Yuri Network News – (百合ネットワークニュース) – December 24, 2022

December 24th, 2022

Yuri Anime

Sugoi Lite has once again given us hope, this time with the news that a domain has been registered for Whisper Me a Love Song, based on the manga by Takeshima Eku. If this indeed is a 2023 anime, that would make 4 explicitly Yuri anime for next year so far.


I’m In Love With the Villainess News

I’m in Love With The Villainess: She’s So Cheeky For A Commoner, Volume 1 is up for pre-order! And, for those of you reading along with the Japanese edition, Heimin no Kuse ni Namaikina!, Volume 2 (平民のくせに生意気な) is up on the Yuricon Store for JP and US Kindle. Once again, I will promise you that this is worth reading and isn’t just “another P.O.V” version of the same events.

Also in Japanese is Volume 3 of Watashi no Osho ha Akuyaku Reijou -Revolution- (私の推しは悪役令嬢。-Revolution-), the print edition of the original light novel series. Volume 5 of the manga is also out now in Japan.  I’m in Love With the Villainess, Volume 4 manga is up on the Yuricon Store as well, from Seven Seas

While we’re celebrating, Aonoshimo-sensei offered up an adorable Christmas card from Claire, Rae and Relaire on Twitter.  

Phew, that was a lot.


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Yuri Manga

Not sure I remembered to post this, so don’t forget that Hello, Melancholic, Volume 3 is out now from Seven Seas!

Thanks to Sr. YNN Correspondent Ashley, we learn that Hayashiya Shizuru has done a piece of MURCIÉLAGO fanart that is included in Volume 20! Also from Hayashiya-sensei is a 3rd installment of Yan-koi Shokudo (ヤン恋食堂 C定食) doujinshi series, available at Melonbooks.

Via Comic Natalie, I have a passel of Yuri manga announcements that I’ve been meaning to get up here:

Sachi to Yuka, Volume 1 (サチとユーカ) is out now in Japan. This Yuri love comedy about two adult women who have been friends, roommates and lovers runs in Young Bull magazine. It sounds slice-of-life-y and kinda sweet?

Sakuma-junsa to Hanaoka-junsa ha Tsukiai Hajimete, Volume 1 (佐久間巡査と花岡巡査は付き合いはじめた) is another Yuri comedy, about two policewomen dating.

Zenbu Kimi no Sei da (全部君のせいだ) is a cosplay Yuri comedy by merrihachi. I know I’ve read at least some of this, maybe it was in an anthology?

Sukina Onna no Ko ga Watashi dake Nazeka Kibishii (好きな女の子が私にだけなぜか厳しい) is a “bitter love comedy” about Hina who falls in love with perfect Honda-san. Honda is known to be kind to everyone…except, for some reason, Hina. This is running in web magazine Manga Cross.

This year in Comic Yuri Hime, we’re getting a Yuri+food+camping manga called Osoto Gohan to Issho ni (おそとごはんをご一緒に) by Hazuki. Insert “thinking face emoji” here. Not derivative at all. I want desperately to say

Yume de Furarete Hajimaru Yuri (夢でフラれてはじまる百合) is a relationship that begins with a dream. By Hijiki, this will be serialized on Takeshobo’s web magazine Gamma Plus. Warning, the “Plus” in that name seems to be indicative of breast size. Not this story, but an awful lot of them.


Yuri Light Novel

Sean Gaffney has reviewed Qualia the Purple over at his own blog, A Case Suitable For Treatment. I remember many people suggesting this to me when it first came out in Japanese more than a decade ago. I never did read it then, so I’m glad he has now. He does recommend it, with some reservations. Read his review and decide for yourself!

Via YNN Correspondent Milli, Tsubomi Éditions on Twitter have announced that the first chapter of The Lost Lamb, a Taiwanese Yuri novel about a young pianist, is available on their French-language Tsubomi App.



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Other News

Awards season us upon us and I am asking you for a favor. If you’ve read and enjoyed By Your Side: The First 100 Years of Yuri Anime and Manga, please consider writing it in for the Non-Fiction category of the Rainbow Awards.

