Cheerful Amnesia, Volume 2

June 3rd, 2024

A woman with short dark hair in onsen yukata stands open-mouthed and blushing at us, as a cheerfully gaping woman also in yukata with long brown hair stands behind her.In a review of Spy Classroom: A Glint In Monika’s Eye, Sean Gaffney said, “Generally speaking a large chunk of fiction, especially fiction written for drama and starring teenagers, revolves around one major problem: the entire plot would not happen if only the characters would communicate with each other.”

To which I replied to the universe at large as I began reading Cheerful Amnesia, Volume 2, “Not just teenagers.”

In Volume 1, we met Arisa, a woman newly aware after amnesia and her long-time love Mari, who is struggling with this new, oddly clueless girlfriend. In Volume 2 of Cheerful Amnesia, by Tamamushi Oku (also creator of I Don’t Know Which Is Love), the struggle continues, getting ever stupider and needing more and more imagining ridiculous complications by all parties to make it make any sense.

Dear readers, it never makes any sense.

It’s so senseless in fact that I considered just stopping midway this volume, as two adult women who share a home and a bed and mealtimes and all non-working hours of the day who just *cannot* find time to discuss their relationship after one of them had amnesia, was impossible to accept. It did prompt me to promise my wife of 41 years that if ever either of us had amnesia to just start from the beginning and not be like Mari.

Arisa I can kind of, almost forgive. In some ways she is a child again, relearning some things about life. There is no excuse for Mari, though. Imagining insane complicated nonsense instead of just asking “what are you doing?” is not funny. It’s deranged.

What is meant to be comedic but I found intolerable, was that they both want each other. They already live together and are lovers. There was literally nothing standing in their way, except a tortured plot device that screamed for help from every panel.

Thankfully, before this volume ended they have a fucking conversation. But they still don’t have sex. How hilarious. Will a conversation be enough to save the story? I guess we’ll find out as a copy of Volume 3 has landed on my doorstep and awaits reading. ^_^;


Art – 7 Noticably better than the first volume
Story – Maybe it will be better next volume
Characters – They are adults who need to grow up already
Service – Nudity should not be gasp-making, but amnesia, so it is
Yuri – 9

Overall – 7

If pointlessly unresolved sexual tension as comedy is your thing, then this series ought to tickle you pink. Jen McKeon’s translation does good work with Arisa’s endless cheerful cluelessness and Mari’s unshakable ability to guess wrong about mostly everything. Chiho Christie’s letter manages to retouch as often as possible, and uses a lot of bold, as Arisa….heavy sigh…shouts…almost every other page.

Fingers crossed that next volume moves forward a bit.

Yuri Network News – (百合ネットワークニュース) – June 1, 2024

June 1st, 2024

In black block letters, YNN Yuri Network News. On the left, in black silhouette, a woman with a broad brim hat and dress stands, a woman in a tight outfit sits against the Y. Art by Mari Kurisato for OkazuI am returned from a much-needed vacation in which I managed to do everything I wanted to – including meeting some Okazu staff and friends in London! We had a blast, thanks Ashley and Luce, Adam and Roo for coming in to chat. It was a delight to see you all. ^_^

Just like that it is June, so Happy Pride month!  Once again, I exhort you all to celebrate aggressively, persistently and publicly – fly every flag you have and insist on being proud of yourself. Those people who seek to silence one group will always come after all of us eventually, so protect others, be kind and be loud!

We have a couple of pride month wishes from beloved creators here. She Loves To Cook And She Loves To Eat creator Sakaomi Yuzaki has shared Nomoto and Kasuga celebrating Pride extremely gayly. ^_^

I’m In Love With The Villainess creator inori. has also shared Rae and Relaire wishing us a happy Pride!

Hanakage Alt has posted a wish for marriage equality in Japan today for a favorite Vtuber.


By Your Side Birthday Sale

This month is also the 2nd birthday of By Your Side: The First 100 Years Of Yuri Anime And Manga! I am running a limited-time special sale on direct purchases from me, with signed bookplate, and a print of either the front or back cover art by Rica Takashima. Fress shipping in the lower 48 US states, but contact me and we’ll work something out for your location.


