a little older, and Kanoko is 15/16). Equally uncomfortable was the second incident, where Kanoko, on the same day, forces a kiss onto Sumika, and feels up her breasts, without asking for any consent. Sumika pushes her away, and ultimately it shows up Kanoko’s extremely warped thinking, which honestly I have some trouble following. But they talk about it, which is good.

Goeido’s actions are reprehensible, definitely, and as an asexual person, extremely uncomfortable, but not for the reason you might think. I am fine with sex scenes in manga. It’s her implication that love cannot exist without sex, which I would like to vehemently oppose. I feel like this is meant to represent Goeido’s views rather than necessarily the mangaka’s, but it still sticks out as uncomfortable to me. For her, love and sex are completely linked in a way that no one else in the manga thinks about – and I can’t help but wonder if she might be aromantic allosexual, albeit terrible representation for an extremely underrepresented and demonised orientation. But to me, in many ways, it makes sense – her insistence that love is impossible without kissing and sex. Her ability to walk away from Nene when her job requirements changed. Nene states that every time they met up, they ended up in a hotel, having sex.

Honestly, I don’t even really like this interpretation, but it equally makes sense to me. I don’t like it because alloaros, as they are coined, are forgotten, or the characters that might most likely be alloaro are the ‘players’, the assholes who use people for sex then leave without a second thought, which is definitely not defining for the entire group, the same way other stereotypes are not indictive of entire other orientations. But in a manga where romantic love has been shown to tear people up, make them blush and just react in general, Goeido has always felt calculating and calm. Maybe she’s just in control of her emotions, apart from a few surprised expressions. But even with Nene, she’s always shown to be in control of the situation, never reacts much outside of a general pleasantness that she shows to almost everyone bar Sumika.

I think she’s a bit similar to Hime, actually.

Perhaps they are two sides of the same coin – Hime as the ‘good’ side, and Goeido as the ‘bad’ side. They both have a facade of innocent pleasantness, whereas their true selves are far more manipulative and callous. The difference is that Goeido seems to want to stir chaos and hurt people (especially Sumika), whereas Hime, when push comes to shove, wants to help and keep people together. Hime, though, has been forced to grow and change over the series, pushed by the immovable rock of Yano, refusing to back down and let her get away with her manipulations. Goeido hasn’t changed a single bit. She’s stuck on getting back at Sumika – and I’m pretty sure that’s why she came back to Cafe Liebe in the first place. Either to bait Sumika, or to get an in to get someone else to.

Perhaps Nene was onto something – maybe she was attracted to Sumika. As a beautiful lady, perhaps someone not being attracted to her heated so much she wanted to take revenge against everything that meant something to Sumika. Maybe she was just mad that Sumika saw through her facade. Who knows – part of me thinks this won’t be the last we see of Goeido, not that I especially want to see her again. I think I’ll be glad when the air starts to clear, as it might do next volume between Kanoko and Sumika, and we return back to Mitsuki and Hime.


Chris LeBlanc

I will admit, reading Volume 12 a second time to gather my thoughts felt even more uncomfortable than reading it the first time.

I have this idea that most online arguments could be resolved if people would just understand that different things work for different people. Goeido would disagree with this theory, however – I get the feeling she believes everyone else on the planet feels the same way she does about sex and romance, and anyone who claims to have different ideas about these things is being delusional. It feels like everyone in Yuri Is My Job! are on different pages when it comes to this, though, and while that usually makes for enjoyable dramatic conflict, let’s just say that Goeido crosses a lot of lines in this volume.

There’s a part later in the book where Kanoko claims to have been unharmed by Goeido, but this is clearly not the case, underscored by the black gutters and panel borders in this section (a technique normally reserved for flashbacks in manga). Happily, the visual tones eventually turn much brighter as Sumika tries to help Kanoko through this chapter, even leading to a cute bit where she tries slipping into Schwester-speak for a moment before dismissing it.



Eleanor Walker

There are many different kinds of love, and Goeido, one of our central characters for this volume believes that sex and love (and possibly violence, I would argue) are intrinsically linked, and one is not possible without the others. Moreover, anyone who disagrees with her is automatically wrong and must be shown the error of her ways. I am not generally a fan of sexual assault used as a plot device, but this volume handles it pretty well, and it works within the context of the story. However, the full colour spread of Goeido posing in lingerie to open the volume left me viscerally uncomfortable, especially in a series which hasn’t been terribly focused on fanservice. But my favourite moment was when Saionji shows up and reminds Goeido that not everyone thinks like she does.
Kanoko pretends that’s she’s alright after the event, but she definitely seems off to me, and I hope the next volumes have her getting help to deal with such a traumatic experience.

Matt Marcus

I struggled a lot with this volume. On the one hand, I understand exactly what Miman chose to do: they decided that Kanoko needed an extreme push to break her calcified conception of Hime and her relationships in order to drive her character arc forward. Narratively, it’s a sound maneuver, and it is effective insofar as it demonstrates how some people will desperately hold onto a belief despite knowing it will do them tangible harm, and how in turn they can reflect that harm onto others. On the other hand, I think what Miman chose to do was in poor taste and has negative implications to the themes of the series.

Goiedo was an interesting character to me. Sure, she was a bad person, but she was for the most part honest in her intentions. She was very clear with Nene that they were fooling around to make Sumika jealous and to have a bit of fun: nothing more, nothing less. It’s not really her fault that Nene’s feelings developed into romance
OK it kind of is, but she could have continued to exploit Nene’s feelings for her, but that wasn’t the contract they made. Yes, the relationship ended once it was no longer convenient for her which is a shitty thing to do, but nevertheless I found it compelling that she was a villain who meant what she said and held herself—and Nene—accountable.