Via YNN Correspondent and Okazu Patron, Ivan V., here is a fun little article about the importance of the Internet Archive, and a hefty dollop of Sailor Moon fandom, in Preserving Memory by Moonlight, Ensuring Access by Daylight by Christina Humphreys. Also a bunch of those Senshi attack game gifs we all loved in the early 00’s, of which one lives permanently on my “Worldshaking” Fanfic site. ^_^


Thanks to our Okazu Patrons who make the YNN weekly report possible! Support us on Patreon or Ko-fi to help us give Guest Reviewers a raise and to help us support Yuri creators!

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Ayaka-chan ha Hiroko-sempai ni Koi Shiteru, Volume 2 (彩香ちゃんは弘子先輩に恋してる)

December 22nd, 2022

In Volume 1, we met the popular and charming work sempai, Hiroko, who is the object of Ayaka’s ardor. Ayaka tries very hard to gain Hiroko’s attention, but Hiroko remains a bit stand-offish. What can Ayaka, a woman who loves women, do to gain the woman of her dream’s attention? Unbeknownst to Ayaka, she is making an impression. The only problem is that Hiroko, also a woman who loves women, thinks Ayaka is a clueless straight girl sent to torture her.

In Ayaka-chan ha Hiroko-sempai ni Koi Shiteru, Volume 2 (彩香ちゃんは弘子先輩に恋してる), the heat ramps up as Ayaka drowns her misery at a local lesbian bar, only to learn, that Hiroko-sempai is a regular!

In the meantime, Hiroko is trying to resist the irresistable Ayaka, not realizing that she’s also queer as the day is long. But, even if she was, would a workplace romance be a good idea? The chaos levels rise, until Ayaka can stand it no longer.

She bursts into the office and demands everyone listen to her publicly and clearly state her feelings for Hiroko-sempai.

This is very much a “wackiness ensues” farce of a Shakaijin Yuri manga. You can just about hear Khaturian’s Sabre Dance playing in the background, while doors slam and people run to and fro. The resolution of this manga will also be anticlimactic. It’s the tension between ladies’ woman Hiroko unable to give in to her desires and Ayaka wearing another tantalizing – yet professional – outfit and trying to get sempai’s attention that is the plot.

Those readers who find the Black & White series by Sal Jiang a bit too much to swallow, might enjoy the playful goofiness and cuter art of this series. I’m here for the ridiculousness of the scenarios that surely could not exist in a real office for even a second. The more ridiculous this story gets, the more I enjoy it.


Art – 8
Story – 8
Characters – 10
Service – 6 When Ayaka stops dressing for attention, it’s actually pretty funny
Yuri – 7
Lesbian – 9

Overall – 8

Soulmate, Volume 2, Guest Review by Laurent Lignon

December 21st, 2022

Welcome back to Guest Review Wednesday on Okazu! This time of year is always too-busy here and this year I have complicated matters for myself by trying to squeeze out one last video for Yuri Studio before the end of the year, as well as the Okazu Patron Holiday Party! So thank you, as always to Journaliste/Chroniqueur Laurent Lignon for taking time to share this review of Soulmate, Volume 2 . Laurent reviewed Volume 1 last spring. So, let’s jump right into it – take it away, Laurent!

It is time for us to go back to the story of Qi, a Chinese lesbian teacher whose mind has been switched in time with her past teenage self. Will she then be able to save the woman she loves from the disease that is slowly killing her? Soulmate has been released as a webtoon, in Mandarin Chinese by Kuaikan Manhua and the printed version in French by Nazca Editions.

IN THE PRESENT : The relationship of Yuanzi and Qi was anonymously revealed on social networks, and by no one other than Xinjue, Qi’s student assistant. As the homophobic flame starts to rise online, Qi is temporarily laid off by her administration until the rumor calms down. For Teenage Qi, who is still struggling to adapt herself to an adult life in an adult body, the blow is hard. Her lover Yuanzi tries to calm her down by organizing a meeting with their old high school friends, only for Qi to ask to meet the only person she remembers from her teenage years that was supportive to her : her father. However, Teenage Qi learns that she hasn’t seen her father for seven years : when she came out to him while he was in a middle of his divorce, he overreacted and rejected her, pushing her to cut all ties with him in order to stay with Yuanzi. As Teenage Qi confronts her father about accepting her life of Yuanzi, she has an unexpected encounter with Chen Shuo, the boy who was in love with her during high school and was unable to express his feelings for her. Unknown to them, this encounter lead to a sudden change…

IN THE PAST : Adult Qi is still actively trying to date Yuanzi years before they became an official couple, in order to push her to be diagnosed and treated for the disease that will kill her 10 years later, and which Yuanzi is yet unaware she has. However, Adult Qi starts to see that things are changing from her memories and not in the way she expects it. First, a painting done by Yuanzi and inspired by Qi is stolen. Then, Chen Shuo confesses his love to her, something he never did in the original timeline. Hearing this, and thinking Qi may actually love Chen Shuo and think of her as nothing more than a friend, Yuanzi run away, leading to Qi chasing after her and hurting her ankle in the process. This accident allows for a long conversation between the two girls, in which finally Adult Qi confesses her true feelings for Yuanzi, further changing their past.