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Yuri Manga

Viz is continuing to carve and important Josei niche with the license of Pink Candy Kiss, by Ami Uozumi, to be released Spring 2025. Thanks to Sr. YNN Correspondent Sean G for that catch!

Via YNN Correspondent Matt Marcus, Shoujo Crave on Twitter posted that the creator of Sono Uruwashiki Hito ha (そのうるわしきひとは、) Mame Zakana, has confirmed that this is a Yuri title – the first to run in Hana to Yume magazine in decades.

I cannot conjecture why, but Fantia, Toranoana’s crowdfunding site is no longer accepting Mastercard and Visa, so if you are outside of Japan, you will be getting frantic emails to change your payment scheme to Amex or Diners Club (eyeroll). I have switched to Galette magazine’s Pixiv Fanbox, which I am not entirely thrilled about, but that puts all the folks I follow and support on one system, so yay, I guess. Do yourself a favor and make sure you’ve got your copies of No. 30 and the 4th illustration book first.

Via YNN Senior Correspondent Ashley, Baka Onna 26 o’clock, Volume 1 (バカ女26時 1) is like GUNJO, ” without guilt (or forethought).” Two women kills their husbands and take to the road! Hopefully we’ll be getting a review soon.

ANN’s Anita Tai reports that Kodansha has bought Wani Books. I wonder if we’ll see a new edition of Ikkitousen,  but I bet we won’t see an English language edition of  anytime soon. ^_^


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Yuri Events

Girls Love Fest 41 is happening on June 30, back at the Pio building. Via Sr. YNN Correspondent Sean there will be a Spy Girls-only section.

I will be a guest once again at AnimeNYC in August, in NYC! I’m running a panel on the “Rise of Queer Manga” with some fantastic panelists, so definitely drop in and see me in the artist alley. I’ll be next to my pal Zack Davisson.

I’m also a guest at two online BL cons this summer. At Brazil’s BlymeCon, I’ll be presenting my popular “Secret” History of Yao and Yuri panel, which will be pre-recorded so they can subtitle the presentation and me answering some questions in Portugese. I’ll be there to take questions, if we have time.

I’ll also be returning to CitrusCon (which I will probably be doing from AnimeNYC….!) where I will doing a new presentation on Queer Manga as well.


If you’d like to support Yuri journalism and research, Patreon and Ko-Fi are where we currently accept subscriptions and tips.  Our goal now, into 2024, is to raise our guest writers’ wages to above industry standard, which are too low!

Your support goes straight to paying for Guest Reviews, folks helping with videos, site maintenance, managing the Yuricon Store and directly supporting other Yuri creators. Just $5/month makes a huge impact! Become part of the Okazu family!

Become a part of the Yuri Network, by being a YNN Correspondent: Contact Us with any Yuri-related news you want to share with us.

This Monster Wants to Eat Me, Volume 1

May 31st, 2024

Two girls in sailor-style school uniforms stand on a bridge in front of the Seto Inland Sea. A girl with reddish brown medium-length hair wears long sleeves under her summer uniform, hands clasped on her school bag. The other girl stands on the outside of the bridge railing, leaning on one arm, face in one hand. This Monster Wants To Eat Me, Volume 1 is a tale that is creepy and dark and yet somehow full of kindness, set in a seaside town on Seto Inland Sea in Japan.

It is one of the best manga series I am currently reading.

Hinako has some event in her past that has kept her from participating fully in life. Her best friend Miko is relentlessly cheerful and kind, but when Hinako encounters a girl who is decidedly not human, her quiet, featureless life begins to change.

Shiori is not, as she notes, a human, but as a human she is bewitchingly beautiful. She is also quite deadly, when she protects Hinako from threats around her. Most notably, Shiori is interested in eating Hinako…just not yet. What Shiori does not realize is that Hinako would welcome death as a respite from a life burdened with extraordinary loss.

The tone here is the kind of crawling psychological horror I quite like. There is violence here and we are meant to be frightened by it, and I’ll CW this series for suicidal ideation, but both are presented more as a overwhelming sense, than as an action. This book offers chills up the spine, rather than jump scares and gross violence. With it’s seaside setting it’s almost Lovecraftian in tone, without, y’know, the racism and xenophobia.