What Goeido does to Kanoko, however, is simply beyond the pale. It’s one thing to play around with the heart of a sensitive girl, but it’s another to enact targeted psychological violence at the threat of serious intimate violence. To me, at that point she stopped being a believable plot device and turned into a plot contrivance. She is instrumentalized as a mouthpiece of a certain viewpoint on romance without any explanation as for why she believes it. There was an opportunity for this, as she is very familiar with A Maiden’s Heart and no doubt should have opinions on how it depicts relationships between girls and what it represents. As we see on the page, she has feelings on how the characters acted within the confines of the story, but does not take a viewpoint of how the story itself relates to the real world—in a series that is all about meta-narrative.

What tweaks me more, is that Miman wants us to believe that the assault happened
until Kanoko reveals later that it didn’t. And then Kanoko assaults Sumika. It all feels very emotionally manipulative, playing with very triggering subject matter. I think the same narrative turns could have been accomplished without it. Goeido can still be the villain; Kanoko can still panic and flail; Sumika can still be angry and hurt. It just didn’t need to be this.

This narrative turn also unintentionally creates problems for the meta-narrative structure of the series as well. There was always an ongoing tension between the sanitized, pseudo-romantic Class S performances in the cafe and the messier real relationships that were occurring simultaneously. So far, Goeido is the only character who transgressed the Class S “purity” by introducing sex into the story. Given how she’s also now unequivocally a predator, coupled with Sumika’s statement that she has no interest in a physical relationship with Kanoko, frames sexual desire as only a corruptive weapon. It aligns the “real” world with the fictional world of Liebe in that the relationship between girls is only good when it is the pure bond of the Schwesterns. It’s a turn that feels regressive, reminding me specifically of the muddled messages from the Yuri Kuma Arashi anime.

Hell, when you look at the whole of WataYuri, every kiss we’ve seen was given without consent—Yano on Hime, Goeido on Nene, and now Kanoko on Sumika. Physical romantic intimacy is thus represented as always a case of someone imposing their desires on another, starting at its origin (it’s worth noting that five of the six characters mentioned were experiencing their first kiss in this context). When Kanoko offers herself to Sumika, she says, “you have to hurt me as much as I hurt you,” clearly framing sexual intimacy as harmful. Obviously, one can have romance without sex—and that’s a great thing—but Miman seems to be saying that romance, at least between women, should only be without it.

We have had some great discussions about WataYuri in the Okazu discord, and one of the viewpoints raised by Erica and others is that one can read this series as celebrating the potential power of the bonds of sisterhood from Class S stories rather than rejecting it, which is an argument I can support; however, if the series also drags along the negative aspects of those tropes with it into the modern day, I’d rather such stories be left in the past.

Also the hotel should’ve been called Best Schwestern. I mean, c’mon.


Erica Friedman

I have now read these chapters three times. The first in the pages of Comic Yuri Hime magazine, where they were a genuine shock, again in the collected volume where I could take time to be truly angry at Yoko. As an adult, her actions are morally repugnant and criminal. I sat with my feelings about no one in the Cafe being able to see what kind of person Yoko was and, I’ll admit, considered dropping the story. I was that angry.

Now I have read the chapters for third time, this time in my native language and it allowed me a chance to delve into all the nuanced ways this arc has made me uncomfortable. Primarily – I do not like Kanako. I have never liked her as a character. Her obsession with Hime blinds her to everything and everyone else. When she hurt no one but herself, she was tolerable. When Sumika became involved, it was not. I am not a fan of “obsession” in literature, as it has been co-opted by serial killer/stalk “”thrillers.” I have been trained to keep waiting for Kanako to snap.

Sumika’s own delusion is pretty high – she imagines that she is above romantic love and attraction and when intimacy with Kanako forces her to rethink that, she does not handle it maturely. Because she, too, is a child. We look at Kanako and see an innocent, naive girl, but forget that Sumika is only a teenager, as well. Kanoko’s inability to “see” other people and understand their motivations is a complicated matter. Yes, Kanako absolutely pings neurodivergent (as does Mitsuki,) but I, personally, have a belief that if you read that much, surely you begin to understand something about people. I did not understand people my own age, but I understood human nature as a whole at Kanako’s age, purely from reading books by and for adults.

So as we watch Kanako walk into Yoko’s hotel room, of course we are screaming at the pages of the book…but also I am screaming at Kanoko. How have she read so much and is unable to see that Yoko is not okay?

Yoko, too, has an obsession. Her only goal is to hurt Sumika. The why is not all that critical to the story, and it will be handwaved into an almost unbelievable act of hurting the thing one loves, as if Yoko is a child in kindergarten aggressively teasing someone they like because they don’t know how to act appropriately. As Matt points out, even though the why is not critical…there should have been an attempt at giving us a why.

This third time, I sat with all the layers of discomfort – not liking Kanako, but also forced to sympathize as she deals with all-too-real trauma.   Not liking Yoko, on multiple levels, including the way she is presented to us as a sexual creature (encapsulated in a very uncomfortable-making two-page spread of Yoko in lingerie ), then her words and actions to Kanako making no real sense, as if she’s a cult member trying to proselytize. And Sumika, whose desire to protect Kanako is bifurcated into competing needs for intimacy and responsibility, with no clear understanding of how to do either. And back to Kanoko, who will deal with this trauma…but maybe not take the right lesson from it?

This is a rough volume, about characters making bad choices sometimes for good reasons, sometimes for appalling reasons. But it is an important volume to move both Sumika and Kanoko out of their childish delusions, into more adult delusions. The question I am left with is…is this what we needed or wanted from Yuri Is My Job!?

For such a silly premise, this story has had more than it’s fair share of me shouting at the characters.