Let me be clear : a lot of things happen in those 200 pages. The story written by WenzhiLizi is gripping, rooted in everyday life and will speak to everyone, with all the characters being well developed and having a distinct personality. Most importantly, this development sheds a new light on the personality of two characters : Chen Shuo, who is finally revealed to have spend his whole life in the shadow of the love between Qi and Yuanzi, and is unable to move forward with his life ; and Xinjue, who is revealed to be secretly in love with Qi and, behind a friendly and helpful face, a manipulative personality who anonymously reveal Qi’s homosexuality online out of spite when she understands that her love will never be returned.

The struggle of Teenage Qi to adapt to adult life is paralleled in the way past Yuanzi learns to accept her own sexuality : both girls hide their true feelings and personality behind the mask of shyness, until they manage to accept their love for each other. In some ways, this is a classic ‘master and student’ story, with each of the main characters playing the opposite role in each of the different timelines. This is a story that had me totally hooked, the thin veil of sci-fi never hiding the beautiful slice of life I’ve read here.

ART : 7 – Keranbing’s art is still good looking, even with computer-colors (mind you, it was first designed to be read on cellphones and e-readers). It suits the story well, the only flaw I can find is that nearly all adult male characters don’t seem to have aged a bit during the 10 years gap between the two timelines : lucky bastards!

STORY : 8 – Even better than the first volume, with higher stakes and many twists. However, I think that the part about the forced coming out on social media is important but not as developed as I had hoped it would be. This is quite a problem in the real world, and it would have been interesting to see it tackled more deeply here.

CHARACTER : 9 – All characters get more fleshed out, even the secondary ones. More importantly, all motivations behind actions get explained. The past is changing, and with it the way each people see themselves and their place in the present little play.

SERVICE : 0 – Not even a kiss.

YURI : 10 – A lesbian time-traveling into the past to save the life of her lover and live happily ever long after with her : how more Yuri can you get ?

OVERALL: I won’t lie, I read it in a single take. While the sci-fi nerd that I am is quick to point out some small inconsistencies (time paradoxes, all the way!!), it never distracted me from the fact that this is a well written story, with charming characters that are easy to get attached to.

I can’t wait to read the third and final volume, for they all deserve their happy ending (yes, even poor Chen Shuo and jealous Xinjue!)

“to answer your question: the person I love is currently carrying me on her back.”

Erica here: Fantastic. I wonder what Volume 3 will bring! Thank you again, Laurent.

Tsukuritai Onna to Tabetai Onna Live-Action Drama (作りたい女と食べたい女)

December 18th, 2022

Pictured: Two women sit at a wooden table in a small one-room Japanese apartment, with plates and bowls in front of them. One women is in a sweater over a blue and white checked dress. The other woman wear loose-fitting grey sweats. Words on the image read 作りたい女と食べたい女 Tsukuritai Onna to Tabetai Onna. Tsukuritai Onna to Tabetai Onna (作りたい女と食べたい女), the NHK live-action drama, may well be the very best adaptation from a manga I have ever seen in any media.

Nomoto is an office worker who cooks as an outlet for stress. Many things stress her out, including the men in her office assuming that her cooking skill is meant to make some man happy. One day, she encounters a neighbor entering the apartment complex at the same time as her, carrying quite a lot of KFC. Upon asking if it was a party, the woman says, “It’s for me.”

Next time she’s super stressed, Nomoto introduces herself to the neighbor, offers some of the too-much food she’s made and a friendship is born. Kasuga is a woman of little affect, and is clearly not in the habit of making friends. She and Nomoto become closer as they spend time together, cooking and eating. Slowly, Nomoto starts to realize that her feelings for Kasuga are more than friendship..