Caleb Cook offers up an amazing bit of translation work here, he second this week after yesterday’s rave review. You can almost hear the the soft sigh of the ocean in Shiori’s voice and the yap of Miko’s effervescent jollity. Bianca Pistillo’s lettering is in Yen house style – so, subtitling the sound effects rather than retouching – but there are places where her touch is quite subtle, such as the moment when the word “uncomfortable” is lettered in a way that feels off-balance and, yes, uncomfortable.

I reviewed this volume in Japanese in 2021 – every volume since has been amazing. I’m completely hooked. I have been begging Yen to license this series, so you can imagine how happy I am that they have and that you can read it, as well!


Art – 8 Intriguing and dark
Story – 8 Intriguing and dark in different ways
Characters – 7  There are depths we have yet to see (didn’t want to say “intriguing and dark” again, but…)
Service – Blood. Violence. Monsters From the Deep. Secrets.
Yuri – Miko is possessive, Shiori is infuriating, Hinako is infatuated

Overall – 8

This Monster Wants to Eat Me is a creepy-shivers up your spine story about a girl who didn’t die and all the supernatural creatures who either want her dead…or want her alive. This book is hitting shelves in June, so grab it now for a perfect beach read – presuming you like your beaches populated with deadly threats and supernatural creatures.

She Loves to Cook, and She Loves to Eat, Volume 4

May 30th, 2024

A large-bodied woman in sweatshirt and sweatpants, with long black hair in a ponytail holding a bunch of yellow flowers walks with a slighter woman in white blouse and green skirt with medium-length reddish brown hair holding a box from a doughnut chain. They hold hands and smile gently at one another.In She Loves to Cook, and She Loves to Eat, Volume 4 important things happen, there are beginnings and endings, but the most important thing is that delicious food is eaten, together. But first! Valentine’s Day.

Nomoto makes herself crazy making sweets for the woman she’d like to be her sweetheart, and Kasuga-san overthinks what to get Nomoto, as well. Ultimately, as they share chocolate, Kasuga-san also shares news that is going to cause a huge shift in both their lives.

While Nomoto and Kasuga-san negotiate new boundaries and discuss a major life change, Sena also works on some of her issues and begins to find a way forward for herself. We learn what Yakko’s experience with love and identity was like. And, while these powerful emotional stories are happening, we also thrill to the everyday joy of s’mores (although Ritz crackers are a questionable choice. Around these parts it has to be graham crackers.) While explaining important issues of life and love to readers, this series continues to be incredibly warm-hearted and enjoyable. I won’t lie, when my wife and I watched the live action series, we went out to get shokupan, for this volume’s red bean paste toast with butter. No regrets. ^_^

Caleb Cook’s translation is fantastic, and the entire Yen team really makes this series a pleasure to read. Whatever technical issues was plaguing this series earlier seem to be resolved. Phil Christie is being given time to retouch more often, which I love. It makes the reading experience smoother.

Every moment with this series is delightful time spent with characters I have come to care about. I actually thought to myself today, “my darling daughters” and the had to otaku-correct myself, because All My Darling Daughters, by Fumi Yoshinaga is not a warm fuzzy manga at all. ^_^


Art – 9
Story – 10
Characters – 9
Service – 0 Unless, like Nomoto, you consider watching Kasuga eat “service.”
LGBTQ+ – 10

Overall – 10

“I think it’s cute the way you blush all the way to your forehead.” These characters are just so damn cute and wholesome.

Yuzaki-sensei was ill when she drew the first half of Volume 5, then the story took a hiatus so she could recover. But let me assure you, it is an excellent volume narratively speaking and you will absolutely want to read it when it comes out from Yen Press!

Queer identity, social and personal issues and eating delicious food with friends. A perfect volume of manga.

