Hayama Asuka and Terano Saki have been together for a while now. Their students think they are adorable, fellow teachers are on their side. In Our Teachers Are Dating!, Volume 4 they are shepherding the class trip to Okinawa…and a legendary island of Yuri bliss.
The ferry ride is rough and a bought of bad seasickness among students and tourists brings them to the acquaintance of an older woman, who has returned to this island to meet up with the love of her life. Asuka and Saki end up thinking about their lives, as well. In a climactic scene they make a major decision – they’re getting married!
The remainder of the book touches a little on the stress of explaining one’s self to one’s parents. Although Asuka was not rejected for being gay, there’s still baggage she’s got to deal with, while Saki’s family is absolutely darling.
Although it has only been a year since this manga series ended in Japan, it feels like a lifetime has passed already. What this series represents to me is two things: 1) an obtainable fantasy, in which we are surrounded by people who want to see us succeed, and 2) an adult fantasy, where love and sex are combined in a way that shows they are both important and can come from the same relationship without either being lesser.
In her author’s note, Ohi-sensei shows herself evolving from her animal avatar to human form to explain that she now has a girlfriend of her own! That story is continuing in Comic Yuri Hime in her essay, “Pillow Talk ha Fuku wo Kite.” I’m happy for her that Yuri manga brought her a real-life happy relationship. ^_^
Art – 9
Characters – 10
Story – 9
Yuri – 10
Service – 6
Overall – 10
I feel a little sad that we have made no progress in same-sex marriages in Japan and are regressing in a violently awful way here in the US. This series is perfect for a palette cleanser and some hope and joy in your Yuri. ^_^