Of course, going into a story like this, with a fandom who undoubtedly has feelings TM for the story and the characters, is challenging. This is a story that openly addresses Nomoto’s feelings for Kasuga. The word “lesbian” spoken out loud. As I sat down to watch on NHK Plus, (a system for which I am appreciative but have a deep loathing for it’s cumbersome process), I had all my digits crossed that they would come close to the feel of the original.

They nailed it.

Higa Manami is absolutely brilliant as Nomoto. She wears her every emotion openly, so we can burn with repressed rage, or tear up in amazed relief, or joy. Equally, Nishino Emi does a fantastic job of the sincere, eager, yet reserved, Kasuga. I was thrilled with the supporting cast, Nomoto’s co-workers felt utterly real, and my sympathies to Nakano Shuhei, whose role exists largely to be cheerfully clueless, annoying and occasionally despised. Poor guy. He did a great job.

So yes, the cast is terrific, and – at least, in my opinion- they handle the material well. We get all the key moments of the first manga volume and a half or so. There are way too many excellent moments to claim one as a favorite, but perhaps my vote goes to the conversation Kasuga and Nomoto have about their periods when Nomoto is struck down by hers, and Kasuga comes over with pads and a cooling patch, energy drink, etc, and makes Nomoto food. This scene – in which two non-related adult women care about and take care of one another in a way that I have seen in the real world a million times, but rarely in media – brought tears to my eyes. But really, this is one of a dozen wonderful moments. Nomoto squealing her way around the farmer’s market had both my wife and I grinning because…yes, been there, done that. ^_^ Like the triumphant moment when Kasuga and Nomoto return to the karaage restaurant where Kasuga had previously been given a small rice portion because she is a woman, when the proprietress was now asking whether people wanted a small, regular or large rice order – moments like this trumped even the moment when Nomoto recognizes that her feelings for Kasuga are more than friendship.

All that said, my absolute most favorite thing about the series is…their apartments. Whoever did the set design for Nomoto and Kasuga deserves an award. They live in studio apartments. Nomoto’s bed is under the window, her furniture and kitchen are all wood. It gives the room a warm, homey feel. I love the dresser they found for Nomoto. It’s behind Nomoto in this image below. Look at how wonderful it is.

Pictured: Two women sit at a wooden table in a small one-room Japanese apartment, with plates and bowls in front of them. One women is in a white cricket sweater with blue striped collar, the other in loose fitting dark sweat pants and shirt. Behind the woman in the sweater is a wooden dresser,each drawer stained a different shade of wood. The effect is very stylish.

Kasuga’s room is mostly white and unadorned, with a soft, blue comfy sofa chair and large TV. It really nails the “feeling” of these women’s lives… .

OH!…and the way they film Kasuga eating. Can I just tell you a story quickly? When I was a kid there was a Bill Cosby Show long before the Bill Cosby Show you all remember, back in 1969. And in one episode he was hired to film a commercial about a breakfast cereal. They do a gazillion takes and he gets sick to his stomach from eating so much cereal. The child actor with him tells him to never really eat the food. That scene has lived rent-free in my head for 50+ years. So…watching Kasuga eat is a big part of this story. How are they going to handle that? Well…they film a take from 7 different angles, then keep using it, so it looks like she’s eating, but Nishino-san doesn’t have to get sick. I thought it quite clever. ^_^

I sincerely hope NHK will bring this over to NHK World so more folks can enjoy this series (not that NHK World is any less annoying and cumbersome than NHK Plus, mind you, but if you have cable you can just get it added. Still grrrr, let people watch your shows!) In the meantime, if you can manage the byzantine labyrinths of NHK Plus, sign up and definitely give this a watch!


Cinematography, staging – 10
Story – 10
Characters – 10
LGBTQ – 6 Solid opening
Food – 7 Easy to cook stuff that looks yummy. We were dying for karaage….

Overall – 10 I can’t think of anything they could have done better.

In the meantime, Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3 and Volume 4 of Tsukuritai Onna to Tabetai Onna (作りたい女と食べたい女) are out from Kadokawa in Japan, and Volume 1Volume 2 and Volume 3 of She Loves To Cook, She Loves To Eat are out in English from Yen Press to keep us happy and emotionally fed until Season 2!

Get yourself someone who looks at you the way Nomoto watches Kasuga eat.