Vampeerz – “My Peer Vampires,” Volume 3

May 27th, 2024

On a plain yellow background surrounded by a bright red frame, are two girls in white school sailor-style blouses and black school uniform skirts. One girl with long, dark hair, kisses the blonde girl on the upper cheek from Christian LeBlanc, Staff Writer

I found the last book somewhat vile,
But this volume did make me smile.
Basketball, talking crow, 
The return of Jiro, 
And artwork made this all worthwhile. 

If you’re a human (as opposed to a vampire) and you live to be a certain age, you may find your doctor warning you about your blood pressure, and you may then find yourself looking at ways to lower said blood pressure. Proper sleep. A little exercise. Consuming less salt. 

Less salt, as it turns out, is a sub-optimal way of dining if you prefer eating food that is delicious. You can disguise the tastelessness, however, by adding other things to your meal: garlic, ginger, pepper, vinegar, lemon juice, etc. You may even find some recipes improved when you use these other seasonings. 

So, too, has Vampeerz, Volume 3 (by Akili, published by Denpa) improved, by making better use of its extended cast. We still have the tastelessness I complained about in my review of Volume 2 (14-year-old human girl Ichika is horny for vampire girl Aria, who claims that she has no interest in romance because she looks and thinks like a child). The hustle and bustle of activity in Volume 3 shifts the focus away from this, however, in favor of vampire power intrigues (Aria turns out to be an important vampire figure, and there are allusions to other vampire factions wanting to do something about that) and, of course, school hijinx. 

So, yes, we still get the odd panty shot or bath scene of self-described-as-child-like-Aria, but this is lessened by how she takes the initiative in her relationship with Ichika. And yes, while we may see someone popping a squat in the bathroom, we then also get hilarious moments like Khara in attack mode running full-tilt while wearing one of those whacky rubber horse masks.

Speaking of Khara (introduced last volume, along with her talking, size-changing crow, Jayanti) – Ichika initially (and hilariously) despises her as a rival for Aria’s affections, but soon friendlies up when they both realize that having someone to discuss Aria with is a lot more fun than staying hostile. Khara also joins the vampire intrigue with Jiro (Aria’s servant) and Sakuya (also Aria’s servant, whose cover is acting as school nurse, a position whose authority she abuses from go). It’s nice to see a larger cast interacting and bouncing off each other, and helps to make the book feel more ‘lived in.’  

In addition to some vampire faction business, Ichika’s and Aria’s relationship is moved along when Aria accidentally gets a girlfriend while she’s washing her hands in the bathroom, causing some hurt and jealousy with Ichika. It might be a thin excuse for drama (or even satirizing how these misunderstandings occur in romance manga), but it’s good to see some progression between the two.

Regarding the art, this volume has one of my favourite layouts in any comic, a two-page spread that initially got me interested in this series when I saw it shared on Twitter some time ago: Aria sinks a 3-point shot while the arc of the basketball forms the gutters separating some panels, with a close-up of her lining up her shot in the foreground with thicker linework. It’s a gorgeous setup that can only be done in comics, and adds a great deal of visual depth and immersion. 

Molly Rabbitt’s translation is mostly stellar, but could have used a second pass in a couple of places, as when a teacher refers to Paul McCartney’s song “Blackbird” as a poem that helped inspire the American civil rights movement, rather than having lyrics that were inspired by it. Clarity aside, the translation generally feels very fresh and authentic, particularly whenever the mood turns goofy.


Art – 9 I really enjoy Akili’s art style, and the kill-faces Ichika makes at Khara as she’s seized by jealousy made me laugh. 
Story – 6 I feel like we’re still just setting up the pieces, but I’m enjoying seeing things get set up at least. There’s really not much plot to speak of, yet.
Characters – 7 I don’t feel super attached to anyone, but they’re fine to pass the time with.
Service – 7 I might not mind the service if the characters were all coded as older than fourteen, so as it is, it just feels off-putting. 
Yuri – 8 Rivals for love! Bloody kisses! 

Overall – 7 A much more enjoyable entry than last volume’s creepiness. 

I’m hesitantly looking forward to Volume 4, which should already be out by the time you read this. I doubt that what I find unpleasant in this series is going away any time soon, but the artwork, humor and growing cast are the seasonings I need to keep me going.

But take that with a grain of salt, of course.