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Yuri Network News – (百合ネットワークニュース) – December 17, 2022

December 17th, 2022

Buckle in folks, we have a *lot* of news this week.

Yuri Anime

The top story this week is definitely the formal announcement of Watashi no Oshi ha Akuyaku Reijou. anime for 2023! Do check out the trailer on Youtube. Rafael Antonia Pineda has the details on ANN. The official page doesn’t give us more than “2023,” as a release date, so stay tuned!

This is especially exciting in the light of the fact that we’re also getting several other Yuri anime next year, including another series running in Comic Yuri Hime, Watashi no Yuri ha Oshigoto Desu! and Kadokawa’s Tensei Oujo to Tensai Reijou no Mahou Kakumei. Volume 3 of the light novel is out now and on my to-read pile!

2023 is, as it happens, the 20th anniversary of the first Yuricon event…and I think we’re going to be able to say that it’s an extraordinary year for Yuri. I *intend* to do something to celebrate – keep June 2023 open on your calendar. I have some thoughts about these series and would love to chat with you all about them. ^_^

Not-Yuri, but worth a mention for the intense sports rivalries, Aim For The Ace Blu-Ray is up on RightStuf for a very reasonable price. Thanks mateo for the heads up! mateo also noted that the team who created the VN Summer’s End cite Aim for the Ace as an inspiration!


Yuri Live Action

Via Sr. YNN Correspondent Sean G., Sugoi Lite has the news that a live-action movie of Oshi ga Budokan Ittekuretara Shinu, will be made with Matsumura Sayuri reprising the role she played in the TV version of the series (which I have not yet managed to watch, so if you have and would like to review it for Okazu, let me know!)

We’re currently enjoying the marvelous live-action adaptation of Tsukuritai Onna to Tabetai Onna, (作りたい女と食べたい女) and I hope to review tomorrow. ^_^ It’s so good!

Via Sr. YNN Correspondent Cryssoberyl, here’s a link to a Korean GL live-action series, She Makes My Heart Flutter.

Via YNN Correspondent st. owly – meb, a Thai bookseller, has an English-language edition of Pink Theory: GAP, the novel that has inspired the live-action Gap The Series – which you may watch legitimately, with subtitles, for free on the Idol Factory channel on Youtube. There’s no reason to hunt for subs for this.  st. owly and I have  both done some research and this does appear to be a legitimate translation. The publishers apologize that it’s not great English, but I imagine we’ll get the idea.  And this way we can let the author know we appreciate their work in a way that gets them some money. ^_^


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Yuri Light Novels

Bookwalker Global announced the top 100 English=language Light Novels this year from their platform. Yuri came in at #31 The Executioner and Her Way of Life  from J-Novel Club and #45 with The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady from Yen Press. Read the full ranking list on BOOK☆WALKER Global!

In Japanese, Yuri didn’t really have much of a showing this year in the top rankings, with only Yuri-adjacent series like Lycoris Recoil and My Next Life As a Villainess making it into the ranks at all. Check out what did make the top on the JP Bookwalker site.

GL Bunko has released the second Watashi no Oshi ha Akuyaku Reijou Claire-P.O.V. light novel, Heimin no Kuse ni Namaikina, Volume 2 (平民のくせに生意気な) on JP Kindle. No link yet for a US Kindle version of this Japanese-language LN (we do have volume 1 available as a JP-language novel on US Kindle, which I reviewed last February.) We’ll be seeing She’s So Cheeky For A Commoner in English next year from Seven Seas.

Speaking of ILTV, as we find ourselves doing so often these days…. Volume 3 of Watashi no Oshi ha Akuyaku Reijou -Revolution- (私の推しは悪役令嬢。-Revolution-), is now available. (This is the print edition of the light novel series from Ichijinsha. GL Bunko is the publisher of the original digital editions.) IF you pre-order this volume and Volume 5 of the manga at the same time, Melonbooks has a special offer with clear file and other gewgaws. Of course…I ordered that. ^_^ It’ll probably be here by March. ^_^;

Yuri Visual Novels

YNN Correspondent Patricia B. wants you to know that Oleander Avenue has been released on Steam. She says of the game, “one of my favourite games of the year and an excellent piece of interactive fiction. That being said it is a queer horror, with extremely graphic content throughout,” so she says some content warnings are in order. Here are the CWs on Steam: “body horror, portrayals of child abuse, religious abuse, unreality, homophobia, transphobia, suicide, and other potentially disturbing topics.” Patricia also suggests a photo-sensitivity warning, as there are some scenes with a lot of flashing.

Patricia also notes that The 13th Month (十三月のふたり姫) is out on Steam. This also has a 18+ warning for “sexually explicit sex.” Of this game she says, “This is a visual novel adaptation of the fairytale “Sleeping Beauty”, with the core focus being on the witch and the princess she curses to an eternal slumber. Apparently, the story is good, but there are some odd technical issues hampering the game.” Just glancing at the trailer made me a little nauseous from vertigo, fwiw. ^_^;


Yuri Doujinshi

I cannot express how happy this particular piece of news makes me. Miduki Monica has resurrected her doujinshi series Lavender of Romance and has a new issue out Lavender of Romance neo.1.  This digital edition is available as a download from Melonbooks’ digital service, Fromagee. Miduki-sensei created the Lavender of Romance series back in the early 00s, where I met her at Winter Comiket in 2002. I have 6 of the first 9 issues. I was honored to be able to publish her manga WORKS as the second Yuri manga in English in 2004. I’m so delighted to see her working again! This one is important enough that I put it on the Yuricon Store.


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Yuri Manga

We have a bunch of titles up on the Yuricon Store!

Tsukuritai Onna to Tabetai Onna, Volume 3 (作りたい女と食べたい女) continues this utterly delightful tale of two women (and the women who intersect with their lives) who bond over food.

Watashi no Oshi ha Akuyaku Reijou., Volume 5 (私の推しは悪役令嬢。) of the manga is out now and begins the a pivotal arc for Rae and Claire, as Rae’s greatest rival – future-Queen, quadcaster and Claire’s first love – Manaria arrives!

Kimi to Sekai no Owari o Tazunete (きみと世界の終りを訪ねて) is a collection of science-fiction post-apocalyptic shorts that ran in Comic Yuri Hime.

We have two titles from Galette magazine and, for the first time, one of them is coming out in English. ^_^

My Cute Little Kitten, Volume 1, by Milk Morinaga follows Yuna and Rena as they – and their cat – build a life together. This is hitting shelves in English this week from Seven Seas!

Ogawa Masumi Short Story Collection (小川ますみ短編集) is collected from Galette magazine and Galette meets doujinshi.

Watashi no Yuri ha Oshigoto Desu!, Volume 11 (私の百合はお仕事です!) is when things are starting to get really real. Yuri is My Job!, Volume 10 is out now in English from Seven Seas.

Patricia B also points out that Girl Meat Girl, (ガールミートガール) as reported on by Joanna Cayanan on ANN, “looks pretty likely to be something yuri-ish based on the title and one of the two lead girls being named “Yulily” (yuri + lily). This might also be less a wholesome romance & more a thriller/sci-fi/coming-of-age romp with yuri elements, but it’s too early to tell just yet.”


Other News

My publisher wrapped up my year with a look at a bunch of the stuff we’ve done this year for By Your Side: The First 100 Year of Yuri Anime and Manga in On The Road With Erica Friedman.

Laneha House recognized a number of key comics folks in this year’s awards. Among them, I want to congratulate some folks, I consider friends. In their Community Pillar awards, Laneha honored Jennifer Camper, co-founder of Queers & Comics and an amazing comic artist, and Annie Koyama, whose Koyama Provides grants encourage Canadian comics creators, and the Community Inclusion award Mari Naomi, founder of the the Cartoonists of Color Database, the Queer Cartoonists Database, and the Disabled Cartoonists Database – and also a talented comic artists and writer. These are amazing people, doing amazing work. They deserve these honors.

Last thing – I am asking you all to please follow me anywhere else than Twitter now. I’m moving my Twitter activities over to Mastodon, because both Twitter and it’s owner are becoming increasingly unstable. The Yuricon Links page has a list of where else you may follow me for news and conversation.


If you’d like to support Yuri journalism and research, Patreon and Ko-Fi are the ways we currently have  \active to accept subscriptions and tips. Your support goes straight to paying for Guest Reviews, folks helping with videos, site maintenance, managing the Yuricon Store and directly supporting other Yuri creators. Just $5/month makes a huge impact! Become part of the Okazu family!

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Become a YNN Correspondent: Contact Us with any Yuri-related news you want to share and be part of the Yuri Network. ^_^